Diwan al-Layla wal-Majnuun: a poetic tale of love by nashid fareed-ma'at - HTML preview

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this is for nizami...


flowers are from the heavens

those who have not lost

or who have regained

the ear to hear the flowers’ celestial songs

can testify to the unending praise

every flower sings

even the sprouts and closed buds

and stalks with fallen petals

yielding their forms

every flower sings

unending praise of the beloved

in a stirring beauty

that makes even the angels cry


this is why

even for those deaf to the flowers’ songs

gardens have the feel of paradise

an abode more intimate

with the beloved


how often in the qur’aan

is paradise described as

“gardens underneath which rivers flow”

and so it was with this garden

commissioned by a former sultaan

whose name and kingdom lay buried

in the shifting desert sands



although forgotten, what he built remained

the underground tunnel stretching many miles

to bring water to this isolated plain

there her footsteps nimbled through this garden

set in the foreground of the najd mountains

she moved among the fragrance of other maidens

accompanied by guardian escorts

armed with ready swords

her face was fully veiled

to protect from the beating sun

but also to grant cover from majnuun’s eyes

if he dared to spy

it would have to be from afar

unless he wanted to invite violence


there was something unspoken

as she crossed the threshold

of the oriental plane trees

to be greeted by dazzling red tulips

dancing with yellow roses

the martyrdom of the tulips had begun

tossing their discarded petals across the grass

the yellow blooms remaining upright

as unyielding flags that dispassionately declared

you are my friend,

you are my beloved,

you are my beloved friend

who is my joy


but oh, give ear

nizami now whispers his request

that i tell the tale of the tulip’s story

an invitation to embrace a deeper understanding

of the beauty and secrets of flowers



the love of farhad

how, for the sake of shinrin, he went

to carve a mountain for the hand of his beloved

his beaten hands scarred by this manual struggle

which left him vulnerable within a hopeful desperation

such that when the crafted lie of her death

reached his ear

all hope was quickly discarded

he threw himself from the mountain’s summit

thinking he was following her in death

to a destination the body could not go to while alive


in the great descent hurried by gravity’s rage

he gave up his spirit

although the corpse was marred and crushed

to a disfigured blight

the sincerity of his sacrifice yielded a fruit

for at every spot where a drop of his blood fell

a scarlet-hued tulip eventually arose

the pure red tinted by a touch of orange

opening fully to the sun by day,

its love to display

the petals closing at night to mourn

and after a number of nights

the red of each tulip’s center

painted itself ebony-black

for night cries cannot forever be kept from the day

and despite its entrancing beauty

these tulips were an expression of mourning


as farhad awaited in the next world

the arrival of his beloved

who he thought would already be there

the tulips of this world displayed in colorful array

his celestial melancholy

shaded within the interior of the base of the petals

secrets hidden in plain sight

oh, messages abounding with captivating metaphors

for those lovers who have eyes to see

beyond the surface of their beauty


the place where farhad’s body crashed

became a pool of tulips

and as the height of his fall was great

his blood, upon impact, was scattered afar

drops becoming seeds

to mature into standing tulips

a fall to stand


by the power of love

they made lasting homes in good and bad soil

surviving even among the clutches

of choking thorns

enduring with lasting beauty

within sun-scorched, shallow ground

and even living the full of their life span

in rocks without soil


yet the blood of farhad

would not be contained to the reach of his

scattered blood

the red petals tinted with orange

drew the eyes of other lovers

such that their caring hands and lovers’ tears

whether restrained or publicly expressed

became the lover’s blood planted elsewhere

a scattering that now has tulips

sing all over the earth


even if the story of their emergence is forgotten

true love,

whether spurned or allowed,

exiled or deceived,

is not bound to earthly life

it does not die with death

for its kiss is eternity

the tulip serving as another testament

of the endless continuance of love...


* * *


although the tulip’s tale is not always known

those in love can feel its story

and so she was moved

upon seeing a testament of love’s eternal kiss

flowing with the yellow roses

yet her attention

was drawn to a fallen tulip

with severed stem

its blood red petals laying intact by her feet

she took it in hand

to salvage its beauty

making it her walking companion


she continued with the maiden train

beyond the entrance to the garden

where bunches of violets played hide and seek

within the veneer of modesty

swaying with curved stems to a breeze of innocence

their song preoccupied with love

yet her attention remained upon the tulip


in a patch of shade beyond

thorny stems stood guard around rosebuds

not yet bloomed

yet their fragrance could not be kept

behind the guard’s pricky points

a message in their song

that even well-kept secrets

will find a way to be revealed

beyond what seeks to protect and conceal them

yet her attention remained upon the tulip


as they walked by a small pond

the water lilies lay fully exposed

their open petals tickling the water’s surface

although their roots and stems

pass through muddy and murky waters

their flowers ascend above

empowered by their devotion to purity

their open forms commune with the sun

abiding within this world, we should

not forget

part of love’s song is the call to never give up

there is another welcoming world,

much more wonderful

for those who remain steadfast

even if love’s rewards elude us in this world

continue to persevere through love’s hardships

the sight of lilies delighted her eyes

and imbrued this message in her heart

yet her attention remained upon the tulip


the hyacinths lay unmasked

hiding nothing of their sweet-scented wisdom

she smiled as she remembered

the hyacinth sends another fragrant whisper

to the rose bush

the box trees stroked the hair of their leaves

which were recently cut into the latest spring style

while the carefree branches of the pomegranate trees

played tag with their abundance of fruit

in a jovial chase

the daffodils stood adamantly in their seniority

among all the other flowers awoke and awaking

they were the first to stir from winter’s slumber

boldly proclaiming no season of cold

can last forever

she was witness to the intricacies of these

floral tapestries

and the pleasant feelings these evoked

yet her attention remained upon the tulip,

the severed flower in her hand


there was a pause upon seeing the judas tree

its flowers painted red by another martyr

but that death was the outcome of love betrayed

the tulips’ hues are of love’s sacrifice

yet the beauty of the blood-wine leaves

could not be denied

attracting the stay of vagrant roses

who in their wildness would not be restrained

to plots

and the conformity of human cultivation

they sought to wager their secrets for the sacred gift

the absolute bestowed upon the jasmines

having already been turned away by the irises

who, in their regal discernment,

reserve for special moments

the revelation of the rainbows they emit

from earth to the heavens

as fascinating as the exchange among these flowers was

still her attention remained unmoved

as a moving meditation upon the tulip


she noticed within the last stretch of the garden

ringdoves were visiting the nightingale

the “ku-ku” of the doves singing “where-where”

to the nightingale’s song of immortality,

forever free from the world’s troubles

a song it sang night and day, and day and night

to tickle the endlessness of what lays beyond time

yet something in its melody

reminded her of the sigh in majnuun’s words

which only turned her unmoving attention

more deeply upon the tulip


* * *


as the maidens sat,

she sat with them

the roaming of their bodies through the garden

shifting to the roaming of words

streams of gossip interspersed

with laughter and merriment

at times, she would offer a chuckle

but her silent discourse

was now with the nightingale


hast thou come to embellish the song of the garden

with the melody ringing from

the crown of love upon thine heart


hast thou come to tip the glass of celebration

with the flowers’ orchestra

which honors the eventual victory of love


hast thou come to levy a portion of thy coming treasures

to bid the long night passing

of love’s poverty ripening into treasures timeless


hast thou come with passion to drink

the inebriations of my lover’s song

a taste of wanting to console thy longing


she replied

in the silent song discontented lovers know

none of those are the prize my suffering seeks

for those will only relieve

a suffering that will only continue

my heart seeks the end of suffering

which this world seems not to offer

perhaps this garden

can show me the way to

that other garden

wherein no suffering dwells


too much thou ask for

to have, within this world,

a love without suffering

love will content true lovers

with a happiness that outlives suffering

but only after testing them,

sometimes harshly,

to prove the sincerity of their love

endure, faithful lover

happiness will come



only the other garden will serve my...


with that,

the nightingale suddenly flew away

taking its song and counsel with it

she became startled and withdrew

the tulip left behind as she rushed away


in her haste

she found a private enclosure

at the edge of the garden

a place seemingly secret

to unburden her laments

after being scorned

by the nightingale’s departure


“that tulip am i

that unfolds to the sun my petals

the sadness painted in my core revealed

and too, the shade of my night sorrows

these dark spots give witness to my nocturnal cries

mere spots being the only expression

i disclose to the day

pardon what i cannot now restrain

in this hidden corner of the garden


“oh, drop of blood

which served as seed

to this beautiful mourning flower

did not the creator create us for each other

or have i misconstrued my destiny

to be a blatant mistake

this separation is the frost of winter

upon my petals

dropping upon this pristine grass,

fallen and withered

if only thou this garden would enter now

and share this seat, allowing our gazes

to directly meet

the wounds of mine heart would immediately

cease to bleed

there would be no need

for my blood to be spilled into flowers”


and then,

as if the veil was lifted from her face

he was standing before her

gazing deeply into her eyes,

her soul

she wanted to rush into his arms

but his loving stare rendered her still

she wanted to speak

but his words came first

in the voice of a stranger

on the other side of the bush

lovingly reciting to an audience of his own

sweet verses

overheard by the intended recipient of the author

his mouth moving as the stranger’s voice proclaimed

“show me a rose that grows from the beloved’s garden

into this world lacking a thorn

and i will show thee my madness for the night

but if such a rose thou canst not show me

call me not a majnuun



she could not refrain from saying his name

before bursting into a blinding torrent of tears

she felt the veil over her face again

as her tears fell with viscous descent

they sought to take root in a rock below

but the hard surface denied them entry

smashing to liquid dispersed

instead of solemn tulips

yet a testament of her wailing was not lost

as the calling of his name

and the cries that followed

was spied by one of her fellow maidens

who came to bring the fallen tulip to its owner

the intensity of the layla’s unconsolable wailing

restrained the maiden to a witnessing secrecy

she quietly backed away

to grant due privacy

to the afflicted lover


but what secret is a secret

if it is not shared with at least one other

so days later the maiden confessed this

to layla’s mother

immediately, her heart broke

as the deluge of her daughter’s pain

flooded her own being


she could feel the pull of her daughter’s love

tugging against her maternal protection

because after all,

this good youth had only become a majnuun

after the world denied him his love

so while she knew

she could not encourage her daughter’s wishes

nor advise a forbearance that would only

increase the urge to chase love’s dream

she watched with care

her daughter’s veiled torment

which became a more private torment for her

one she could not even share with her husband

or her daughter


nizami is a master

may the fullness of his mastery

veiled in clever metaphors

be realized by the sincere and pure of heart...

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