Diwan al-Layla wal-Majnuun: a poetic tale of love by nashid fareed-ma'at - HTML preview

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to the celestial audience and his company of beasts

majnuun cried these prayers

but the starry hosts only returned the blank stares

of their distant lights

and the animals,

gazes bewildered by his ecstasy


in the midst of this silence

a realization resurfaced to his memory

one he already knew but forgot

in the stirrings of his passion

the heavens could hear his pleas

but not fulfill them

the extent of their compassion was to listen

not shift or change the tides of fate


this realization beget a greater remembrance

of something greater and mightier

for all creation, if not accommodating his will,

was bound to abide by the will of the creator

so he turned his hopes to that heaven of the heavens

dwelling beyond the indecipherable heights

the most merciful who has already assured

that all of creation will always be heard by it


iyyaaka na’budu wa’iyyaaka nasta’iin

you alone do we worship,

you alone do we ask for help

yet in my foolish fervor

i make entreaties to venus and jupiter

that i should only make to you

blame and forgive my lover’s insanity

which ignores all logic

in perturbed desperation


kun fayakuun

if you say “be” then it is

if you decree it to be

nothing can stop it from being

even the entire universe united

in resisting against it

will prove powerless

but if you will for it not to be

even if all the universe sought to manifest it

there is nothing that can make it be

absolutely nothing


“nothing can disobey or overcome your will

and nothing can compel it

even my misguided prayers

must be a function of your will

a will that allows my zeal to go astray

perhaps to arrive here

where i turn only to you

to beg for that which only you can provide

i am a fool who suffers for a treasure beyond

my reach

yet that has become the sole focus of my sight”


in that moment,

the ground shook violently

yet none of the animals fled

neither did the heavenly orbs flicker

as a sprout emerged from a crack

rising to evolve into a full grown tree

huge with branches and leaves

and fruit already ripe

the green heights extended high into the heavens

and atop it sat a bird, scarlet red

it gave forth a call

as what seemed like a star fell from its beak

with burning speed it descended

to fall upon the lover’s head

planting perfectly between his eyes


upon impact

a blinding light emitted

so bright, all of creation disappeared

in the blindness, he blinked his eyes

to awaken to the deep dark of night

the haze of slumber dissipating

he sat up

to see all his companions were asleep

except for the panther keeping watch

something was now different

even if the circumstances

appeared to be the same

yes, something different


although there was a partial curiosity

wishing to know what changed

a greater appreciation was content

to live this new adjustment as a mystery

yet there seemed to be something

within the amber-gold eyes of the panther

that knew what the enigma was

knowing this,

the panther vowed to protect it

and the one on whom it was bestowed

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