Blue and Purple by Francis Neilson - HTML preview

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SHE came to me, a messenger of spring,

Borne on the wings of ecstasy, and joy

Flowed o’er me like a sunburst’s splendid ray.

My silent soul was moved again to sing,

My saddened mind was purged of its alloy—

She led me up from cheerless night to day.


She came, a vision of delights I dreamed

When all the world of wonder moved my heart;

She brought fair prospects to my fading sight,

And proved that life was dearer than it seemed;

She led me back to rosy realms of art—

She, sweet embodiment of art’s delight!


She came, and changed the purpose of the years;

With grace she gave long days of peace to me.

Her gift—the jewel of her love she gave,

A glory and a passion without peers;

As full of splendour as the orient sea,

Where pearls of heaven rest beneath the wave.


She came, and shed her gentle loveliness

Upon me, trembling ’neath her spell sublime,

And chose me for her loving mate; to know

Her worth, and find in her love’s happiness;

She came, and made a wondrous dream divine,

Her beauty and her rapture all aglow.


Blest vision of the dream youth sought in vain;

Sweet chalice, where commingled rest all aims;

Enchanting mystery of love’s last quest,

What can I offer thee that thou would’st deign

Commensurate (all that the world acclaims

Most precious things) with those rich gifts—the best—


The rarest love, thou didst bestow on me?

There’s naught in all the stores of earth to find

To give in just return—no star above!

Save what thou’st made—my own deep love for thee—

A heart and soul renewed, a richer mind—

My life’s devotion and a deathless love!