Diwan al-Layla wal-Majnuun: a poetic tale of love by nashid fareed-ma'at - HTML preview

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the gallops of the horses were thunderous

nawfal decked in full armor

his slayer of men’s breasts sheathed upon his hip

and riding beside him

the purpose of this quest

the madman imprisoned in the prince’s form

he still wore the shirt he tore

vowing to not change his clothes

until they were exchanged for wedding garbs

or rags for the desert


these two were followed by whatever men

could be gathered in the moment’s haste

not a preferred number

but nawfal feared any delay

would result in the loss of his prince


perhaps the surprise of a sudden threat

would overcome any insufficiency in number

and they were fighting for love

would that not warrant fate’s favor


it was not long before they reached a ridge

overlooking the camp of layla’s clan

being within sight of his beloved again

invigorated the prince and the madman

nawfal had his men erect their tents

and sent a messenger with a scribed note

the courtesy of a precursor to the vernacular

of armed force

“i, nawfal,

the destroyer of armies,

am ready to reduce your people

to dust and ashes lost in these desert sands

surrender what i demand:

layla, the beautiful

that i may unite her

with the only man who deserves her hand

send me this sweet nectar at once

that his thirst may be quenched within the hour

otherwise we will settle the matter

bloody swords and arrows”


before the hour was half full

the messenger returned with a reply

“your demands forsake the ways of good arabs

our beloved layla is no meal to be pouched

if your human arms are long enough to reach the moon

and cool enough to bear the flames of the sun

come forth with your swords

and we will teach you how cheap plates

are shattered to pieces”


nawfal became enraged

the prince receded,

the madman ready to stand

yet he remained seated as nawfal

dictated a second and last demand

“will you join the countless other fools

who met the grave’s regret

at the blade of my sword

there is no shelter

from this raging tempest upon the hill

surrender layla

or disaster is yours”


the messenger departed again

his second return even swifter

the prince’s eyes despised

to not see a woman’s form upon the horse

or even some lady’s favor


when the messenger bowed before nawfal

he held only the papyrus of the last demand

sent back, ripped in two


nawfal let out a scream

that silenced the entire valley

and then unsheathed his sword

he didn’t even have to say “attack”

his dash toward the enemy camp

was followed by all his men

their roars of fury were met

by the advancing roars of the enemy

only the prince was told to stay behind

for he was not a warrior

and nawfal would not have the purpose of this fight

risk his life in martial inexperience

but the physical distance

was no separation from the din of battle

the unending chorus of feet pounding

horses flying by

metal banging and clanging

men yelling to intimidate

men yelling in fear

the cries of temporal victory

the cries of meeting lasting defeat

the sounds of wounds searing unbearable pain

of limbs severed, breasts broke open

to never close again

even the last gasps of breath

as warm bodies fell to a finality of becoming cold

the horror of watching an empty valley

become a growing lake of blood

the low waters filled with the refuse

of human corpses

as live men fought and moved about

the hush of the stilling waves

accompanied by the bemoaning melody

of women, elders, and children

sounding out their shock and mourning

even witnesses were pulled into unfolding tragedy


the massacre became too much for the madman

his sensitivity overwhelmed

he was prepared to die for layla’s love

but the scene of scores upon scores of men

dying and being maimed for his love

was too much bear

the prince,

who could accept such sacrifice

as a royal dowry paid for a forthcoming gain,

was overtaken by the anguish of the madman

who was suffocating within an illogical mix

of grief and joy

there was joy when an enemy fell

one less obstacle to being with his beloved

yet this same enemy was fighting for layla

earning the grief of her tears

and thereby, his too

for how could he not sympathize

with the sympathies of his beloved

and did she not feel sadness

for every man of her clan who was killed

all his selfish aims were dissolved

within his allegiance to her

even if it stifled him within a confused agony


thus, majnuun’s smile shed conflicted tears

to be in communion with his beloved

until something snapped

in his mind

the prince murdered by madness

the walking corpse abandoning safety

to wander among the carnage


it was not long

before the soles of his boots were made bloody wet

among the swords swinging

arrows flying

blows being thrown

the joy of melancholy boiling forth

in the torments of confused comfort


he cheered as one of nawfal’s men dropped

an enemy to the ground

yet as the warrior lifted his sword

to deliver the death blow

majnuun placed his body over the fallen one

shielding the wounded

“what are you doing

why are you not on the hill

and why are you protecting the enemy”


“can they truly be enemies

when they fight to protect my beloved”


“but we are wagering our lives

so you can be with her”


“yet she cries for them

and so my tears join hers

even as i am filled with joy

that you remove this enemy to our love”

then he laughed

a deranged, extended cackle

that echoed the depths of his madness


“you are mad”

the warrior rushed away


yet majnuun continued the discourse

with his absence


“and so too this arm

whose insanity is scarred by cowardice

too afraid to end this life and, thus, this war

oh, i would kiss the hand of every man

who lives and dies

to grant and deny me

the boon of my love”


and so he kissed the bloody hand

of the fallen man

whose eyes were now lost

in that irreversible stare of death’s approach

then off he went

to intervene in more of this battle’s episodes

for there were more lives to be won and lost

or at least let go of

within the testimony of his lunacy


* * *


if the time and place of death

were not predetermined by allaah alone

little chance he would have had

of walking off the battlefield alive

yet that hour and place was not then for majnuun

and destiny’s grace kept him from wounds

it also didn’t hurt that his princely facade

made him unrecognizable to layla’s clan

who remembered him as a majnuun

uncouth and dressed in rags

they would have surely killed him

if they knew he was among them


grace also kept him from nawfal’s sight

whose eyes were occupied

with mowing a lawn of corpses

toward that lady

he had heard so much of

yet had never seen

with his own eyes

although real,

she was nothing more than an idea

to many on that battlefield

but in the foolish haste of war

many fight for ideas

that are no more real than

conceived figments in their minds


tides of great loss washed upon both shores

even layla’s uncle received blows so severe

one of his arms was rendered permanently limp

a dead limb hanging above this lake of death

the competing struggles against struggle

tipped not any advantage to either side

such that

when the orange-red hue of the setting sun

exhaled its diminishing light

twilight’s darkness brought the fighting to an end

neither party could claim victory

only mounting losses

which could not be fully accounted for

within the night’s paucity of light


* * *


night fell

the sleep of the exhausted

entwined with the insomnia

of the wounded and the anxious

majnuun kept vigil the night

upon the blood-drenched sand

still wet and smelly

under the clouded nocturnal shadows

his hands, his pants, his face

were tinted by shades of a darkening crimson

he sat among the pungent corpses on the battlefield

the ones that could not be gathered before darkness

ended their retrieval


it became an imprecise blur

within the infringing presence of death

stifling all feeling for life

yet this was not disturbing in any way

to the walking corpse of the prince

the madman actually found comfort in it


as dawn’s light effaced the night’s veiling

nawfal’s scouts returned with disheartening news

word of their surprise attack spread to nearby clans

who sent men of their own to fight against

what no self-respecting clan would tolerate

knowing his chosen course

went against the code of honor

and that the numbers were now severely against him

wisdom suggested a compromise

so his messenger he sent

to offer a path to abandon further bloodshed

for now

“let our swords rest,

for our grief and wounds are still fresh

but i still seek what i demand

name your price,

even if it be limitless treasures,

and peace will be our accord


let us depart from the battlefield with bitterness

and with no promise

to not return to arms for the prize sought”


it was no surprise

when the messenger returned

relaying that the request to pay for layla

was rejected

no self-respecting clan could concede

to brazenly selling off their women for riches

but the offer to cease hostilities for now

was accepted

the losses were sudden and great

and the clan wished to not add another single body

to the mass graves they would have to dig


so nawfal had his men disassemble their camp

and had men retrieve majnuun

from the lake of drying blood

along with any remaining corpses

whose exposure upon the battlefield

continued their stiff cries for a grave

then they departed

but things were not the same

the madman now reigned the house of the prince

making the prince a captive locked in

a hidden dungeon

whose tortured screams could only be heard

in the unspoken recesses of the madman’s mind

and nawfal’s men

they refused to forget

how this same majnuun dishonored their loyalty

on the battlefield

although none spoke a word of it to nawfal

it hampered their commitment to majnuun’s cause

another casualty of war

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