Diwan al-Layla wal-Majnuun: a poetic tale of love by nashid fareed-ma'at - HTML preview

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when the sun rose

majnuun continued his descent

into the deeper depths of the ocean of the desert

but now his drowning was labored

by the fatigue of exhaustion and despair

the sagging of his body

shadowed the sagging depression of his soul

yet he stumbled somehow upon a patch of relief

an oasis of green grass and trees

surrounding a small pool of water


he dipped his mouth into the bubbling,

uplifting stream

the coolness of the underground spring

still upon the swallows of water he drank

with the days’ long dryness of his throat wetted

and the emptiness of hunger temporarily filled

his satiated satisfaction dwindled into a slumber


the body was replenished for now

but his soul still in wanting

veiled by the numbness of sleep

this discontent painted his eventual awakening

with alarm in search of an unfound consolation


he felt something was watching him

perhaps something that could understand his pain

but no human or animal was in sight

his eyes continued to scour

until a motion of a wing made it noticeable

the dark hue of its feathers

melting into the dwindling light of dusk beyond

its eyes were powerful and focused

with a potent stare

piercing the fog of majnuun’s arousal

“oh, thine eyes

they glow with the penetration

of layla’s gaze

only she can see me now...”


it suddenly moved

gliding to another branch

yet it seemed as if its eyes

never turned away from him

then the nod of its head

followed by a transfixing glare

as all that was happening

became eerily surreal

the present moment seemed to unveil

its own credible doubts

about its own existence

as something more

something much more mysterious

peered from behind it


is this the waking world

or a dream so pure it seems real

he pondered aloud

“oh friend, as i dreamed

i felt i was a humming bird

so vivid was this dream

i can still taste the flowers’ nectar

upon my tongue

but as i awake again to this body

my senses feel so dull

my consciousness dazed

such that i must question

was i a human being dreaming

of being a humming bird

or am i really that humming bird

having a recurring dream

of being a human being

or should i say

a nightmare of this human life

denied the union of bliss

with my beloved”


then another thought arose on its own

“or perhaps i am something greater

interweaving dreams of being both

within the ignorance of what i truly am”


the raven gave

no reply

only those staring eyes


what are the boundaries of dimensions

in the seamless oneness of reality

a dream awake fantasied by the veritable

to actualize illusions that emulate existence


and yet,

if i am that humming bird

where is layla in my awakened reality

i have only seen her form

in these recurring sleep visions

of a human being experiencing

the torture of being separated from her


oh layla,

she must be more than a flower

for while the nectar is sweet,

the pleasant taste fades

yet my dreamed longing

for that beautiful woman

has only expanded

and increased intensely

to be sated by no taste


and yet,

if i am a human being

dreaming of being a humming bird

the pleasure of the escapade

has already become worthless

for in an instant

once i remember i am not with my beloved

nothing in my existence can be happy

not even the lingering ecstasy of a dream


and yet,

if i am something greater

interweaving the pleasant dreams

of a humming bird

with the nightmares of a human being

denied the latitude of love

my life must be empty

if the only glimpse of happiness i have

exists as something unattained

in a recurring nightmare



i would relinquish my life

for the reality of nightmares

because if i can’t be with my beloved

at least let me be within the same realm

she occupies

or in the illusion

in which i dream her to be

my sweet...


oh, no more words

i can’t even say her name

within these rumbling, rambling thoughts

that ravage my mind

although words cannot say it all

still something must be said

this silence will not remained buried

behind unparted lips

or untorn flesh


so he stood to address the raven

his dramatic motion startling the onlooker

which took flight

disappearing into the dark of the sky

yet once the fruit falls from the tree

it is bound by gravity

which escorts with unseen force

its descent to the ground


the emergence of spontaneous verse

continued its potent flow

despite the departure of the audience

it was intended for

even if to be spoken to no one


“to see but not reach

to touch but not grasp

love calls for surrender

yet its burning surrenders not

i am torched by this flameless inferno

that blazes recklessly toward emptiness

yet the nightmare is not affected the slightest

by that which consumes me”


and so the raven dissolved into the heights

to become one with the darkening sky

and even more,

as is the nature of sleep visions

it metamorphosed into a seamless collage

of countless ravens

the duvet of their interweaving wings and tails

left no gap within the reaching expanse

to form a celestial blanket of black-blue feathers

that stretched from horizon to horizon

and beyond

the only intrusion upon this cascading canvas

was the scattering of their illuminating eyes

open, closed, some with protracted blinking

composing points of light with an array

of apparent randomness


although their presence was noted

he still felt alone

for not a single one of the countless eyes

seemed to understand his soul’s discontent

then the madness took over

razing within as he continued to search outwardly

for what the nightmare did not contain:

union with his beloved


the unfulfillment continued to burn until it burst

recurring nightmares that don’t end

have a way of breaking dreamers

and there he was

a madman sobbing upon the night sands

in the shadows of a shadowy oasis

yet within his cries

the arising realizations could not be suppressed


this head bury i in the sand

to try my shame to hide

from the eyes of the night sky

who am i

that i should regard myself as an “i”

someone worthy of anything,

even my beloved

to thee i owe mine existence

an afterthought of thy creation am i

whyfor should i ever consider myself

as something independent

with its own merit

such arrogant delusion

has led me to believe

that i am someone who should have others

fight a war on behalf of me

others have bled and died

for my efforts to attain thee

so much foolishness

and irreversible destruction

i now regret


who am i that i regard myself

as someone or anything

in relation to thee

a humility remembered too late

naught am i,

layla is all

a lover should be naught

but adoration for one’s beloved

nothing more than the nothingness,

the emptiness

of complete devotion for one’s beloved

forgetting this,

i have only driven myself further from thee

again an “i” i contrive


i pray the sins of my forgetfulness

have not driven me beyond

all possibility of being united with thee

in this world

if so,

i have none other than mine “i” to blame

an unending source of mine own suffering


may i be dead to mine own “i”

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