Attempted Poetry by Andre Michael Pietroschek - HTML preview

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Contest-Poems – Useless, time-wasting, friend-disappointing

Contest-Poems – Useless, time-wasting, friend-disappointing

© Andrè M. Pietroschek, my rights reserved

Why, why won't drug-highs last forevermore?
Tonight, again psychiatry has an open door…
No, don’t ever stop doing that detox you do.
Indeed, I am once more a crazed bitch to you
Forever, ’till consequence demands its toll
For now, I hide my wrecked state with a LOL
We can't shut up-up-up-up-up-up-up
A synapse carnival big bad mess
Once more abuse of Crystal Meth
We can't shut up-up-up-up-up-up-up
We all are here, a new generation sacrificed for politics
We are free, to celebrate our suicide with the sexy chics
Lifelong together, we form the unwashed mob of scum
We’re high, but know junkies've no true kingdom come
Lifelong, I blame you for the strength to live in solitude
For I ain't abusive, I am just another far-gone prostitute
We can't shut up-up-up-up-up-up-up
A dark twin, wickedly twisted from glamorous euphoria
A stalker from Bedlam, not the holy 'deus ex machina'
We messed it up-up-up-so-up-up-up
Lifelong, we prowl the night as drug-crazed fiends
Deluded, desperately pretending we're still friends
Dysphoria, oh, dysphoria
We fucked it up-up-up-so-up-up-up

Form inspired by: Euphoria song lyrics as performed by Loreen. Each stanza gets "Dysphoria" as headline, below that it has the following number of contextual lines 4-3-3-4-3-3-2 plus a final two line resume. Calling Dysphoria like a dark goddess was my personal whim.
Context inspired by: Mourning the lost friends, schoolmates, girlfriends and neighbors, onwards from my childhood in the 70's of last century (heroine & trips), from disco-fever to the cocaine craze of the early 90's and that Crystal Meth wrecking up so much faster...
"But what does 'dysphoria' mean?
Because I found it important that readers worldwide can access the same definitions which I used to create the poem. May not be high-art, but entire generations know people lost due drugs, some even how tough it was to recover from the own 'rebellious youth' stereotype.

Abyss and other wasted chances (Contest Poem for a friend)
© Andrè M. Pietroschek, all rights reserved, revision 1.02

Shamanic War Council was my choice of terms for a while,
stopping humanity which knew only to take, rape & defile
In Defense of Mankind I warn you once again pretty clear
If you'll misjudge just some it'll end worse than that here
Few arose themselves above madness, and few care at all
Maybe such is needed for all Mankind, a proper & final fall
Not a species beside us who would not know we are fiends
Greedy we defiled, back-stabbed, or betrayed our friends
Let the animals know that it was our great guilt and shame
We were monsters, not like nature's killers one could tame
In defense of mankind kill the good ones gently & real quick
And torture the vile ones, so wickedly sick ends among sick!

Sharky - "Some like it raw!"
© Andrè M. Pietroschek, all rights reserved

I feared your dark rise from Leviathan's Deep -
Your wild moves disturbed my humble sleep.
In such dread I stared at your predatory form -
As for me you simply crushed the ruling norm.
My mind was drawn into the deep you prowl -
Bestial Devourer, Significant of the own Soul.
Once, long ago, hunting you became my test -
Great savage onslaught which I had to wrest!
Now that I look upon your fallen, lifeless form -
bloody on asphalt, still a sacred, silent storm!
Your cruel Death my failure, as by now I know -
Without you this life has just Hell left to go to.
Routine drains us all and by now it is so clear -
I killed a true friend, blinded by my pain & fear.
Hence I must be strong & now I must strike true -
For: Now I must be me and the very best of you!

My life without you - A funeral in ruins
© Andrè M. Pietroschek, all rights reserved

Free-Form, for now sabotaged by memories of mourning

Everything has changed a bleak way!
There are moments every single day,
within which I think of you, oh dear.

Those sad recurrent moments of truth,
whenever I now miss your good advice.
More tears now running down my eyes.
So many sad moments and situations,
I would prefer still shared with you.

But no sorrow and no prayer spoken
that could miraculously undo Death.

Where I once felt our friendship
there is now only anguished mess.

For lifelong you've been by my side!
For lifelong we had faced every fight!
For lifelong we'd surpassed any trial!

Now there's just pain left, and denial!
Farewell my friend whom Death reaped first.

Game of Thrones - Crude poem of a Greyjoy vassal
Intro: '' Winter is here, said the gluttonous white walker during the last eclipse -
hence your iron-throne kingdoms shall get their own zombie-apocalypse!''
© Andrè M. Pietroschek, all rights reserved

The iron islands breed a tough folk and many pirate crews
Still to survive we have to be reckless when trouble brews
Rapacious our blood-lust, for which many of us are feared
Our way a pirate-pilgrimage, for the Drowned God steered
House Reaver shunned no Duty, no shame, and no regrets
I have sired my own children and got into noble ladies' beds
The golden kingdoms scorn us, with blades and wicked lies
For we do not fall prey to glamour, as we pay the iron price
Dreaming that a Kraken guides me and Sharks salute me, too
My Faith in our Drowned God it was damn always proven true
Power, Looting, and Feasting, oh joy, i loved that all the way
Maybe I cannot return, still i really enjoyed my precious stay
I had loyal Captain's, and gathered many fine sworn swords
If you dare it, like I did, you live and die like highborn lords
From mate to real reaver, lord of my own banner and house
The iron way is often bloody, so I never asked any applause
My daughter came of age, & she straight shanked her old lord
Her cutlass in my guts, as she smiled & kicked me over-board
Spontaneous Remake © Andrè M. Pietroschek, inspired by
& my favorite Greyjoy Wallpaper at Deviant Art by Tapion32