Denying Pinocchio Nose by Rodica Dragomirescu - HTML preview

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The toys are living,

This is my feeling

When I’m staring my old Teddy bear.

I could swear


That he understands me.

When I’m sad I take him into my arms

And it seems that he whispers in my ear,

I could swear,


Words to comfort me.

Then I put him back on his place

And when I look at his face

I think that things can’t be


So bad, the sun is still shining,

Laughter isn’t eat dead

In this world.

People still get old


It’s true,

But maybe one day

All our dreams will come true.



We must at least keep our harts young

Even if sometimes we must be very strong

To achieve our goal.

In such times I think that my Teddy bear has a



And that I’m the person

Which he loves the most

On this world

And when I’ll be old


I will still have all this for me,

Things will be exactly like now,

I’ll be like a child who knows how

It is to be loved and to be free!