Diwan al-Layla wal-Majnuun: a poetic tale of love by nashid fareed-ma'at - HTML preview

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the night was aflame

as each fleeing step inspired an ecstasy of verse

the cup runneth over in all directions

over and over again

until destiny delivered him

a companion to utter this nectar to

something in his person

was now grateful to have an audience


“it is true that food and water

no longer sustain my body and soul

only love for my beloved

serves as my sustenance

no matter the varying extremes

my life is pulled into

around layla the night mine existence revolves

mine every day and night emerge from

and return to her

all else is death and dying

which i no longer fear

through the realms of death i move

in search of the life of love’s union

and its resurrection


“layla alone,

layla alone,

may i be alone with layla”


the companion merely looked at majnuun

the words, a foreign language not understood

but the fragrance beneath the sounds

connected the essence of majnuun

with the essence of that gazelle


in this moment

they ceased to be strangers

yet this was not the first time they met

his recollection of their previous encounter

was lost in the amnesia of abundant memories

all burnt to ashes within the inferno

of majnuun’s mind

but the gazelle remembered their previous meeting

how after it struggled for what seemed an eternity

its legs still bound, preventing escape

the burning of the sun

as a man came forth with a dagger,

ready to take its life

one last fury to flee became a fruitless despair

but then “it” came

this creature now standing before it

although it moved like a human

it proved to be something different

instead of being a partner to murder

it sent the man with the dagger away

and although the gazelle gave forth

one last failed effort to break free

it was this very creature that liberated it


the gazelle did not forget

it swore to never forget

such that when it crossed the lingering scent

of that creature

on the unmarked desert sands

it remembered

and after witnessing that scent again and again

along with occasional sightings of it

this became testimony

that the mysterious creature too lived

among the wild

a member of their informal community


how, at times,

the gazelle watched from a distance

this creature dig roots from the arid soil

or pull fruit from the rare desert trees

taking some for itself

and leaving the rest for other animals to eat

another act of community


it was more one of them than one of the humans

it became a welcomed member

of the community of the wild

what humans deemed to be savage and mad

was a cherished civilian among the animals

and it did not hunt prey

only traps, from which it freed the captured

this wasn’t lost among the animals

who came to regard majnuun as one of them


but now something more

emanated from him in this ecstasy

drawing the gazelle closer,

not allowing it to retreat

from that moment forward

the gazelle felt compelled to follow majnuun

as if the union he wandered in pursuit of

entrapped the gazelle to become a willing escort

and so it did,

day and night

mixing its footsteps with those of majnuun

their companionship churned the ecstasy of

his yearning

a captivating fragrance that allured the souls of

the wild

yet humans were completely oblivious to it


other gazelles that came to witness it

were mesmerized and also ensnared

such that they became a herd

who followed majnuun wherever he went

soon a few stray deer also joined the flock

along with lost goats and lambs

and even some wild donkeys

but the great power of this nectar was shown

when a fox joined the multitude

refusing to bare its predatory teeth

neither did the other animals fear it as prey

instead they roamed as a bonded family

indulging in the unifying ecstasy of love

they cleaned each others’ coats

and cuddled together like siblings at night

they lived in peace as honorable subjects

under the grace that crowned majnuun

after the fox came a pack of wolves

which also retired from hunting

after the wolves came jackals

then a panther

then a mountain lion

all retiring from the predatory life

to peacefully follow their sovereign in ecstasy

a humble king who only honored

and never oppressed or exploited

his loyal subjects


the sight of this animal caravan

amazed the human eyes who saw it

especially when, under the midday sun

their camp would rest as an assembly of friends

given shade by vultures circling above

lambs would lay upon the loin’s paws

goats would yield their backs to serve as pillows

for the fox

gazelles and wolves would lick the dirt

off each other

majnuun would sit in the middle of them

reciting verses of love to the sun

he lived happily among his family of animals

who loved and cared for each other

with the tenderness of the best of human families


the news of this spectacle spread wide and far

many sought to see majnuun and his train

with their own eyes

yet few had the courage to approach him

especially since the lion was quick to roar

and flash its teeth if anyone came too close

none could stand face to face with majnuun

unless he ordered the animals to be calm

and if, while addressing him,

a person’s tone or mannerisms became

too aggressive

the animals would growl and ready their claws

and teeth

displaying their readiness for attack


yet the overflow of ecstasy through majnuun

continued as a cup that continued to runneth over

even drawing birds to join this parade of love

a community of peace

one in which

creatures normally pitted against each other

merged into a collective oneness

without coercion, reconciliation,

or submission to circumstances of fate


simply a willingness to truly honor

the unsung song of love became their bond

to fulfill their place in this moving orchestra

led by the conductor

called majnuun

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