I’m not afraid of any witch
Even if she is a bitch
If I sleep with my velvet dog.
No witch can transform me into a frog
Because my grandfather
Told to my toys
That all this is a lie
To scare little boys
If they not obey
And don’t want to go to bed.
I asked him instead
How it is to be
A grandfather after being a grandson
He blushed but he had fun
And he told me the big secret
After I promised to be discrete.
He told me that he also didn’t got asleep
At night very easy
And that all the toys were busy
To entertain him while his parents slept very
They told him all about their world
And about the world of the fairy tales
And they also took him on a ride
On their planet were any bad witch fails
And any good witch flies also on a broom,
But a white one ribboned with flowers
As I will see very soon
If I will count the hours
And I won’t fall asleep.
Nature make me think deep
At all this
And discover the possible quiz!