Dead Man Walking [ER] by Kyle O'Reilly - HTML preview

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Chapter 3

What Lurks In The Dark


Michelle had never been frightened to leave her apartment before.  However strange occurrence were now happening around her almost everyday.  Especially at night it seemed that everywhere she went someone was always following her.  She felt as if eyes were always upon her.  One night getting up from bed she walked to the kitchen to get a glass of juice.  She discovered a hooded figure standing in the frame of the sliding glass door.  Shattering the cup, she had never screamed so hard in her life.  However Hichem almost tripped over himself sprinting into the kitchen.  She pointed to the back door realizing that the mysterious figure was now gone.  Only leaving the quiet wind to blow the trees across the way.  It seemed that fear had gripped her and everything in her life began to suffer because of it.  That night however it seemed that she had no choice.  She had to go to the police.

“Wait so who was at the back door?”  Michelle had been in the police station for over an hour.  She seemed to be hitting dead end after dead end.  The ancient officer questioning her seemed to be growing senile or was the slowest man she had ever known.  Pepper hair with a graying mustache his eye brows thick like caterpillars.  “No, you’re not listening!  I don't know who was at the back door.”  “Well then it might have been someone walking their dog,” “At 3 in the morning,” Michelle shrieked.  Making the officer jump in his seat, “Michelle you say you live in an apartment complex right...ground level?  People do all sorts of things especially if they have dogs they might just...”  “This was not a man walking a dog.  I don't understand what you aren't getting!  There was a man standing looking into my house!”  The old officer recoiled slightly, “there is no reason to be rude I am trying to help you.  Now can you tell me what the person looked like.”  “It was dark and he was wearing a hoodie.”  “So how do you know that it was this guy John something?”  “I just...I just...know that it was ok?” 

Pulling out a small notepad, “have you been having issues?  Do you know anybody that would want to hurt you?”  Biting her lip she hesitated and the officer picked up on it right away.  “There is isn't there?”  Biting her lip harder, the very idea that it could have been Johnathan Robbins.  THE NHL Stanley Cup winner was even hard for her to believe.  After all these incidents seemed to be linked with her recent infidelity, “Michelle you need to tell me everything you know.  The don't call me Mike Rudd the blood hound for nothing.  I can sniff out a case really easy.”  “It's won't believe me if I told you.”  The old officer smiled consoling, “miss I have been an officer for over 35 years nothing shocks me anymore.”  “Johnathan Robbins,” she said softly.  Whatever he had been expecting was certainly not what she said.  “Johnathan...Johnathan Robbins,” he repeated as she nodded.  “The hockey player...the Stanley Cup champion hockey player?”  She nodded again, “we hooked up and well I told him we couldn't see each other anymore.  I guess he couldn't take no for an answer.  I don't know, but I am sure he’s the one that tried to attack me.”

“Look...I know it sounds crazy, but you have to believe me!  He IS the one that is doing all of this!”  The officer’s wrinkled face fell in utter disbelief.  He closed his notebook in an impatient exasperation.  In that moment, she realized that she was not going to get the help she needed.  “Look, I'm not crazy ok?  You need to talk to him.  It is him I know it is him!”  “Michelle, he is a celebrity and it's just odd that a man of that caliber would resort to stalking.  It’s just out of nature.”  “Are you going to do something or not?”  Holding up his wrinkled hands, he gave a firm “yes...ok?  We will talk to him and go from there.”  “Tell him to just leave me alone and that’ll be that ok?”  Officer Rudd nodded as she left the room feeling as though she had not accomplished a thing. 

As she made her way out of the police station, she walked to her car knowing what she had to do.  It was going to be hard, but she figured it was for the best.  She needed to be dropped from Limelight.  She wanted nothing more to do with the product line as long as he was involved.  Everything seemed to have gone down hill since that drive into the city with Jaime.  The best thing to do was to switch paths and head down a different road.  This would leave everything in the past.  She would truly treasure the moments that she had spent with him.  Enjoying the thought of having been with a future NHL legend.

Her mind seemed unable to unwrap from what she knew she had to do.  She had promised a lot to Limelight and to help push their product.  The money that she could raise would be helpful for the charity.  However, she was sure that their were other ways to help.  Maybe the road less traveled and maybe that would make all the difference? 

Walking through the double doors to Limelight a couple hours later her head was stuck in the clouds.  WACK... her shoulder collided with someone, “Oh my god, I'm so sorry!”  She said as she gazed up into the blue eyes of “JOHN?”  The smile wavered on his face, “Michelle...what're you doing here?”  His puppy dog eyes narrowed nastily.  “What are you doing here,” his pleasant smile fell as he gave a firm, “I work here remember...Feeding America?”  “I know that!  I mean, what are you doing here now?”  “I had a meeting with Mr...”  “John look you need to stop ok?  Stop following me home, stop stalking me and just leave me alone!”  “Whoa Michelle, you need to slow down!  I am not stalking you.”  “Why is it everywhere that I go you are somehow involved?”  Holding up his hands, “you seem a bit stressed, why don't you come talk to me when your...”  “I am not talking to you ever again!  Do you hear me?  I came here to tell them that I am done!”  His face fell, “I'm sorry is there anything I can do to...”  Pointing her finger at him her voice rising, “you have done enough, ok?”  “You're so hostile towards me Michelle, I would think after everything we have been through.”  “YOU ATTACKED ME!  You tried to kill me just because I won't put out for you again!” 

Taking several steps back, he straightened his suit.  “Please Michelle, you're embarrassing yourself.”  “Oh please get over yourself John,” “Michelle I am rich and famous.  I don't need girls like you.  Least of all to attack girls, girls attack other people to get to me.  Why would I want anything to do with you anymore?”  “You arrogant asshole, I should clock you...”  “WHAT THE HELL!”  A loud shriek was heard as Tiffany was making her way down the large marble atrium.  “I thought I told you to stay away from him!”  “Relax Tiffany I just came here too...”  “I know John told me all about it!  John told me about how you are trying to get him to fuck you.  It's not going to happen ok bitch!  Why would he want anything to do with an overweight cow like you?  Are you stupid?  You think Johnathan Robbins would be a chubby chaser?”  “I have a video of him fucking me alright!  Yeah him grinding all on me calling my name, slapping my ass all of it...every last moment alright?  Your man is not so high and mighty that...”  “You're a liar, I'll fucking kill you!  I'll fucking kill you do you understand me?” 

The yelling grew louder that security made their way over to them.  Michelle had to literally be dragged from the building.  “Get your hands off of me...get off me!”  The guards stood by the door as she straightened her coat.  “I have never been so embarrassed in all my life!”  Storming away from the building she couldn't believe what had happened.  What was happening?  She leaned against her car letting her head rest in her hands.  Unable to calm her irate breathing, she couldn't drive...not now.  The anger that coursed through her body would surely send her barreling down the street without a care.  Her eyes closed as she slowed down her breathing.  “It's ok,” she whispered to herself.  “It's done...just go home and enjoy the rest of the day.” 

After several minutes her breathing began to slow and the boiling anger was now in a light simmer.  She nodded, “ok, now everything is ok...I think?”  A car pulled into the parking lot and seemed to stop near her.  She waved her hand wildly, “go around...not leaving yet!”  Her head seemed to throb against her hands as she felt a headache coming on.  SLAM...the sound of a car door could be heard close to her.  “What now,” she thought as she raised her head, “excuse me miss?”  Her face fell when she saw two police officers making their way towards her.  “Yes,” she replied noticing fatigue starting to set in.  “We got a report of a disturbance on the scene.  We would like to have a word.”  She shook her head, “no it's fine.  I am leaving actually.”  “Well, we need to talk miss please step forward.”  The cop seemed to radiate a sort of arrogance that one only saw with power.  He lowered his shades as she made her way towards them.  “You want to tell us what is going on?  Why you're waiting out here for...”  “I'm not waiting for anybody.  I work here.  I am leaving, and I was just clearing my head.”  “Are you under the influence of...”  “Are you serious,” she asked as the other officer made her way around the car.  Blond hair tied into a bun, she was short, but acted superior with her hands on her hips.  Her scowl matched her attitude as the officer continued, “the name is Officer Daniels, and we would like permission to search your vehicle.”  “No,” Michelle snapped adding quickly, “what is the meaning of this?  What's going on?”  “Alright miss, you need to calm down!”  “I am calm!”  “Miss if you don't calm down I am going to have to detain you.”

That anger that she felt previously was starting to boil again.  The truth was her primary “Bread Winning” job was working with emergency services.  However, she had never been treated like this.  Treated like she was the criminal, “look officer I am calm.  You saying that is stressing me out more.  I have a bad heart and all I want to do is go home.”  Officer Daniels reached into his pocket and pulled out a small pad of paper, “do you want to tell me what happened in there?”  Holding her forehead, “please officer I just want to go home really.”  “We will have you know that the people you assaulted in...”  “Assaulted,” she repeated trying to keep her voice level.  “Yes miss, they're pressing charges.  As a matter of fact, they have just started the process of putting in for a Restraining Order.”  “Restraining Order...ain't that some bullshit!  I should have a Restraining Order on him!  He has been stalking me for the past month.  He attacked my car...just look at the damage he did!”  Officer Daniels gazed at the top of the car and ran his hand over it.  “It looks like puncture marks from...I'm guessing a knife?”  “Yeah, he tried to kill me!”  Officer Daniels stepped back, “did you get a look at his face?  How did you know that it was him?”  “Because all this weird stuff starting happening after we slept together.  He wanted me to have sex with him again, and I said no!” 

Officer Daniels couldn't hide the skepticism on his face.  “Wait a second, you're telling me that Johnathan Robbins?  Two time Stanley Cup champion Johnathan Robbins is stalking you because you wouldn't put out for him?”  “Yes, I know it's hard to believe, but that’s the truth.”  “There she is,” came a loud booming voice in the distance.  “Oh great,” Michelle said as she saw John making his way towards them.  “Officers this is the woman that is stalking me and won't leave me alone!”  “I'm stalking you that's rich!  I came here today to cancel my contract with Limelight!”  Tapping the pen on his mouth Officer Daniels pointed it at her, “at the same time that he was here in a meeting?”  “I didn't know he was here in meeting!”  “I want a Restraining Order on that woman!”  “Well, I want a Restraining Order on you!  Just because I won't fuck you again doesn't give you the right to stalk...”  “Stalk you...stalk you, please I could have any woman I wanted!  Officer look you know who I am, right?  I don't need to stalk women!  Woman like her need to be locked away.  They are the reason I can't go out anymore.  Flocking everywhere I go.  I don't want to see her...”  “Trust me John you won't see me ever again...but I can't say the same thing for you.  Don't call me, don't follow me home anymore, and get it through your head I am not fucking you again ok?” 

“Again,” came a loud shriek as Tiffany came marching around the corner.  “John what the hell does she mean again?”  “She's lying Tiffany do I look like I would have sex with somebody like her?”  “You did John stop...”  Both of the officers stared at her, “he did alright!  I even have proof.  I have it on video on my computer.”  Officer Daniels gave one final look and said, “Mr. Toews if you wish to press charges...”  Holding out his hand, “no that's not necessary.  But I will be putting in a motion for a Restraining Order you can be sure of that!”  Officer Daniels turned back to Michelle, “you're free to go, but I don't want to see you near here again...and fix your windshield!”  Removing her keys she growled, “I am not a liar and don't ever accuse me of one!  Believe me I am never coming back here again!” 

Getting into her car, she heard Officer Daniels say, “we will escort her out and make sure she gets to where she needs to go.”  Michelle began to pull out of her spot, “as long as she stays away from me I can...”  “FUCK OFF JOHN,” she yelled pulling out of the parking lot.  The police car followed her until she reached the highway and then they turned around.  She sighed in relief when she arrived back home.  However lying with Luigi, she felt nervous about the whole situation.  Tiffany seemed shocked by the whole ordeal, but shocked near completely silent.  It was odd behavior from her being the loudmouth she appeared to be.  If John was stalking her, she had apparently made him mad today.  Somehow she felt that tonight was going to be different.  Tonight all the stalking and all the fear that she had been feeling would intensify.  Her reasoning was simple.  John was mad and anger was a powerful motivator.

“Are you ok Michelle?  You seem on edge,” Michelle had not even noticed that her husband had been staring at her.  “Hmm,” she said turning back to him.  “What's wrong,” he asked as they sat on the couch watching television.  “Nothing, why do you ask?”  Hichem smiled, “because you're all tense and well look at how your sitting!”  She gazed down at her body noticing her hands wrapped around her knees.  “I'm sorry...long day,”  “are you sure that there’s nothing that you want to...” “I'm fine Hichem ok?”  Rolling his eyes, “very well,” he returned back to the television.  The minutes seemed to fly by as her eyes continually darted to the sliding glass door.  The clock on the wall spun at such a speed that she had to ask Hichem twice as to what time it was. 

“You going to work tomorrow?”  She nodded, “I should be there late to make up for all the time I missed.”  However, the truth was that she felt safe there.  There was no safer place to be then the headquarters of an alarm company.  Later in bed, Hichem seemed to fall asleep immediately.  He had a habit of talking in the deepest of his dreams.  However Michelle couldn't seem to find any.  Her belief of a restless night kept the fear in her body.  The needless checking and re-checking of the locks and doors kept Luigi from sleeping too.  Trailing behind her wagging his tail happily as she checked the back door for the third time.  Finally at around two she returned to bed and felt sleep take over.  The terror had seemed to subside, but her dreams are what seemed to wake her up.  John had called her a liar, and she wasn't.  She had the video to prove it.  “The video,” she whispered as she stared at her small closet door.  “The video,” she whispered again rolling over to see Hichem sleeping. 

Slowly getting up from her bed she made her way into her small studio.  She would have never expected a man that gorgeous to be such a dick.  She knew that he was going to put out a Restraining Order.  However she needed to make a copy of her infidelity not just for proof but for safety.  The truth was that she was unsure of what John was capable of anymore.  He had attacked her once already.  What was he capable of when he was upset?  It had only taken a couple minutes for her to start burning the video onto a disc.  She sat down on her seat and watched the files moving towards the folder.  Her eyes slowly growing tired as she struggled to keep herself awake.  Bundling her robe around her she had to make sure the file went through.  She had to make sure that the movie would be safe and away from Hichem.  Everything seemed to be falling apart in her life.  It seemed that it would only be a matter of time before Hichem found out.

Click...Click...Click...Click...Click, eyes opening slightly “damn it...Luigi!”  Her voice was barely a whisper, she just wished he would stay in one spot.  Her eyes closed again, but she didn't hear the familiar raspy breathing from him.  Her senses seemed to be dropping as she heard a rustling from the other room.  Was that the swishing of blankets?  Hichem was really moving around in the other room.  “Hichem either get up or stop moving...Jesus,” she snapped and then he stopped.  “Thank you,” she yelled as the burning had already reached 50 percent.  Her eyes closed and this time it was for good. 

An hour went by as she bundled up her robe tighter.  A cold breeze had started to penetrate the house.  “Hichem, close the window,” she grumbled seeing the message, MEDIA COMPLETED.  Grabbing a case she labeled it, JOHN COURT...IF NEEDED. She placed the movie on the desk feeling a little better about the situation.  Rubbing her shoulder, she felt the wind start to pick up speed.  The curtains in her studio fluttered slightly.  “Hichem close the damn window...Jesus,” her voice rough and tired as she made her way into the hallway.  About to enter the bedroom she stopped when she heard a soft rattling from the living room.  Her breath was visible as she started to move towards it.  Curiosity seemed to fill her and helped carry her feet forward.  She noticed that it grew colder moving towards the living room.  Her footsteps were silent as she crept along the wall.  The rattling growing louder as she made her way around the corner.

“,” she whispered.  The sliding back door was completely open.  She backed up terror filling her body.  Hitting the back wall, she stared at the open door.  Her hand clenched at her robe trying to calm her shaking nerves.  “Hichem,” she whispered making her way back down the hallway.  Never turning her back from the living room.  Entering the bedroom, “Hichem,” she whispered again.  He lay sleeping with his arm draped over the side.  “Hichem wake up, somebody is here!  Somebody is in...Luigi,” she shuddered seeing no sign of her dog.  Walking around the edge of the bed she shook Hichem, “Hichem wake...”  Recoiling her hand quickly, she stared down at her husband noticing how cold he was.  Noticing how his body did not move nor his breath permeated the air like hers.  “Hi...Hichem,” she whispered hearing the trembling in her voice.  Gazing closer at her husband, his body was lifeless.  “Oh my god...Hichem,” she mumbled in a trembling panic.  The heartbreak in her voice.  “This is all my fault!” 

CREEEAAAAK… slowly raising her eyes she watched the closet door opening.  And in the darkness, she saw the figure that she had been expecting.  The figure that she knew would be coming for her.  However her body did not seem prepared for it.  Voice trembling as she backed away feeling her body go weak.  “Please...John...don't do this!”  The hooded figure stared at her and slowly withdrew a hunting knife from within his sweater.  The face was blackened out with his features distorted.  “Please John,” she pleaded again as her hand desperately tried to grab anything for a weapon.  The knife reflected in the moonlight and raised high in the air.  He lunged at her almost wildly.  The bed creaked loudly as Michelle dashed towards the door. 

SWISH...SWISH... the knife lashed and cut through the air violently.  Grabbing the lamp from the nightstand, she smashed it into the side of the assailant’s head.  “Ugh,” came a soft cry as he fell to the ground.  Breathing heavily, she gripped the lamp tightly staring down at her attacker.  Her heart racing as she tried to find the strength to make her escape.  Taking a step she began to move cautiously towards the door.  Stepping over his hand and then the other, the front of her now clear.  Then out of nowhere a loud yell as Michelle fell to the ground in excruciating pain.  “AHHH,” she screamed mortified at the hunting knife impaled through her left leg.  “FUCK,” she yelled as pain shot through her body.  She felt a hand grip her other ankle as the assailant tried desperately to subdue her.  Michelle  thrashed with all her fury wildly kicking him square in the face.  “AH,” came the voice from behind the hood.  As Michelle kicked repeatedly until he withdrew his hand howling with pain. 

The knife was ripped from her leg with a spray of blood.  She grabbed for the door frame to keep her steady.  Blood was rushing down her leg and foot.  She stopped when she heard a soft whimpering from her bedroom studio.  “Luigi,” she whispered heavily.  Pulling herself into the room, she quickly found Luigi hiding under the desk.  “Luigi...Luigi, please come here...Luigi, stop get over here!”  Luigi made his way out slowly but then stopped.  Retreating back under the desk, she felt a coldness behind her.  She turned to see the hooded figure step towards her.  The knife plunging deep into her stomach. 

The wind left her lungs as she gasped loudly.  The knife was pulled back and stuck again. Michelle gripped her attacker's hair and threw him from her body.  He slammed against the desk crashing against the wall of make up.  Blood gushed from her stomach as she gripped her wounds tightly.  The warmth of her own blood was eerily soothing against her cold hand.  Reaching over the desk she scrambled over it leaving bloody finger prints.  Her hand grabbed a pair of scissors as the attacker lunged towards her.  “AHHH,” screamed Michelle as she turned quickly sinking the scissors deep into the attacker’s throat.  The hunting knife clattered to floor as her attacker gripped his neck tightly.  Michelle fell backwards hitting the back of the wall.  Dragging her body down leaving nothing but a bloody trail.  Her mysterious attacker was wildly smashing against the desk and then crumpled to the floor.  Ripping off the hood, Michelle gave a gasp of shock.  She stared at the sheets of blonde hair realizing that her suspicions of John were wrong. 

“Tif...Tiffany,” she exclaimed as the blood ran down Tiffany's lips.  Growing weak herself, Michelle's eyes locked onto hers.  Tiffany’s mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water.  Her eyes were wide with horror as her breathing began to slow.  Blood running a river over the floor.  Michelle could feel her body slipping too as darkness seemed to take over.  Her own blood running out of her hands unable to stop it.  “Hello Michelle,” came a soft voice as she stared up into the gentle of eyes of John.  “J...John,” she muttered weakly.  “Yes...oh Michelle...look at you.”  “W...why,” she whispered as John made his way into the room.  “I didn't do anything.  Although, I’ll tell you it didn't take much for Tiffany to loose it.  Jealousy can be a powerful weapon.”  He made his way to the computer and found the DVD that she had made of their sexual encounter.  He gazed at it and then pocketed it.  “Perfect, I really thought it would have been more difficult...labeled and all!” 

Staring at the screen of the computer he read the message, MEDIA COMPLETE.  He clicked ok and Michelle saw Tiffany gripping the back of his pants.  John gazed down at her, “Tiffany I know what you're thinking, but everything I told you about Michelle and me...that...that was a lie...all a lie you simple girl...see?”  Hitting the space bar, Michelle saw in her eyes the reflection of her and John making love.  Tiffany tried to gasp only making blood gush out more.  She gripped his pants one more time.  Her hand shaking as if trying to build a rage.  Words couldn't be formed as she gave one last attempt and then her hand fell motionless.

“Why...John, why,” turning towards the computer he began to smash the computer tower with his foot.  Sending sparks and pieces to scatter over the floor.  Straightening his clothes he stared down at her, “I made a mistake Michelle.  And I can't have that mistake leaking career.  I can't have a pregnancy or that video leaking out.  I can't risk any chance of any of it surfacing.”  Making his way to the door, “please John...don't do...I’m not...”  “Goodbye Michelle,” and without a single backward glance John left the room.  Leaving the cold to swallow up the last bit of strength that Michelle could muster. 

[Johnathan Robbins]

Exiting out the back door, John made his way around the corner.  The cold night air felt good on his skin.  His light footsteps echoed over the street as the trees swayed in the breeze.  Making his way towards his car he saw a lone woman leaning against it.  He smiled when he saw her there, “hello Jaime,” he whispered softly.  Smiling widely at him, “hey baby,” she said softly.  The embraced in a deep kiss as he made his way towards the driver's seat, “did you get it?”  He nodded, “yeah you were right she did burn it.”  Opening the passenger door, “I knew that she would.”  He stopped and gazed over the top of the car, “thanks for giving Tiffany the address too.  The plan could not have been completed without you...I love you.”  “And I love you too baby.”


[8 Months Later]

“Hello this is Rick Barnes here with Sports News.  I am here in the locker room with third time Stanley Cup champions the Chicago Blackhawks talking with this years MVP Johnathan Robbins.  Johnathan tell us what is going through your mind.”  “Well it's a great feeling!  I have to say that I am very proud of myself and of the team.  We worked hard and fought like the true champions we are.”   Rick Barnes was grinning from ear to ear, “it must be so hard for you this year too.  Loosing girlfriend Tiffany Matthews in that horrible murder of your stalker and now the recent death of fiancee Jaime Kelly in that horrible car accident.”  He shrugged, “It just shows me to be careful in giving away my heart.  You never know who somebody truly is in the end.  I can't express how difficult it has been, but I want to dedicate my own personal win in their memories.  The tragedy that has faced everyone involved in the matter is something that will always weigh heavy in my heart.”  Nodding softly Rick quickly asked, “If you could say anything to them right now what would it be?”  Kissing the Stanley Cup, he yelled, “I love you both and this win right here is for you guys!” 


The End