Dead Man Walking [ER] by Kyle O'Reilly - HTML preview

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Chapter 2

Forbidden Taste


“I'm going to cancel,” whispered Michelle as she sat on her cushy gray couch.  “No you're not Michelle!”  “Jaime he's a Stanley Cup Champion I can't bring him back to my little apartment complex!”  Jaime smiled, “Michelle, he's not coming over to criticize your house or anything!  He is coming over to help raise money for...”  “I know...I know, Jaime but I mean this is like...”  “Stop, ok...please stop you need to stop worrying about everything!  You have everything ready right?”  Running her hands through her hair, “I guess Jaime, but I've had to change like three times already!  My bedroom looks like a disaster...”  Grabbing her hand, “Michelle please relax ok?” 

KNOCK...KNOCK...KNOCK... “Oh my god,” Michelle shot up sending her tight zebra dress to flutter.  “I...I...I,” Jaime smiles, “ok Michelle this is it.”  Jaime walked to the door and opened it to reveal a dream come true.  Black pants with a blue button down shirt, the smell of his cologne seemed intoxicating.  “Hello John, my name is Jaime.  It’s nice to meet you.”  Smiling he took her hand and seductively said, “it's wonderful to meet you.”  They stared at each other for a moment until she smiled at him.  “Well, I’ll leave you two alone.”  Wiping the red hair from her face she closed the door behind her.  “Cute dog,” John pointed to Luigi who had hopped to the top of her couch.  His tongue lapping out of his mouth stupidly.  “Ye...yeah,” her stomach had seemed to have taken up dance lessons.  Her stomach was doing a fast rumba with her heart.  “So, where are we doing the interview?”  “Ye...yeah,” she said again staring at him.  His teeth were white as pearls as he smiled nervously, “yeah what?”  She nodded and pointed, “ri...right this way.” 

Leading him to the side room, a room that she had designated as her studio.  The room was literally wall to wall make up leaving only her work space.  “So, how are we doing this Michelle?”  She smiled finally finding her mind catching up to the her mouth.  “This is one of the products.”  He takes the small tube of make up and inspects it, “and how much do you plan on going to charity?”  “Well with your help our potential has greatly increased in all Limelight projections.”  Motioning towards the seat she had put in front of her webcam prior to his arrival.  She started up her computer as John began to rub his hands together.  “You know I do have to admit that I am feeling a bit nervous.”  Laughing slightly, “'re on television almost every day of the year.”  “Yeah well I'm just playing a game its not like I really know that I am on television.”  Brushing the hair out of her face she smiled, “and interviews?”  Shrugging, “I'm talking hockey not make up.”  Laughing again a bit higher than normal, “Well I'll talk make up, you just raise the money for charity agreed?”  He nodded as she focused the camera on them making sure they were both in focus.

Michelle had done many interviews before.  However not with somebody so famous and good looking.  Trying to wet her mouth, she fumbled over her note cards several times before raising her head to stare into his gorgeous eyes.  Her brain seemed to be slowing down again, but with a quick clear of her throat it regained its focus.  The introduction seemed to fall from her mouth like a torn bag of groceries.  She could feel the electricity in the room and had found a rekindling of her passion.  It was like a fire being doused with gasoline.  Her questions were on point and his answers precise.  His lips curled into smiles at the right moment as a strange new feeling seemed to enter the room.  It was chemistry.  Like the right molecules coming together to form a perfect flavor.  He spoke about Feeding America, and how much it meant to him.  However, she didn't catch a single word.  They seemed to dance around her as her mind began to wander.  It was addictive, and his looks were toxic.  She came close to his face using a thick brush to wipe on some foundation.  For being such a ferocious player his stance was motionless as he stared into her eyes. 

She gave a weak smile and continued to talk to the camera.  Her words seemed garbled as the tension grew thicker.  Their eyes locked on each other as her brush swept back and forth not even caring of where it went.  She bit her lip as his face seemed to grow if possible more pale.  He was nervous, and his smile read her shaky nerves.  The connection between them growing more electric.  She was married, and he had a gorgeous girlfriend.   He was clearly flirting...nobody seemed this sweet not on first introduction.  However that look in his eyes could be easily read, he was torn.  It seemed to catch her off guard.  The brush seemed to fall from her hand.  Taking a giant leap she leaned in and kissed him softly.  His lips were thin, but seemed to fit just right against hers.  Hair standing on end she felt his lips kiss deep into hers as his tongue started to trace hers.  The electricity of the passion was incredible.  Shaking slightly she continued to move in closer feeling up his chest as she started to unbutton his shirt.  It was like a dream, but the taste of him seemed so real.  He smelled divine and his muscles rippled against his shirt.

One button, two buttons, three buttons, soon his entire shirt was open.  She reached inside and felt his ab muscles nuzzling against his shirt.  He was irresistible and his kiss was like a drug.  She craved more as he seemed to kiss deeper.  The camera still going with the computer tower still whirring loudly, but it didn't matter.  She didn't want to stop.  Stopping would give him a minute to change his mind.  To realize his mistake and give her time to see her mistake as well.  The moment was historical yet forbidden.

His hands were soft and knew how to love.  They moved to her face embracing her closer making sure his tongue tasted every inch of her.  Sliding down her cheeks she couldn't stop, her body cried out to him.  Dress falling, the electricity making her hair stand on end.  She ripped open the rest of his shirt as buttons flew into the air.  It was a whirlwind of clothes flying, and soon they fell to the floor only to give into their sudden urge.  John knew what he wanted and took what she had to give.  He was forceful when he needed to be and delicate when she needed.  It was tenderness mixed with unbridled passion.  They seemed to both soak it up.

His body was toned as she squeezed on his back letting him take everything he wanted.  He kissed her with such passion as his fingers traveled over her full figure.  She pulled him in tighter letting him go deeper than any man before.  Her nails dug into his back as he proceeded to go faster and deeper.  She knew the webcam was going and knew that everything would be saved to the computer.  It didn't matter though, nothing did now.  The pleasure was perfect, and the love of it so pure.  It was better than anything that she had ever had before.  He never grew tired as he continued to throw himself at her.  He knew exactly what he was doing and every move was precise.  Even when he flipped her over, her mind never had a chance to detour from the act.  There was never a break to catch her breath, never a break to regret her actions.  It flashed like pictures as he leaned over and kissed her neck.  Each flash was like a jolt of pleasure as his hand ran down her hips.  His hand pulling at her hair dominating her...possessing her.  She never felt pleasure like this, and her body seemed to beg for more.  Time seemed to stand still.

“We shouldn't have done that?”  Michelle's whisper was soft as she stared up at her ceiling fan several minutes later.  It swayed lightly rotating in a circle never detouring from its path.  Raising up from underneath the small blanket he wiped his forehead.  “I...I'm sorry, this was a mistake.”  Michelle gripped the covers feeling a bit hurt now.  “What...what do you mean?”  His head shook violently, “no, no, no not THAT I mean that was great.  It's just I have a girlfriend and well I did come over to help with...”  “No, I understand John.  I have a husband...oh god, Hichem.  What did I do?”  John rubbed her shoulder, “it's ok Michelle.”  “No John, I am not like this!  I am not THIS kind of person.  It's just you...well, I mean its you after all.  You're a dream come true, and I just well got caught up in everything.”  With a guilty smile, he rubbed his neck, “yeah, I guess I did too.  Maybe, maybe I should go?”  Michelle nodded, “I think that’s best.”  He leaned over and kissed her forehead, “I'm going to leave you my number, if you need anything give me a call ok?” 

The electricity and passion that once filled the room was now filled with awkwardness and regret.  Michelle clenched her knees as she watched him pull his clothes back on.  Forced smile and all he put down his card with a little tap, “I hope to see you around.”  Nodding she couldn't find words to express, he gave one final look with those puppy dog brown eyes and left through the door.  All her dreams and all her wishes of meeting this man did not seem magical anymore.  It was the first time in a long time that she cried into her hands.  She felt ashamed and embarrassed by her actions.  He was a home wrecker, and she was no better.  Their passion overwhelmed their common sense.  Her mother's words of “the heart wants what the heart wants,” did not make her feel better.  She felt used as she returned her gaze to the door.  He left so quickly like he had gotten what he had wanted.  Shower after shower didn't seem to be able to cleanse her soul of her destructive temptation.   It seemed that her infidelity had coated her with an unwashable layer of dirt.  She felt thrown away and discarded, but his actions seemed so genuine. 

Towel drying her hair as she walked back into her studio.  She decided to clean up the mess or the scene of her current torment.  Her brain was on a constant guilt trip, “what did you do?  How could you do that?”  Making her way to the computer, “how am I going to finish this video blog?”  Her words seemed empty as she straightened out the keyboard.  “Holy shit,” she said as she gazed at the webcam.  “,” she whispered trembling completely forgetting about it.  She stopped the recording with a trembling finger.  She had to delete it.  The video was like a memory that she wanted to forget.  Her finger wavered over the mouse as she scrolled to the video file.  How could a memory that she dreamed about for years turn out to be such a nightmare? 

“Michelle, I'm home...”  The front door opened to a loud rattling.  “Shit,” she yelped as she closed the program exiting the room quickly.  Her husband standing there throwing off his coat and shoes.  He ran his tan hand through his scraggly black beard as Luigi made his way over.  “Hey Hichem, was work?”  He nodded, “boring and stupid.”  Michelle laughed, “oh Hichem you're so funny!”  “What was funny about that?”  She shrugged, “ say that.”  He shrugged, “I guess?  You feeling alright?”  She nodded and turned away, “just peachy...just fucking peachy.” 

[The Next Day: 9am]

“Michelle...Michelle, hey Michelle,” “huh?”  Jaime was sitting on her couch staring at her eyes narrowed watching her.  “Did you hear anything that I said,” Michelle nodded, “yeah the photo shoot sounds like a great opportunity?”  “So you'll do it,” “hmm do it?”  “Michelle, what is wrong with you?”  She was sitting in her pajamas looking oddly out of place next to Jaime.  Jaime seemed dressed and ready to seize the day.  “Nothing Jaime yeah course I'll do it,” shaking her head in confusion.  “So, how did everything go with Johnathan?  Did you get the blog...”  “Everything went fine alright Jaime?  I'm not in a good mood ok?”  Frowning Jaime stood, “maybe I should go...”  Grabbing her arm, “wait Jaime, I'm's just yesterday wasn't what I...”  Patting her hand like a small child Jaime gave a soft, “it's ok Michelle!  We'll talk later ok?  Remember you have to meet with the Limelight people today.”  Michelle nodded, “yeah they want their order projections.  They wanted just an email, but I insisted on going to the meeting to...”  She trailed off not having the strength to be able to finish the sentence. 

It took Michelle nearly an hour longer to get ready than it normally did.  Her body had seemed to have been going at a slow pace.  Her feet dragged on the floor as her heart still felt guilty.  The weight that they added was like carrying a suit of rocks.  It seemingly weighed down her very soul.  Even at her meeting with the Limelight representatives she felt it difficult to smile.  Entering the small business room, she took a seat facing the door.  Twelve pairs of eyes stared at her with polite interest. However every seat was not taken, two were still left open.  Shrugging it off the man in the middle began to speak.  Mr. Barrow was Co-Owner of Limelight with his wife.  Mr. Barrow was more stern and business orientated.  His wife was the one that Michelle got along with.  She smiled at Michelle letting her husband speak first.  “Thank you for meeting with us Michelle,” nodding politely.  He was a pompous man with a face like an old bull dog.  Sagging cheeks and glasses several sizes too big for his face, “Michelle do you have a projection of sales?”  “Well,” she said pulling out a sheet of paper from the manila folder in front of her.  “I have been in communication with other organization Plus Inc. and The New Beauty Magazine.  They are predicting sales to be 30% in just the first couple of weeks.”  Shaking his head disappointedly, “I would like to see more of the volume being sold.”  Michelle nodded feeling her throat starting to dry.  “Well, we're working to get other organizations to sponsor the product and...” 

Michelle froze when she saw the door open.  Her jaw dropped in horror when she saw John and his girlfriend walk into the meeting.  “Hello, sorry we're late can we...”  Mr. Barrow raised his hand, “please, please John and...Tiffany, well the gangs all here!”  John smiled and took a seat next to his girlfriend.  He glanced over at Michelle giving a little wink before returning back to Mr. Barrow.  Mr. Barrow’s disappointment was replaced with a wide smile.  “Last night I got a call from John's agent about being a celebrity endorsement.  Needless to say, we jumped at the opportunity to have them both on the team.  We are sure to raise a lot of money for charity and sell a lot of product.” 

It didn't seem the meeting could have gone smoother.  Talking seemed difficult for Michelle like wading through waist deep snow.  Her words fumbled over each other as she could feel John's eyes staring at her.  It seemed to take days for the meeting to conclude.  Finally, Mr. Barrow rose from the table.  “Well, I think that everything appears on track.  I believe with your help we can do a lot of good.”  With a quick SNAP, Mr. Barrow shut his black leather folder.  Michelle didn't know what to do.  Should she try to run from the room and never look back?  Should she hang back and hopefully everyone would go about their way?  Deciding with option one, Michelle lowered her head and tried to make her way from the room.  Dodging the chairs like a football player would dodge lunging players.  She moved through everyone until John caught her.

“Michelle,” he said softly.  “Shit,” her mind yelled loudly.  She turned with a smile, “hey John,” he motioned towards his girlfriend.  “Tiffany, this is Michelle.”  “Michelle, oh this was the woman that snatched you away yesterday, huh?  Yeah, she did an amazing job with my make up at the shoot.”  Tiffany was a gorgeous blonde with hair similar to spun gold.  Her skin was perfect and her figure was skinny to the point of no curves.  Everything about her seemed fake from her hair down to her fake smile.  “It's nice to see you again Tiffany,” shaking her hand.  Tiffany’s smile was welcoming, but her eyes read “eat shit”.  “So, yesterday was fun!  I hope that I was helpful.”  Michelle gave a weak chuckle, “ um...I think we will sell a lot.” 

Tiffany nodded, “well, I'm glad that everything worked out.”  “Well you're boyfriend is really considerate in helping us raise the money.”  “Mhmm,” she replied as the smile fell from her face.  She gave one final nod as they both left out of the door.  John gave a quick, “it was good to see you Michelle.  Tell your husband I said hello.”  Michelle froze, “my...husband?”  She repeated as the confusion must have been clear on her face.  Mr. Barrow made his way towards her, “Michelle what's wrong?”  Shaking her head, “nothing just...just tired I think.”  Jonathan’s last statement had left an uneasy feeling inside of her.  Her mind was racing around it and quickly tried to decipher it.  Maybe he said it to comfort Tiffany?  Maybe to throw her off any suspicion?  Michelle nodded, “yeah that could be it...that should be it.”  John seemed like a stand up guy after all. 

“Hey Michelle,” came a voice from behind her.  And to her utter surprise it was John again.  He appeared slightly out of breath as he approached her.  “Hey Michelle, I'm glad I caught you.”  Politely smiling she gazed up at him, “I'm sorry about showing up like that.  It must have been weird huh?”  Giving him a little smile, “well to be honest John yes.  You could have told me...warned me...”  “Warned you, Michelle please it's just me.  Do you really need to be warned about me...scared of me?”  Laughing loudly, “no of course not John...warned was the wrong word to use.  I guess prepared would be better?”  He nodded, “well I wanted it to be a surprise.”  “Surprise,” she repeated innocently.  He smiled, “yeah, I was thinking that you would want to get together later today.”  “John I don't think that's such a good idea.  I kinda wanna just move on...”  “Move on...are you sure?  I mean, it was incredible.”  Face turning red she couldn't help but blush.  “I appreciate the words John.  Although, I'm married...and you have a girlfriend!  I'm not the type of person to...”  “Whoa, whoa you misunderstood me.  I was talking about getting together for marketing and finishing up the blog somehow.  I mean, we didn't really get that much done you know?  Speaking of which did you by chance record anything?”  Swearing loudly Michelle wrung her hands together, “no I meant to.  I'm sorry I will do it when I...”

SCREECH… A gray Lexus pulled up behind them as Tiffany sat in the driver seat.  “Babe, what the hell you said you were going too...”  “Be right there Tiff...”  He turned back to Michelle, “look I'll be at Chielos Bar round six be there ok?”  Michelle shook her head, “John I'm not going to...”  “Don't let me down Michelle.”  He smiled and drove away with Tiffany who seemed to speed recklessly towards the exit.   “,” she said smiling a bit before deciding to go home.  Her thoughts were soon weighing her down again.  She was torn about John's tempting offer.  It was like an eternal tug of war inside her.  She could still feel his touch on her skin.  His hands were smooth, so incredibly smooth and soft for his line of work.  They knew just where to touch and where her body needed to be held.  It was wrong though, so wrong.  Her parents didn't raise her to be this way.  Her father especially would lay into her if he was still around.  Sighing softly, she could really use some fatherly advice at the moment.

It was almost a shock when she arrived at her brown sided apartment complex.   She didn't think that she had been driving for that long.  The internal conflict was raging and so fierce that she couldn't leave the car.  Her hands gripped the steering wheel as she stared at the bushes in front of her.  She wanted to go, and it pained her to want to go.  However the fact remained that she was still a married woman.  Biting her lip, she exited the car feeling her body wobble a bit like Jello.  She found Hichem on the couch watching television.  He stared at it barely noticing her coming through the sliding back door.  She paused gazing down upon him as he lay in just his blue basketball shorts.  “Hello,” she snapped at him hoping that he was just playing around.  “Hey,” he replied the tempo in his voice barely changed.  She frowned realizing that he didn't seem glad that she was home.  “How was the meeting,” he asked softly seemingly asking more out of habit than mere interest.  “Fine,” she said as she made her way through the house. 

Making her way towards the kitchen, “Hichem how long have you been home?”  She stared at their small kitchen that lie beneath the catastrophe that happened while she was gone.  Making her way towards the sink, she picked up one of the pots watching old Alfredo sauce clinging to it.  “All day...I took care of Luigi don't worry.”  “No,” she said as she made her way out to the living room.  “You couldn't do the fucking dishes while I was gone?”  Hichem began to click the remote, “I was busy!”  “Busy...busy...busy, what the hell were you busy with?”  “Well,”  “You left out the bread and everything!  You couldn't even clean up after making a freaking sandwich?”  “I was going to clean it up.  I just got caught up with my shows and forgot.”  “You didn't forget you were just hoping that I would do it for you...just like every other time.”    “I was going to do it Michelle!  You came home early, before I could get to it.”  “IT'S THREE IN THE AFTERNOON!”  “Whatever,” he said flipping through the channels faster. 

Sighing softly she gave a quick, “just...just can you do it tonight?  I have to go into work for a bit.”  Hichem nodded as she retreated towards their room.  She tried not to slam the bedroom door, but still heard a loud THUD!  She dropped on the bed and wished that she could cry.  Wished that she could just scream loudly and weep in her hands.  Was every marriage like this?  Was every marriage supposed to be this difficult?  Did her parents go through the same issues?  Rolling over onto her back, she stared up at the ceiling fan.  Watching the wind from the open window slowly spin it in a circle.  It seemed for the last three years her life had been nothing but an endless circle.  She was traveling the same path, the same road, and the destination was always the same.  Her heart gave a little thump when she thought about John and their forbidden affair.  It was the first time that she felt out of the circle.  Broken from the monotony of repetition, and it was exciting.

“Where are you going?”  Hichem was still laying on the couch.  He straightened his glasses at her.  “I told you I'm going to work.”  “It's like five at night,” “yeah well that's what happens when your on call 24/7 Hichem.  We can't all laze around all day.”  Rolling his eyes, “I will clean up the kitchen when you get back.”  Hitching up her large purse she removed her keys, “night Hichem.  I'll try to back soon.”  “Mhm,” he muttered as she pet Luigi one last time before heading out.  “What am I doing,” she whispered to herself.  She stopped halfway to her car feeling the guilt starting to take over again.  Like cement in her stomach, it seemed to weigh her down.  Gazing at her large black purse, which contained her dress and some make up.  Her hand traced over the side as her emotions began to war again.  Gazing at her wedding ring, she remembered the day Hichem and her got married.  Although, he was not the same man that she had married.  She was treated more as second class.  He was not without his faults, but he never acted upon them. 

Gazing back to the car, she knew what would happen if she went.  She knew that something could happen.  “No,” she said shaking her head. “It's a bar...I’m not ALONE with him.”  Her eyes widened, “that's right,” she whispered softly.  She wasn't in high school anymore.  She couldn't just sneak off like some disobedient child.  She was a grown woman and had a life.  Despite the issues in her marriage she was still married to Hichem.  “Yes,” she said softly and continued her way towards the car.  She was going to the bar to tell him that this was it.  This was the end of it, she didn't want anymore to do with this. 

Feeling a surge of pride fill her again as she made her way towards Chielo's Bar.  The large two story bar was packed and finding John would be like finding a needle in a haystack.  She made her way through the crowd, “excuse me...excuse me!”  “Watch it,” yelled a man who nearly spilled his drink all over himself. “Sorry,” she said still making her way through.  She continued to scan the first floor as the bartender approached, “what's it going to be love?”  Not even remotely paying attention to her Michelle muttered, “Jack and Coke.”  He wasn't here she thought as her eyes scanned every table and face.  Taking the drink and tipping her a five, she began to sip on it.  She began to glance up towards the second floor.  Making her way to the stairs she was nearly half way up when she saw a blonde beauty making her way down.  “Hi Tiffany it’s good to...”  “What the hell are you doing here?”  “I um...well...I...”  Panicked as her words began to falter trying to put together a sentence.  Was she supposed to be here?  Did she tag along? 

“I am talking to you!  What the hell are you doing here Michelle?”  “I well...needed to speak to John.”  “Look you need to get it through your head that John is with me.” Shaking her head, “'s not like that Tiffany I just...”  “You have done your interview and then you tag along to the meeting today.  This is not professional...”  “First off Tiffany I was on this project, before you two came along.  Secondly, I only came here tonight because John said...”  “John told me that he told you to stay away.  Now you need to go or I promise you that your boss will know about this!  He will pull you from the project.”  Feeling the frustration starting to build, “look if I can just talk to John for a second!”  “John is DONE with you!  Why would John want to be with you when he can be with...”  Starting to shake from her anger, “Tiffany it's not like that!  John came to me after the meeting and...”  “Yeah he told me all about how you followed him...”   Mouth dropping in shock as words seemed to fail her.  The arguing began to pick up, “to my OWN car Tiffany!  HE came up to...”  “Whatever bitch don't come near John again!”  Raising her hands in the air, “I'm leaving Tiffany.!”  “Good that is the smartest thing that you’ve ever said!” 

Slamming her drink on a table she left the bar feeling weak and embarrassed.  The entire bar seemed to stare.  The mood seemed to lull slightly.  It was wrong and stupid for her to come to the bar tonight.  Leaning over the top of her small car it took her several minutes to catch her breath.  “I should have knocked that bitch out!”  “I hope that you don't mean Tiffany?”  Turning around Michelle saw to her surprise, “John?”  He smiled, “I'm glad you remembered my name.”  Shaking her head, “you shouldn't be here...Tiffany?”  He laughed, “screw Tiffany she's just jealous that I am speaking to another woman.”  “Whatever John, I'm done ok?  I came here to tell you that I am pulling out of the project and just...”  “Whoa, whoa slow down there Michelle...please just relax!  Let's not do anything stupid.”  “STUPID,” Michelle snapped, “is this because of what Tiffany said?  Look forget her ok?  She just wants to be the only woman in my life and gets jealous very...”  “Well, it’s not just because of that.  I just don't want to...”

“Hey relax baby,” John walked towards her.  “I'm not your baby John...this is just wrong.  It doesn't feel right.  Your an NHL player and I am just a make up influencer.  Not much of an influencer to be honest.  I work for a security company.  What would you ever want with me?”  Bringing her into a tight embrace he smiles, “it makes sense to me and that is all that matters.  I have never felt this way about anybody before.  Why don't I come by later, and we can...”  “NO John my husband is home,” he smiled his pearly white teeth seemed to shimmer in the moonlight.  “I know you want to!  You made love to me.  I know you did!  That wasn’t just hooking up.” His words couldn't have been more true.  He seemed to truly believe them.  Was this a fairy tale come true?  Or some Dime Store Romance story for lonely housewives?  She did want to more than anything to believe him.  However throughout everything that was going on the truth was it was not something she could do again.  “John I...I just can't,” “Can't,” he repeated as she pulled away.  “I mean if we were both single then of course.  You're trying to make me something that I am not.” 

“Something that you're not,” he repeated slowly.  “Yeah, I wanted to let you know that I will only be talking to you if I have to.  The's it's...”  “So you're telling”  Michelle watched his face grow stern.  The gentleness and attractiveness that it once displayed was gone.  There was something evil left behind, something almost sinister.  “Yeah John I don't want to hurt you.  You're a great guy and...”  “'re telling me no?”  His face seemed chiseled from stone.  Michelle’s face slightly shook in confusion.  Her mind began to race.  What wasn't he getting?  Slowly, she nodded her head, “yes, I am saying no.”  “Who the hell are you to tell me no?”  “Excuse me,” Michelle said mouth dropping in shock.  She had not expected this sudden change in attitude.  “I am an NHL champion and make millions of dollars every year.  Woman would kill to be in your shoes.  I am in the VIP section of this bar getting drunk for free and guess what?  I can come back tomorrow and do it all over again!”  “Good for you, I'm sorry that you feel that way.”  “Feel what way, because I wanted to give some time to a hopeless case.”  “Wait so now fucking me was a charity?” 

Shrugging, “yeah I guess you can say that!  You should feel privileged...honored...hell even obligated to be with a guy like me!  I make what you make sitting on my ass at home.  You have the audacity to say”  “Who the hell are you,” asked Michelle backing away from him.  “I'm Johnathan Robbins and're just a nobody!  You'