Denying Pinocchio Nose by Rodica Dragomirescu - HTML preview

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Someday everything will be different

On the earth.

People won’t hurt

Animals anymore, they will eat


Artificial food.

Everybody understood

That life is very precious

And that we must be cautious


With nature and things.

Who knows what God thinks

When we destroy

Things that once brought us joy?


Good probably also likes toys

Made for little boys

And he probably likes also the dolls

Made for little girls!


If only He would wish

To give them life one day

We would obey and prey

That toys should live



Be clever

And think that God couldn’t bear

To see a dying Teddy bear


Or a dead toy cat.

We all would have a nightmare instead

To be happy and astonished

Like we never were on this planet.


The oceans and the see

Are telling me

That they also live.

The wind may be naive


Because sometimes he blows to strong,

And this is wrong,

But he also lives,

And the flowers and the trees


Love us as it seems.

Be careful with them

And let them be wise in your dreams

And in my poem!