Denying Pinocchio Nose by Rodica Dragomirescu - HTML preview

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Don’t Cry Mickey Mouse!


Don’t cry Mickey mouse,

We will find you a house

And a home in our hard

Said the toys, we’ll start


To build it right now.

We will watch your show

Feel the emotions of a true hero

Like Mickey or Minnie,


Like Donald or Popeye.

When they appear

On the large screen, with no fear.

They bring joy and laughter


In our little toy homes

But also in people lives,

Any child or grown up denies

No longer that he or she had fun


Watching the cartoons

With colors and balloons,

With flowers and trees and nature,

Were anyone can find adventure.


You also won’t ever die,

Don’t say to us “Good by! ”

Because you will stay with us forever,

Life on the screen means never


To be forgotten or lost.

You were for us host

In minutes of true happiness

You will live forever, God bless!