Diwan al-Layla wal-Majnuun: a poetic tale of love by nashid fareed-ma'at - HTML preview

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the garden plays host to an intercourse of destinies

one’s pilgrimage of melancholy

can ignite an invitation to another’s

pursuit of desire

and so it transpired

that as layla cried the last of her tears

and lifted her veil to dry her eyes

her visage was sighted by him

more known by his nickname: bakht

which means “good fortune”

the son of a nobleman named salaam

the father and son sharing not only wealth

but also a good reputation


this young man of the clan of assad

had become a conqueror of social spoils

so when he could not forget the sight of her

on the many days’ travel back to his homeland

he cherished the intuition of that moment

when he sent his servant to follow her

back to her party

there, the servant inquired of her escorts

what is her name

what is her clan

is she with husband or child

if not, then who is her father


yes, the one the majnuun of the najd mountains

sings of

his compositions echoing even to bakht’s homeland

but what competition can a poor madman

pose to a renowned noble of acute social skill


so he set the pieces in play

the bounty of wealth partnered with

the bounty of crafty genteel

the genius of his plan leaving nothing to chance

even choosing the clothes of the courtier he sent

“on bended knee,

beg like a humble beggar on my behalf

then offer in sequence

these fine silken robes and scarves,

spun by the finest weavers

these gold necklaces

these bracelets of fine pearls

and these hand-carved jewelry boxes

to keep these newly given gifts

give the father this sword

with an ivory handle embroidered with gold

these fine prayer rugs

and lastly,

this qur’aan within this gold and jade case

present these gifts in the order i have shown you

to insure success”


the courtier rode off on a white horse

with royal escorts

arriving days later at the camp of layla’s clan

and like a beggar,

regarding himself unworthy to enter

the home of the one he came to petition

he requested layla’s father to please come

to just outside the camp

and came he did,

the entire clan assembled to give audience

layla remaining in the back, watching

from a distance

yet she turned away and left

when the courtier confessed

he came to request her hand on behalf of

bakht ibn salaam


gasps of awe and astonishment filled the air

was one of their clan about to ascend

to the heights of aristocracy

yet as her father watcher her disappear

within the collage of tents

he knew she would not consent

and why use his choice to place her in bondage

with time she would become receptive

to the inviting joys of marriage to a noble of good renown

yet the “oohs” and “aaws” of the crowd moved him

their reactions as each gift was presented

so he accepted the gifts,

a sign of approval

but delayed the finality of a sealing promise

by urging patience


“i know my daughter is a treasure

worthy of many a man’s desire

yet she is new to the season of spring

she is maturing into

like the first blooms

she is delicate to the waning frost

the impressions of winter not yet melting away

give this season time to abide in its own strength

and the cold of winter’s reserve to thaw

into a welcoming warmth

then there will be no points for refusal

bid ibn salaam to afford us patience

i am confident the desired day of matrimony

will arrive soon enough


“therefore, i’ll hold these gifts in trust

until the day it is appropriate to yield my consent



although ibn salaam

did not foresee anything less

than being summoned to layla’s camp

to receive her hand

he yielded to forbearance

the acceptance of the gifts

virtually betrothed her to him

and if there was somehow a change of heart

he could play these pieces in pursuit of victory


so he waited

learning to be content

with the fading visions of her beauty

he sought to retain within his memories

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