Diwan al-Layla wal-Majnuun: a poetic tale of love by nashid fareed-ma'at - HTML preview

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as-sayyid entered the dark hut humbly

draping the cloth back over the entrance

adjusting to dim of the candle’s light

he approached with measured steps

and knelt by the elder’s feet

he placed his hand on the aged knee

waiting to be greeted by the touch

of that wrinkled hand


“am i graced by a visit from as-sultaan,”

asked the elder


“the grace is mine

since i am thy child, oh shaykh”


“but still depressed

why should the pride of the clan of amiir

carry such melancholy”


“the wealth of this world

and its fleeting fame

are no lasting sources of happiness

all i have acquired

is like a camp fire contained by rocks

burning the grave of its own demise

in the accumulating ashes and embers

although the flames are vibrant now

if there is no heir to keep them ablaze

they are destined to extinguish

death will not let me take

any tokens of this world beyond it”


“are you keeping your prayers”


“i have not missed a single one in months”


“and your zakaat {alms-giving} breathes

reports i have heard of your continuing kindness”

“yet i let not my left hand know

what the right has given

as you have taught me”


“then patience

these, with unbroken adab {moral character and behavior}

will not have your journey end in dismay

just as allaah has given you good fortune in business

and social affairs

trust that the beloved will grant you

the greater fortune

of a son


“as the prophet luqmaan, alayhi salaam,

says in the qur’aan

“oh my son,

keep up thy prayers

enjoin what is good

and forbid what is wrong

and persevere with patience

whatever befalls thee

that is the steadfast heart of phenomena””


a tear dropped from the eye of as-sayyid


he kissed the hand of the shaykh

and said

“may allaah take my sight too

to be given just a portion of your wisdom

and may allaah grant

that one day

i will repeat these very same words

to a son of my own”


“trust in the beloved

and the beloved will see you through

allaah knows best

even what the beloved denies us

will prove to be for our benefit

if we remain obedient and sincere

yet i sense this denial is only for a season

perhaps to better prepare you,

or the world,

for the coming of a son”


* * *


the perseverance of patience

which seemed like a lock barring fate’s deliverance

became the key which, over many years,

cleansed and cultivated as-sayyid’s heart

to become sensitive and gentle enough

to receive the precious pearl gem placed

within his care

doubt not the power of prayer unanswered

to mold the human being

to a greater divine intention


such that when deliverance came

and the last of the birthing wails were exclaimed

the silene of anticipation filled the home

to give audience to

the muted whimpers of an infant’s cry

which was followed by

the taunt of approaching footsteps

as a servant appeared with a smile

to inform as-sayyid

that he was now the father

of a beautiful baby boy


the patient petitioning was now a hope fulfilled

in joy,

the verse spewed forth from his lips

words of luqmaan

which he had uttered to himself so many times

“oh my son,

though it be but the weight

of a grain of a mustard seed

and though it be in a rock

or in the heavens or in the earth

allaah will bring it forth


allaah is the knower of the subtle,



when the father’s eyes were gifted

the first sight of his son

the light of deferred affection

displaced every shadow with love’s brilliance

the new father


to be made worthy

to serve as caretaker of

this newborn treasure

and all he would become


even as a babe

his smile was a blossoming miracle

already bursting forth

in unrestrained openness

so moved was the father

that he let forth the flow of his riches

to flood the streets with a grand feast

the ripples granting expensive gifts to anyone

who came to pay respects to his heir

yet this parade of giving did not end there

as the care of the wet-nurse

became a charity of its own

basking in her care

the babe drank iimaan,

knowledge from the heart,

in every swallow of milk

he absorbed gentle compassion

from every cuddle and kiss

and he was consumed with these

because he was so cute

such that the streaks of indigo

adorned to his face for protection from evil

concealed the magical dance of his soul

veiling from the unsuspecting eyes of others

the love that overflowed

through his baby breaths


a seal of his destiny

hidden in plain sight


when that first fortnight passed

and the fullness of his moon beamed

his name was given:


a testament to the fullness of his measure

a beauty that did not wane

but instead waxed firmly to its own perfection


so it was

that the first seven years were golden

with even the emergence of peach fuzz hairs

tickling his chin as a thin beard

a forecasting shadow of his deep maturity

a sign of heaven’s blessings and challenges

dawning upon him

in a way he would not be able to escape

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