Denying Pinocchio Nose by Rodica Dragomirescu - HTML preview

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Mokino is a Teddy bear and Bill

Is a toy monkey.

They are  very good friends and still

Sometimes they are arguing.


Mokino seems to be lazy,

He wakes up late in the morning

Meanwhile Bill feels that he gets crazy

Washing and cleaning


The dishes and the plates.

This is what it takes

To be Mokino’s friend.

But everything has an end,


Bill told his friend

That his attitude has a trend

Which doesn’t inspire him at all,

This can’t be Mokino’s goal.


But Mokino answered quickly

By telling he is deeply

Moved if his friend isn’t satisfied,

But when it comes to obtain


The favors of their spoiled mistress

Mokino is the one who feels the distress,

Because he is a terry bear

Which makes her to despair


Wanting to caress him,

To sleep with him at night

And to hold him very tight

So that he can’t sleep very well.


Bill answered by giving Mokino a hug

And then they prepared their gag

For a show

That seemed to progress and not very slow.


Bill and Mokino want to become stars

And have fame,

But until now

Only my poem mentions their name!