Denying Pinocchio Nose by Rodica Dragomirescu - HTML preview

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Once I had a bad dream,

On the earth the light was dim

And nobody played with toys anymore.

I couldn’t keep up the score


With this situation,

The world seemed like a desert,

While people made a convention,

To be very serious and not to preserve


Toys any more. The children

Weren’t allowed to play even

If they

Were very small,


You couldn’t find anywhere any toys at all.

I entered a shop

And I felt disappointed and small

Because I couldn’t do anything to stop


People killing the toys.

I  cried because I didn’t hear the noise

Of laughter anywhere          

And I was ready to swear


That people will be different, unhappy,

They won’t love each other like they

Did before and they will loose

Very much, they will confuse,


Children with grownups, meanwhile

The sun won’t smile

Anymore on the sky

And the birds won’t fl y


In peace through the air, butterflies

Will also fly otherwise

And God will also be sad

Because laughter on earth will be dad!


Then I woke up

And I was so happy

That I couldn’t stop myself to cry for joy                              

And then I played with my favorite toy!