Diwan al-Layla wal-Majnuun: a poetic tale of love by nashid fareed-ma'at - HTML preview

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the earth shook


the earth shook again


the earth shook again

and yet again

the entire camp was in a state of fear

unsure of what these portents beheld


the summit of the hill was occupied

by a massive army

the front line composed of huge men

following soldiers playing large kettle drums


the rhythm of aggression continued

as the shaking of the earth ceased for now

there they stood

a crescent moon of impending doom

that stretched back as far as the eye could see

if the men of layla’s clan

could have seen this from the valley

they might have swallowed their pride

and restrained their courage

to spare unnecessary death within inevitable defeat

but they could only see the brim of this cup

blinded to the reach of its depths


in their ignorance,

they screamed in fury

rushing to gather arms and fellow fighters

nawfal watched from the center of the crescent

sending forth a messenger

to reiterate his demand for layla

a mere formality

for the coming bloodbath


one of the sultaans riding beside nawfal asked

“have you assembled this ocean of an army

for this puny puddle

my army alone would have been enough

to smash the water out of this shallow pit”


“i doubt not your words

but certain victories are worth

being more than assured of

for with this victory

i have already won many more battles to come

without having to withdraw my sword”


as nawfal and the sultaan smiled

the messenger approached the camp

but before he could even begin to dismount

a man from layla’s clan charged at him,

swinging his sword

the messenger quickly retreated

but with that

the hostilities began


nawfal yelled aloud

with an echo that filled the valley


the steady rhythm of the drums

became drowned in a tirade of charging soldiers

soaking the valley with a rain of attacking strikes

coming down hard

the drummers held the line of the hill

as nawfal led the assault

a flood of men on foot surging as an unending flow

toward the small damn of defense

emerging from the camp

before any contact was made

the prospects for defense seemed minimal


the earth shook again with a deafening din

the fighting commenced to be fierce and intense

the surging water swelled against the bending damn

the pressure building as an unending ebb

it quickly became evident

the bulging damn would not suffice

it was already breaking in small ways

that foretold a final big collapse

yet layla’s clan fought on with pride

even if the cost of their bravery was

complete demise


there’s something about skilled warriors

fighting a battle they know they will win

and nawfal led the way

leveling a path of broken twigs

as he penetrated the core of the damn

not even layla’s uncle,

who charged with the force of his whole soul,

could survive a single swing of the

destroyer’s sword

his spilt blood contributing to painting the

valley soil red again

this time with the hue of complete domination

it didn’t take long before the battle became

a massacre

the damn collapsed

with even the structure falling

to the flooding water


* * *


nawfal stood over a corpse by the camp’s edge

as if the cocoon of war’s fate

unraveled from the tip of his bloody sword

he surveyed the survivors standing before him

morning wives transformed into afternoon widows

mothers made childless, sisters now without brothers

sons and daughters rendered to bastards

a clan once strong with men

now reduced to a collection of mostly women

and children

their resistance now winnowed

to a few cursing women

and angry kids throwing rocks


the elders,

wishing not the extinguishment of these

scattered embers

grabbed the furious survivors

and pushed them back into the camp

then these very same elders

fell to their knees upon the bloodied soil

sprinkled the red-tainted sand

upon their aged heads

and crawled toward the victor

on their hands and knees

with bent necks

crying for allaah’s mercy


that the hand of the conqueror

in kindness, stay itself

from completely annihilating the clan


the senior-most elder reached nawfal’s feet first

his blood-stained hands touching nawfal’s boots

a dirge of tears fell upon the weathered leather

as the old man looked up with defeated pride to say,

“lord, victory is yours

this cannot be disputed

in the remains of our defeat

we plead for mercy and justice

the spoils of war are yours to take

we beg for the peace of survival

spare our innocent women and children

and please forgive those

who threw rocks in despair

what little is left of our men

please spare them too

refuse not the compassion

that will allow us

the chance to survive as a clan


“our weapons we have thrust into the sand

even our shields we drop

there is nothing more to defend us from you

we pray to be delivered from

the hardship of more death or captive bondage

completely defenseless,

we beg for your pity”


the elder then fell again at nawfal’s feet

his body heaving heavy with wails of grief

nawfal was touched

although he came with the intention

of burning the camp to ashes

he relented and said aloud,

“i will leave you as you presently are

if only you bring me layla now”


these words drew forth

a man from the camp’s edge

he walked as someone broken to the core

he knelt beside the senior elder

placed his head in the soil

and then looked up at the conqueror

speaking humbly with flowing tears

“great lord of our time

i bow before you as a soul wretched

it is for the sake of my paternal honor

that this carnage occurred

these battles have become badges of my shame

as i am now in the same predicament i was

before the bloodshed began

with the additional burden

of so many dead and maimed

i cannot help but question

was my resistance worth it


“i can only beg now before your bloody sword

for you to somehow leave my daughter in my care

or if you will murder her,

dismember her or burn her flesh to death

i shall mourn but not refuse such cruelty

but one thing i can never accept

as long as i am alive,

absolutely never!

i can never consent to give

or yield her to that devil, majnuun

an insane derelict

who spews his poison through the mountains

and beyond


“he has brought unending shame

upon my clan,

my daughter,

and myself

and so too upon his own clan

who cannot restrain him

how can i protect the modest honor of my daughter

when her name is paraded throughout arabia

like a famous tramp in countless harlot riddles


“we did much to prevent

his uncontained madness leading to

the spilling of blood

we moved to this isolated terrain

yet he continued to drown my daughter’s honor

deep in indignities

even this current tragedy

was brought to our threshold

we pursued it not,

it came to us unavoidable

what more could we do

leave the earth for a chance at peace


“so many have died to support

the rightful and revered duty

of a father protecting the honor of his daughter,

the honor of all arab women

to respect the sacrifice of those who died

for this cause

i will behead her myself

and feed her corpse to jackals

before i turn her over to the hand of majnuun

let wolves devour her flesh to the bones

and refuse her the right of a grave

leaving her soul to wander restlessly upon the earth

i will choose that path of torment

over turning her over to majnuun


“even if these words cost me death

my tongue i will not hold

there is no way i can place

the flower of my life

into a hand of ravishing madness

have you a daughter

if so, you understand my stance

and see why i can never relinquish her

to a madman”


with that

the desperate man lowered his head

and there was silence


eventually nawfal unsheathed his sword

layla’s father closed his eyes

his body trembling beyond control

anticipating death

he heard the sound of the sword

being thrust into the soil

then he felt a strong hand lift him up

he opened his eyes

to find himself standing before nawfal

who looked him squarely in the eyes to say

“although i sought to compel your will

i will not force your hand

i will not taint this victory

with the brutality of extreme oppression”


in the continuing silence

it became clear

that this twist of fate

lay within majnuun’s inconstancy

whereby one of nawfal’s closest warriors

could hold his tongue no longer

“her father is right

how can one of such unstable and delirious mind

be fit to behold one of our women as his wife

did he not betray our willingness to die for his cause

when he proclaimed allegiance to both sides

corpses are turned in their graves

wounds forever scorned

having suffered for his shifting whims


“what would become of layla

if he found disfavor with her marital vow

would he cry for her life as he joyfully beat her

maybe even murdered her

he played that very dance before our eyes

on this very battlefield


“we have already done too much

by retrieving him from the wastelands

let us not further this flawed endeavor

by forcing her hand into his

pride and shame paint irretrievable losses

on both sides

let us leave our debts as they are

and turn away to avoid further disgrace”


with that said

nawfal grabbed his sword from the soil

and began to walk away in departure

yet in his turning

his eye could not disregard

the sight of majnuun on the hill

sitting upon his horse


knowing he had to face the inevitable

nawfal started toward the friend

he now knew he betrayed

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