Diwan al-Layla wal-Majnuun: a poetic tale of love by nashid fareed-ma'at - HTML preview

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bismillaah ar-rahmaan ar-rahiim


praise be to the beloved

who is the writer of all stories

who, with a hand in perfect stillness,

sets forth the ink of all (our) lives

these words are but traces

of inconceivable fingerprints

effortlessly imprinted

on the scrolls of life


praise be to the prophets and the masters

i rest as a contented babe

within the cradle of your guidance

let not a movement of “mine” emanate from me

let not the smallest inclination to act be “mine”

let only obedience to the blessings

of divine revelations

the beloved reveals through you

move this pen

and lead “my” life


praise be to nizami

nizami is a master

his account is the riverbed of this stream

that pours through me

many are the accounts of this amazing tale

some blowing high as flags flapping in the wind

some buried by ages of passing gales and zephyrs

within the churned desert sands,

grains that have forgotten

the warmth of sunlight

and have in turn

been forgotten

may all the waters of this story

what is tangible, what is more subtle

be honored by this humble stream


all praise be to the beloved

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