Dead Man Walking [ER] by Kyle O'Reilly - HTML preview

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Chapter 1

Famous Love


Click...Click...Click, fingers typing frantically over the dusty keyboard as Michelle was spending another long day at work.  Leaning back in her chair she ran her hands through her brown hair.  “UGH,” she let out a loud groan as the weariness of the day was now starting to fall upon her.  It seemed that she had been carrying this load on her shoulders for years.  Every time she dropped another, two more sprung back up.  It was only a matter of time, before she began to break.  Staring at the computer screen the open email almost laughing back at her.  The drive that she once had to finish it was now evaporating.  “I...I...” she struggled with her words.  She raised her hands saying, “I can't...I can't deal with you right now!”  She gave a frustrated smiled while gazing at her office.   The security company that she had been a part of these last 15 years was starting to become more like a prison than a job. 

Straightening her glasses, she stared at the empty chairs in front of the monitoring computers.  She knew that an operator had to be watching one of those monitors at all time.  Was she supposed to be operating tonight?  “No,” she whispered searching through stacks of papers for the schedule.  “God damn it,” she whispered searching through the endless piles of forms and work orders.  Turning back to her computer, she checked the operating program used for monitoring.  It was red meaning that she was offline.  “Oh shit,” she whispered snatching the mouse.  She ran it over the green button labeled, START

SCREECH...Nearly falling out of her office chair in surprise.  She stared at the door leading to the central office.  There came a rustling from the other side of the door.  Michelle sighed in relief there was the operator, “get your ass in here!  What the hell are you doing?”  Placing her forehead in her hands she gazed down at the desk.  She needed to go home.  “Babe,” came an unfamiliar voice.  She raised her head and felt her mouth drop.  Standing in the door frame was a male Adonis.   Brown hair and athletic body dripping water over the fake wooden floor.  His body rippling as his brown eyes widened in frustration.  “Do you have any other towels?  How am I supposed to dry myself with this?”  Holding a tiny wash cloth over his man area Michelle smiled.  “No sorry John that's all we have,” his chiseled face stretched with a pearl white smile.  “I'm sure!  This happens every time I come here.”  She shrugged, “I'm sorry, you always shower at the weirdest times.” 

Nodding suspiciously at her, “alright then give me your coat.”  Making his way around the desk, “ on you're getting water everywhere!”  Reaching for her jacket hanging on the back of her seat, she bolted upright holding him back.  She laughed, “I need that John...stop!”  They both were laughing, “I'm going to catch cold!  You want me to catch cold?”  “You're a hockey player...your whole life is cold.”  Putting his arms around her, “not with you.  Since you came into my life.  I feel nothing but hot, hot, hot!”  “OH MY GOD,” Michelle laughed as she put her hands around his neck.  The heat between them growing as he stared into her eyes.  “You are so cheesy,” she giggled.  “Yeah,” he leans in closer, “but you like it.”  His hands moved up her body and ran down her cheeks.  His hands were soft like velvet and knew how to skate down her face.  He leans in closer as she puckered for his lips waiting to taste him.  Her eyes narrowed slightly when he opened his mouth slightly.  His breath smelled like he hadn't brushed in months.  This was something that she had not expected from such a gorgeous man.  However all she wanted to do was kiss him no matter what. 

“John,” she whispered when his hands gripped her face tightly.  “John what the...” He leaned in and began to lick her.  His tongue dragging up her nose and over her lips.  Her words spluttered as he continued, “!”  His slobber covered her face as she tried to push him away.  His body felt hairy despite its smooth complexion.  “John...I...can't...brea...” Over and over repeatedly licking as his tongue danced over her face. 

Shooting up in her bed, Michelle stared down at her brown Pomeranian dog.  “Damn it Luigi,” Luigi's black eyes stared at her curiously as the sun rose over the horizon.  His little tail wagging as his ears pricked up higher.  “What's going on,” cried a voice from next to her.  It was her husband Hichem,  “Luigi woke me up.”  “He probably needs to go out Michelle.”  “He doesn't need to go out Hichem it's too early!”  Laying back down in bed, she gazed up at the ceiling.  Luigi curled up next to her, “god damn it!”  “What're you so mad about?  Did he ruin your dream about you and me?”  Darting her eyes repeatedly she gave a false, “ye...yea...yeah and me.”

(Two Hours Later)

“So, you had another dream about him?”  “Yeah Jaime it's really getting out of hand.”  “I'll say,” Jaime giggled slightly before returning to the window.  Jaime was Michelle's best friend since she could remember.  Usually brown hair, but had recently dyed it dark red.  Both were full figured women, Michelle did the modeling and Jaime took the pictures.  They were a perfect duo and had been gaining quite a following.  Michelle always had an “easy on the eye” look and her mother always made sure she knew it.  It started out with a simple, “look at that face,” with the added pinch on the cheeks.  Michelle hated it.  She always did it too hard causing her cheeks to turn bright red.  Her mother used to tell her that it was the secret to her “rosy glow”.  It didn't take long for other people to realize her looks.  Despite the fact that she never fit into the cheerleader type of girls, the boys never stopped calling.  Beautifying herself was always on her to do list.  After all she lived by the saying, “if you look good you'll feel good and if you feel good you'll do good.”  Her outlook even landed her a career as a Torrid model working on they're Edge program.  This program was geared towards the full figured market, but after a year the program was dropped.  Michelle always joked with Jaime saying, “we weren't pretty enough...but I'm not bitter Jaime!”  Jaime would always laugh, “no of course not!” 

Jaime was always a little bitter in having to take a job with Michelle.  They both worked at a security company due to their fall onto hard times.  Devoting their life to one company and then being cast aside was a tough pill to swallow.  However, things had gradually gotten better for Michelle.  Getting her Certification in Make Up Michelle gained a huge following on Facebook blogging about make up and fashion.  Jaime was always her principal photographer when it came to the fashion side.  Michelle knew that Jaime would always be thankful for the work.

The sun was rising higher in the sky as they traveled deep into the heart of Chicago.  “So, did you remember the letter?”  Michelle nodded as she felt her body starting to tense up.  The city was such a busy place and patience in driving was rare like finding a bathroom when you really needed it.  Jaime reached into Michelle's purse and pulled out the letter.


 Dear Michelle Larabi,

It is my pleasure to send you this letter to formally invite you to the debut modeling shoot for a new magazine entitled M & M short for Make up & Modeling.  We would like to offer you and your blog a personal spot in this exciting new magazine.  It seems that a former employee of Torrid remembered you and has kept track of your career.  He feels that you are the perfect representative for the overall theme of our magazine.  We would like to do an exclusive interview, shoot, and display of all of your talents in this field.  Your versatility with not only modeling, make up, and social networking are the perfect reason we think you deserve this spread.  Please contact us to set up the shoot and financial restitution.  I hope to hear from you soon.


Martha Y. Randall

Senior Magazine Editor & Chief Talent Scout

M & M Magazine


“So who was the guy?”  “The guy,” Michelle repeated gazing frantically down the side streets. “Yeah, it says a guy kept track of you and...”  “Oh yeah, Raul he is actually a member of my blog.”  Jaime frowned slightly, “that's...kinda...creepy.”  Michelle laughed, “No Raul's a good friend...nothing creepy.”  Jaime shrugged and returned the letter,  “Are you sure that it's alright I'm...” Michelle snorted cutting her off instantly, “Yeah I already talked to Martha she said that it was alright if you took some behind the scenes shots.  They are just getting started up.  So all their money is tied up in this shoot.”  “So how much am I going to get...”  Michelle groaned, “Jaime you're gunna get paid.  I have to find somewhere to park ok?  We can talk about all that later.” 

Screeching down an alley and then hitting traffic down another.  Michelle was lucky enough to find a parking structure.  Unfortunately, it meant that she would have to walk two blocks to the building.  Carrying several cases of make up down a busy morning street was not an easy task.  People pushing and shoving as everyone had places to go.  “Watch it,” yelled a man as Michelle turned to gaze at the street sign.  Horns honking, cars rumbling, somewhere Jay-Z was rapping in the distance.  Gazing down at her watch, she had only fifteen minutes to report in.  “Damn,” she whispered as she gazed back up and down the streets.  “I think it's this way Jaime.”  Shrugging Jaime followed in toe helping Michelle carry whatever she could.  Eyes stared at them as they both gazed like a tourist over the tall buildings.  Crowds did not sit well with Michelle.  She missed the suburbs and the quiet of her house.  Curling up with Luigi on the couch, who liked to gaze up at her as if waiting for a toy that would never come. 

“This is it,” she cried feeling a smile spread across her face.  They entered the tall black building and luckily found their way inside.  The receptionist, a friendly woman who took on the shape of a pear showed them up to the top floor.  “Score,” yelled Michelle's brain as the elevator climbed higher and higher.  She had made it and was on time.  Despite every obstacle that was put in her way she had made it.  The double doors of the elevator chimed and opened to reveal a giant loft.  Windows surrounding every inch of the wall as people were scurrying about like ants in a hive.  “Move,” screamed a woman as she was carrying three sacks of oranges.  Now came the challenging part, what did Martha look like?  Jaime seemed to pick up on this as the double doors of the elevator closed behind them.  Michelle gulped starting to feel nervous and a bit out of place, “now where is Martha...or Raul?”  She was gazing through the crowds of people.  Make up stands and large back drops, expensive cameras on tripods with men pushing dresses on wheeled stands.  A broad shouldered man with a chiseled face and a five o'clock shadow walked by in tight jeans and no shirt.  He smiled and gave a soft southern, “miss.”  Lost in his blue eyes she smiled back and watched him disappear. 

“Michelle,” came a cry as she turned to stare at Raul.  It took a minute to remember why she was here or why he was here.  Raul was still skinny like a twig fitting the definition of the word small.  His blue jeans were tight, his pink shirt even tighter, and his whole body had the general look of being shrunk.  Small green eyes, a nose to small for his face, and a tiny smile like you would see on a toy poodle.  He came up to her, “girl you look incredible!”  “Thanks Raul,” she said as they exchanged a quick hug.  “I can't thank you enough for this wonderful opport...”  Raul waved her statement away like a fruit fly.  “Please Michelle, you're so talented that Torrid was a fool to get rid of you.  I told them that the day they let you go.  And who is this enchantress...”  He said staring at Jaime, “this is Jaime.  You remember her, right?  She did all the small stuff for Torrid.”  Raul smiled, “I'm sorry my dear, but it is good to meet you.”  Jaime shook his hand, “I did mostly product shots.”  Raul nodded, “ah yes,  I called them the bread shots.  Please right this way, I will take you to Martha.” 

“So, it looks like your busy Raul, huh?”  “Oh very much Michelle my dear.  The Hanson's started this magazine, and they want to get right into the market.  They want to go head to head with everybody.”  Michelle gazed around more as she took in more of the surroundings.  Raul had the habit of gossiping and loved to dish it out.  His words seemed to travel through one ear and out the other.  The truth was she didn't really care about the history of the company or how they got started.  She wasn't going to be working for them full time.  She was just getting a section or a spotlight.  However, Raul was a good friend to her.  So, she contributed when she could.  “And M & M snatched Martha and I up just as quickly.  Torrid and the Hanson’s had a bidding war for the both of us.”  “So, do you think that they will be a big competition to Torrid?”  “OH yes Michelle, the Hanson’s are exceedingly wealthy and are a pulling all the punches.  We have the best in the field here today, and I'll introduce you around.” 

“Here is Martha,” he said making his way towards a woman who was gazing over a lit up table.  She was pointing at a green dress, “No Marco it's got to flurry...flurry don't you know what flurry means?”  The man nodded and took off running.  “Raul, I swear this day is going to hell and we haven't even gotten started!”  Raul smiled and pointed to Michelle and Jaime.  Hair like a tumbleweed and a face like a beaver.  She smiled at them both as if she had found a delicious Redwood.  Straightening her striped blouse, she made her way over and shook their hands.  “You must be Michelle...and Jaime?”  Michelle nodded, “thank you Martha for this opportunity!”  “I saw your blog the other day, especially the one on your review of the Chicago Make Up Show.  I have to say that you have a refreshing new outlook and perspective that you can't find in these college kids.”  Michelle smiled, “thank you that’s a tremendous honor.”  Martha nodded, “I'll tell you I had to subscribe immediately and officially made it a requirement for our interns to be members as well.  You're like a breath of fresh air, and that’s why we offered you the spot.  Please come with me!”  Martha made her way into the corner towards two make up stands.

“What we want from you is to dress up two models for a shoot called Fall Harvest.  It's all about the eyes this year.  So keep it simple for us yet make them pop.  We want to show the working women out there that in their hectic lives just a five minute eye routine can make all the difference.  Do you understand?”  Michelle nodded “and it's still alright that my friend takes pictures?”  Martha nodded, “yes that’s fine.  I would like to get a couple behind the scenes pictures for our website and Facebook page.”  Martha gave a final smile and left them to it.  Michelle put her cases up on the desk and smiled at Jaime.  “I have a feeling that today is going to be a busy day,.”  Jaime gave a reassuring smile, “well just remember I am here to help if you need it.”  She gave a deep breath and smiled whispering to herself, “and so it begins.” 

Michelle hadn't been this busy in a long time.  The two models that she dressed were gorgeous looking and after fixing their eyes she felt that she had completed her task.  Martha and Raul seemed to  applaud her effort.  Martha exclaimed with a, “it's so simple yet...”  Raul waved his hand, “I told you Martha it's simple but works well with the theme.  And if Michelle says it can be done in five minutes then I know it can be.”  Pleased and accomplished that everything had gone well.  Michelle modeled several outfits with a demanding photographer named Jacque.  He liked to yell a lot and was very uncomfortable to work with.  It wasn't like modeling with Jaime.  “No you silly girl your hand at ninety degrees...NINETY!  Does that look like ninety degrees?”  After a grueling hour shoot, Michelle was finally done. 

Groaning she made her way to the food table and gazed around.  “What an asshole,” her brain seemed to whisper.  This was a chance of a lifetime, and she couldn't ruin it by getting into a petty argument.  Glancing over her shoulder, she could even see Jacque was mad whispering under his breath to Raul.  “Amateurs...I am an artist Raul!  AN ARTIST and you bring me...amateurs.  Is this a high school paper or a fashion boutique?”  Shaking her head, she reached for a sandwich when her hand bumped into another hand. 

“I'm sor...” she began but her words seemed to die in her throat.  A radiant smile stared back at her.  “It's ok,” he said softly.  Michelle's heart seemed to drop into her stomach as her legs grew wobbly.  Her mouth gaped open stupidly as he motioned towards the sandwich, “you take it.”  “”  He smiled and ran his hand through his short brown hair.  “Yeah, but you can call me're Michelle right?”  “H...H...H...” “How do I know,” she nodded her eyes wide with shock surprised that he even knew her name.  “Yeah my girlfriend Tiffany is a model for M & M and Glamour magazines.  She actually is a member of your blog.”  He pointed to a woman getting her picture taken in front of a large green screen.  It was a girl that Michelle had done her make up for earlier.  “She is your girlfriend John,” he laughed and nodded, “please call me John everyone else does.”  Her eyes couldn't leave his face and didn't seem to want to blink.  It seemed as if her brain had ceased to function.  All that mattered was keeping his image in her eyes.  He was indistinguishable from her morning dream of him.  Realizing her hand was still raised she lowered it quickly and tried to find something to say.  The gears in her head began to whir as her brain seemed to be starting up.  “Say something, say anything you idiot,” her brain screamed at her.  “You're a lot paler in real life John.” 

“What the fuck was that,” shouted her brain.  John frowned a bit as his eyes narrowed and then he smiled laughing loudly.  “Yeah well playing a wintry sport doesn't really give you a tan now does it?”  She smiled as relief come over her, “So what're you doing here?”  She asked watching him give a shrug, “endorsement...they’re promoting a fragrance of mine and needed some shots.”  “You have a fragrance,” he shrugged and gave an unenthusiastic, “yeah well my agent said I should.  If Jordan can do it why can't I right?”  She shrugged, “I guess.  You know my girlfriend watches your videos all the time.  I have to say you're very good at your job...very professional.  I mean, I don't know much about make up obviously...”  “Well, I'm sure they put make up on you when you do shoots and stuff.”  He nods, “yeah that is true, but its so complicated...tones, pigments and...”  “Says the man that plays hockey.”  “Yeah well hockey is not THAT complicated.  Wish there was a make up I could use to cover up all the bruises though.”  They both laughed, “well I can give you some pointers if you like?”  “Yeah,” he replied sounding genuinely interested.  “Yeah one of the clients I work with we’re selling an all male line of foundations.  The profits are going towards Feeding America.  I would love to give you a couple bottles if you're ok with that?  I might even have some with me.” 

Smiling wide John nodded, “well at least let me pay for them.  I'm not taking money away from the children.  I actually wish I had more time to volunteer.  Hockey is so demanding, and the time I have off is precious.  I wish I could do more to help out the less fortunate.”  Michelle bit her lip knowing how crazy she would sound.  Although, it seemed as if she had put her brain into time out.  “Well if you want I could interview you on my blog.  You know get a male guest to show off the male line.  That should boost sales and help out more.”  She was an idiot.  What the hell was she saying?  Here was a gorgeous young guy, who had won a two Stanley Cups, and she asked if he wanted to be interviewed on her blog.    What was she thinking?  His face contorted into thought as he seemed to be going over the offer.  It was hard to tell what type of look he gave.  It seemed that he was thinking of a nice way to decline the offer.  “Well at least he wasn't a jerk,” her mind whispered. 

“Yeah that sounds great, I'm sure my girlfriend would wanna do it too.”  It seemed as if Michelle's whole world had shattered like glass.  She stood there frozen to the spot as he smiled back at her.  “It's for a good cause, and you seem professional.”  Reaching into his coat he pulled out a card, “call my agent and give me a time.  Weekends are usually the best for me.”  With trembling hand, she took the card.  He smiled one more time, “I think it's great what your doing for the kids, and I would love to help out anyway I can.”