Diwan al-Layla wal-Majnuun: a poetic tale of love by nashid fareed-ma'at - HTML preview

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nawfal was all smiles

as he sat upon his throne

enjoying the company of some of his men

yet his delight instantly surged

when qays walked in the room

embodying the nobility of a prince

whose future reign was destined to bless the world


qays returned nawfal’s smile

with a smile of his own

“i see you received a shave today

you look exquisite”


“it is all by your grace”


“then perhaps you will reciprocate my generosity

with another poem

it brings me and my men such joy”


“do not all men live for joy”


nawfal and his men were jubilant with anticipation

but qays’ smile became a look of despised madness

before anyone could intercede

the torrent of his words were already let forth

although bruising, they were still alluring

leaving the spectators hurt yet amazed


“the torments of my patience torture you not

the chasm of my separation from my beloved, you ignore

you bask in the perceived treasures of my company

while every single promise you made to me

has proven empty,

not a hint of fulfillment

all your assurances of keeping your word:

blasphemous hypocrisy

i kept my part

i became a gentleman refined

yet the treasure of the night you swore to deliver me

remains denied

so now justified rage

fuels the throes of my passion

if sanity will only be betrayed

let madness reign”


nawfal could not refute the validity of these words

his head lowered in shame

touched by a sadness for what was now obvious

the prince he discovered within a cocoon of madness

could no longer be kept in his playground

he would either be a lover united with his beloved

or a raving majnuun wandering the mountains

these alone were the only choices of fate

for the prince before him


any lingering doubts about this

were destroyed by what majnuun said next

“when you pledged your vow

there was no delay in your speech

why now do you stutter in silence

have you expended all your bandages

for my bleeding soul

a gash that ceases not to let forth blood

now my patience revolts,

demanding fulfillment or death

i will be in the company of true friends

even if they be hard rocks

and coarse grains of sand

they accept the honesty of my tears

unlike a ruler of men

who tries to appease me with lies

to sate his desire for his own personal satisfaction


“i die to your social charades

i break the facade of this painted face

i will not hide how i drown

in the blood of my soul

while you fancy my words

no more!

this moon has completely waned

bring me layla now

or you have evicted me

back to the desert of madness”


the majnuun encased in the prince’s clothing

could bear this imprisonment no more

screaming aloud in complete reckless abandon

he tore his shirt and fell to his knees


nawfal could not bear

the visual loss of his prince

and stood to scream


it was as if the whole world became quiet

even majnuun froze in the midst of tearing

another rip in his shirt


in that silence

the remorse and sadness in nawfal

increased a thousandfold

he knew no words could appease this plea

that there could be no further delay

if he was to keep his promise

so the simple instruction was given

“have the men prepare for battle”

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