Diwan al-Layla wal-Majnuun: a poetic tale of love by nashid fareed-ma'at - HTML preview

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majnuun and his family of beasts

sat upon the slanted plain of a mountain

abiding in the resonance of peace

that pervaded their collective solitude

overlooking the distance,

he noticed a plume of dust approaching


the obscuring dust

dissolved upon the grass valley below

to reveal a human figure

riding upon a horse

the speedy run slowed to an inclining trot

until the steepness of the grassy terrain

brought the creature to a stop

with a series of agitated neighs

the rider dismounted

continuing the rhythm of his approach

at the slower pace of his feet


his measured and delicate steps

gave the first indication that he was old

as he huffed and puffed up the mountain

majnuun was reminded of another encounter

he had with a rider

the one who stabbed his soul with hurting words

before reversing course to balm it with salve

but this time majnuun was not alone

so this rider better beware

although he would not unleash his animals

upon another in anger

if he swooned

he could not stay their retaliation


as the old man neared

the animals became ready to attack

but majnuun lifted his hand to calm them

he then approached the fatigued man

there was a gentle grace woven into the wrinkles

of his face

he looked eager to talk

as he sought to recover his breaths

but majnuun was the host in this outdoor residence

therefore, the first words were his to be spoke


“sir, this treacherous slope leads to no destination

and being strangers

there is no friendship that warrants you to visit me

so what brings you to my abode

and let me warn,

my companions are already wary of your presence

and i cannot assure their restraint

if they feel i am being threatened or harmed”


the old man replied,

“you are the one i seek

according to the tales the people speak

for who else can walk among

lions, panthers, and wolves

as if they are house pets

i come with the favor of good news

a private gift from your beloved

straight from her,

which no other eyes have been audience to

i am only the intermediary

will you allow me to present it to you”


majnuun’s face was alight with beaming joy

“what is your delay”


“let me say first how this came to be

for this too is part of the delivery


“not yet has a full week passed

since i found her crying alone in a secluded garden

drowning in melancholy

yet her beauty remained untarnished

as if the beauty of the garden

was radiating from her...”


“that is my layla”


“but there she was

crying such solemn tears

that they felled the walls of my heart

so i asked her why was she crying

state the reason for such despair

and for a moment,

there seemed to be

a glimpse of relief within her grief

as if she would finally be able to speak

of a burden

that had been hanging her head low

for far too long


“she said:

i have no one to bear my confessions

and honorable secrecy does not make

sweet my pains

i once was a girl named layla

but now i am a woman imprisoned in an asylum

with a husband as my warden

in a cell of isolation

which forbids the one i wish to visit me


“i have become madder than a million majnuuns

as a man,

he is allowed to roam free with his torments

and sing his verses to become the songs of the land

but as a woman in this age

can i do the same and retain any semblance of honor

if i could,

i would escape my sufferings

and endure the penance of exile in the desert


“yet my constitution is frail

i know not that my body could survive

the brutality of the burning sands

but the longings of my heart

transverse them every night


where does he stay

and with whom

how does he occupy his time

has he completely become a majnuun

or does the qays who fell in love with me

hide somewhere within him

awaiting a date of fate on which to emerge

so many questions and curiosities

that can only be quelled by my seeing him

why that can grant me

a peaceful satisfaction

that will eviscerate my worries

and longing curiosity


“oh sir, if you have seen him

let what you saw be my sight

relate to me anything and everything

you know about him

for the sake of love”


majnuun melted within a stillness

that struggled to uphold his body

but the old man could sense the hunger

of the lover’s soul

so he continued

despite the awkward gaze upon majnuun’s face


“those were her words to me

and although this is our first encounter

i told her of the people’s account of you

for what greater legend exists now

throughout arabia

than the tales of majnuun

yet very little of what is said about you

penetrates her isolation

and when i spoke some of the poems

attributed to you

her body shook in silence

before evoking a stream of tears

that refused to end

and i swore i could hear

within her indecipherable mumbles

a prayer that you not feel too alone

not only in the midst of being denied her hand

but in also losing your father

and your connection to your clan


“she had me swear to return to that same spot

the very next day

and when i did

she was dressed in a robe of mourning

she then placed this in my hand...”


the old man reached into his bag

and pulled out a folded papyrus

bound by a wax seal

the old man kissed the letter

and extended it toward majnuun

who froze at the sight of it


he was entranced

by the perfume scent upon it

and then

as his fingers received it

a madness possessed him

his body was thrust into raging seizures

within which he tore the clothing from his body

he twirled violently

with uncontrolled force

at an unrelenting and increasing pace

until he dropped


in an unaccountable frenzy

yet that letter

was still

within his finger’s grasp


his excitement slowly diminished enough

for him to remove the letter’s seal

to open...

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