Diwan al-Layla wal-Majnuun: a poetic tale of love by nashid fareed-ma'at - HTML preview

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“when one is free from all desires

conscious and subconscious,

direct and indirect,

even the bitterness of roots

beholds the sweetness of honey

contentment is not in any object

as much as it is

within the state of one’s own soul”


there was another silence

majnuun smiled with the joy of appreciation

but it was not long before

a cloud of gloom rolled over his face

“i am not like this dervish

i have not shed all desires

among the most poignant ones remaining

is the wish to see my mother”


saliim was surprised

yet this presented a possible opening

to draw his nephew back to the human world

“i am sure she longs to see you too

why not return with me to visit her”


“i cannot abandon my desert clan

if i leave they might disperse

or eat each other”


“then what if i bring her to you

if you promise not to leave this place

i will return with her in a few days”


“i will not leave”


“and you must remain clothed”

majnuun smiled snidely

to indicate his agreement


saliim departed

with the objective of his agenda still intact

he could use majnuun’s mother

to bring him back

and she was a willing pawn

eager to be lifted upon the camel she rode


the hardships of the journey she bore with a smile

when they reached that mountain slope

she could hardly be contained

tears poured out in overflow with building


she didn’t even wait for her camel to complete

its kneel

before rushing right through the animals

without majnuun saying a word

or moving his hand

they all knew to not harm her

including the lion she stepped over

to clutch her son in her arms


they had both aged

she, by the gentle ravages of time

he, by the brutality of enduring desert life

yet she would not be denied in her attempt

to recapture a glimpse of the boy

she birthed through her womb

so she combed his hair

put salve on his various wounds

and then cradled him tenderly in her arms

to the hum of ancient lullabies

in this way she withered away

portions of the facade of madness

to uncover a trace of the son

she thought she forever lost


as his soul began to coo and purr

within her embrace

she pricked him gently with deliberate words

“oh cherished son,

you have become the greatest thief in my life

even more terrible than death

who stole your precious father from me

for death gave plenty warning

of its impending robbery

but you simply rebelled and disappeared

abandoning me in a trivial pursuit of love

which still eludes you


“instead of a warm body close

and a source of comfort

you became a mysterious echo

a drifting sound winding

through the labyrinth of mountains and sands

the reverberations of your calls misrepresenting

your actual whereabouts

to leave me completely unaware

of where you actually were

is leaving me in such aloneness

the payment an only son should give

his worried mother


“has the intoxication of chasing a romance

that continues to escape you

brought you happiness

if so,

then my wish for you has been fulfilled

and i forgive you for the means

which tortured me with unending concern

but if you have not found happiness

and this chase has only cursed you

with pain and suffering

and more insatiable longing

then cease this stupid youthful ambition

and return home with me


“the brevity of life

amounts to only a few breaths breathed

why let these passing gasps slip away

without the contentment of peace

surely that doesn’t mean we get all that we want

but we can embrace what we have

with appreciation and serenity

your father left you so much to treasure

wealth and security, a noble station

among our clan

receive these instead of the company of wild beasts

and beds of rock and sand


“i am now within my last breaths

seeking to complete my life’s peace

grant me the sweet serenity

of seeing you take possession of

your rightful inheritance

in this way my grave will be a resting place

not a bed of angst

that continues to toil my worries for you”


* * *


her words struck majnuun to the core

yet despite his hurt, he was not torn

“oh mother,

it is not my choice to burden you with pains

or scar my own life with the robe of despair

this is the verdict of fate,

the chains are of destiny

how can i, therefore, escape

it is love that tortures me

beyond any will or intention of my own

do not think that i have not pondered

returning to your home

but that life would only be a poor imitation

a disgruntled actor playing an unwanted part

that would only be a smaller prison

trying to contain the larger prison

that embalms me with bondage

and why cause myself more misery

than what i presently endure


“my home is here in the wild

my calling is this pursuit of love

even if it tortures my body, mind, and heart

with unending afflictions

if the gates of my captivity

are to ever open to freedom

it will be by facing my fate

not trying to escape it in a place

that is home to you, but not for me”


there was a silence

although it was not what she wanted to hear

she now understood him in a way

she could no longer refute

the gaze of her eyes into his eyes

sorrowfully conveyed her acceptance

yet the son still felt he owed her more

so he fell at her feet crying for forgiveness

although he knew the blame lay

with something greater

“forgive me, my mother, forgive me”

his tears accompanied by kisses on her feet

her hands stroking his bent head

in the union of silent heaves


she knew in that moment

in a way transcending all doubt

that this would be their last embrace

so as the sun began

to drag its light beyond the horizon

she kissed her son one last time

and then made her way

through the surrounding beasts

who remained sitting in reverent humility

she greeted her brother with a look

that relayed the obvious

something she already knew

but was now sealed with a final confirmation:

the person who was now majnuun

would never return to being her son qays


her remaining days would be a living shroud

to a departure long determined

in the vague imprecision of days passed

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