Blue and Purple by Francis Neilson - HTML preview

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I LOVE you so!

What sacrifice is meet

That I should make, my sweet,

That I might show

My love in some rich way,

To brighten all your day?

To keep from strife

Our years of love, dear wife?


I love you so!

My life is naught to me—

Of use to none but thee—

Oh, that you know!

Yet would its end once bring

You joy, how could I cling

To it, and bear

The thought it brought you care?


I love you so!

There is no death I fear

To save you pain, my dear.

For death I owe

To love, for your sweet grace!

Loved vision of your face

Rest in my eyes,

When death takes my last sighs.


I love you so!

My own, my precious mate,

I fear not any fate—

No pain, no woe—

So long as I may die

Beneath the smiling sky.

Your eyes for me

Make heaven’s canopy!