Diwan al-Layla wal-Majnuun: a poetic tale of love by nashid fareed-ma'at - HTML preview

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the weeping wails found their own extinguishment

within an exhaustion conquered by another sleep

and there it happened

another dream within the dream


the dimension of space disappeared

i, you, me, them, us

no longer existed

no here or there, far or near

no past or present or future

just a moment so pure unto itself

as the question suddenly emerged

are you willing to die before you die


who is the questioner

who is to answer

there was nothing distinct

to distinguish these

yet a reply was given




then why are you still grasping to her,



overlapping was the reply



layla is all”


her essence is not bound

to her form in the dream

let go:

to touch but not grasp

let go

of all the dream

and see

her essence

is already one with thee


“i know”

then let go


“i can’t



you can

you just refuse


no response


then return to your dream

there is no compulsion in love

reality is always awaiting

when you’re ready to release

let go

and wake up


and so he did

awaken again

the beaming sun beating upon his eyes

all the ravens had departed the sky

to leave him abandoned

and alone



awake again

and how this stirred that deep yearning within

for layla,

only layla

a pinning although unfulfilled

which would not be denied


he had drowned long enough

and descended deep enough

into the ocean of the desert

which would only take him

and keep him further away

from his beloved

he had to return to the surface

even if for just a gasp of air

perhaps the sky that greeted his inhalation

would be a welcoming night

oh, layla is the night

the perfect nocturnal reality


* * *


seeking proximity to her

he dashed in whatever direction

he felt was up

whatever way felt like it was opposite

of the pulling gravity of the waters

disoriented by extended submersion

he could only guess which way that was

yet his uncertainty could not yield his passion

in any way

this moment called for movement



he drove forth with all his strength

until her scent was upon his nose

whether it was her actual fragrance or imagined,

it mattered not

it propelled his movement

moving on,

he found the sound of her voice within his ears

not actual words, but the resonance

of her acoustic vibrations

and even her visage appeared in the sands

dancing in the shifting clouds kissing the horizon



the laws of dreams are not bound

by our contrived logic

but the fuel of finite illusions is not unlimited

his zest waned to a flicker

his exuberant walk slowed to a crawl

until his limbs wavered in weakness

his every breath became a strain

until he felt he might actually die

and now he began to regret

the invitation he recently declined

to die before he died


but this was only the drama of the dreamscape

playing out through a fatigue that seemed so real

destiny will have its fate play upon the stage

even if the story must be chaotically changed

or rearranged to serve its will

so his breaths began to settle into a relaxed rhythm

despite the onsetting feeling of death

a subtle vivaciousness emerged to expand

ebbing through and beyond his core

suddenly two human figures appeared

two silhouettes moving across the shining sands

as they neared him,

he could see a thin man bound in thick metal chains

the weight of which arched his back

his hair and beard were disarrayed

his body scarred and naked

except for a ragged loin cloth

this bonded man was being led by a fierce

old woman

who kept tugging on the chains to keep

the man apace


to the pity-filled eyes of majnuun

this seemed so inhumane

“has this become a desert of torture

that you treat a man worse than a stray dog”


“what has this to do with you,”

asked the woman


“fate has brought this sight of injustice

before a heart that feels

have you no empathy in your soul”


the woman looked majnuun up and down

“you look as destitute as us

so i’ll tell you the truth

my husband died and left me in inescapable poverty

and this dervish has taken a vow of poverty

since hardship has famished both our plates

we have taken to this extreme

to fill our bellies

he plays the role of a madman

which i drag around in chains

to arouse the sympathy of charity

to collect whatever pittance we can”


“well, let the old man go

his feeble bones have run ragged enough

young ones are better

grant him mercy

in his place, i will follow where you lead

exchange him for an actual madman”


the woman didn’t hesitate one second

to swap the chains

but before they departed

the dervish leaned close to majnuun to whisper

“why did you not let go of this life

when you are so ready

and everything is prepared”


“i live for layla”


“that is but a grain of sand

your troubled mind holds to

what you perceive to be your beloved

is not even a drop of sweat

in this whole desert

let it go

and watch the whole of the beloved

embrace the all of you”


“come, my new madman

the day waits not for where our feet

must wander”


the woman tugged hard on the chains

leading the way

the metal scuffed his leathered wrists

to compel him to follow

her pace was quick and demanding

the shackles heavy without compassion

already regrets began to arise

why did he volunteer

to trade places with the dervish

the feeble old man who had already disappeared

was this a foolish choice on his part

or a twinkling of fate


yet as he surrendered to accept

the conditions he found himself within

his remorse found points of pleasure

as they came across tents

he could be as his madness was

in movement and song

and be appreciated

tent after tent,

sympathies were aroused

which at least gave a semblance of him

being understood

although this deception was staged

it was feeding a woman in need

a fraud yielding charity


* * *


the more the old woman punished him

the more he danced and sang

spontaneous odes of love

springing through his lips

until one day they approached

a traveling caravan

and what his eyes beheld

he could not believe



he could not mistake anyone for her

that beautiful form carrying a tray of food

entered a tent

was it really her

perhaps the heat of another long hot day

was now painting a taunting mirage

within the pre-dusk light


but then he saw her again


exiting the tent

to retrieve a cloth napkin she had dropped

watching her re-enter the tent

was confirmation enough within the dream

that the surface had been reached


after being drowned for so long,

submersed and abused

he had forgotten what it was like to breathe

yet breathe he must,

especially after seeing her

with his own awakened eyes

so he inhaled deeply

perhaps too deep

compelling an exhalation

that let forth as a proclaiming yell

“layla, my layla”


the caravan was thrust into alarm

the old woman froze, confused

a man rushed out of the tent layla had entered

with a sword drawn

he then directed two others

to go and seize the majnuun

but not before another rant of madness

could be exhaled


“look layla,

how i suffer to make amends

for all the slaughter i caused

these chains are real,

so too are my scars

and my broken heart

yet since i know this sin cannot be forgiven

because this body still breathes

please come and execute me with your own hands

oh please, layla, please


“my guilt to thee i confess

and still am i denied thy sweet caress

let me feel thy touch

as my life thou takest

like ismaa’iil, i surrender to ibraahiim’s knife

slit my neck within thy shadow

within thy life-stealing gaze murder me

just don’t let another day pass me by

without feeling thine hands...”

as the men reached the old woman

she tried to prevent them from taking her chains

yet she was easily overpowered

in panic, majnuun screamed

as a supernatural strength emerged

instantly, he ripped the chains to shreds

the rusted metal breaking like dry twigs


before the men could take hold of him

he fled with lightening speed

back into the depths

of the ocean of the desert

but this time he did not proceed

toward the bottomless depths

instead just far enough beneath the surface

where he could hide

until he emerged again for another breath

and perhaps another grasp at his beloved


unbeknownst to him

layla heard every word from within the tent

and would have had her eyes join audience

with her ears

had not her newly wed husband

blocked her exit


in her being

she longed to fulfill majnuun’s wish

to murder him with her loving embrace

a killing that would have spilt no blood

nor denied him any breath

nor impeded in any way his precious vitality

and yet,

if he still happened to die within her arms

she would have resurrected his repented body

with adulterous kisses

if only if...


but did i not say

layla’s newly wed husband

her fate continued to unfold

even while he was drowning

to explain the details of what occurred

we should return to the day

of nawfal’s victory

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