Denying Pinocchio Nose by Rodica Dragomirescu - HTML preview

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I’m Bruno, a Teddy bear

And I’m having a fear,

I begun to get old

But still I can hold


The hand of a child.

Nature be mild,

You know I could live forever

If people would be clever


And would keep me warm and comfortable,

So that death

Should be jealous and mad

Because I’m not in trouble


And because like this I won’t ever die!

If only I could fly

Through the air

I could comfort even old people who despair


Because of their loneliness

And the lack of love in their lives.

I could bring up their memories

Under the Christmas trees


That they prepare

When the winters fair

Comes along

And they will feel again strong


And ready to continue

To struggle with days

And lonely nights

So that they will feel in their hearts


Happiness and joy.

I’m Bruno a toy,

Take care of me

And life everlasting will be!