Diwan al-Layla wal-Majnuun: a poetic tale of love by nashid fareed-ma'at - HTML preview

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this existence can barely contain life

it certainly fails to contain death

then how much more can we expect it

to contain love

but i digress...


after the death of his mother

only one possibility remained

capable of drawing majnuun back

to the human realm:

union with layla

so it is fitting that we return to her


upon receiving the letter from majnuun weeks ago

she was moved into a deep sadness

she sought isolation as her salve

because the pain of love ran so deep and unrelenting

within her

abiding in the confines of her tent

she couldn’t help but reflect

on how the expanse of her life

was experienced mostly as a prisoner


first, there was the prison of youth

it was in this prison

that she first drowned in the brutal ocean of love

then there was the prison of her father’s protection

who denied her the privilege of being betrothed

to the only man she loved

and when the straits became dire for her clan

she was transferred from one warden to another

within the prison of her marriage

although her husband didn’t torture her

with attempts of a forced intimacy

this confinement had among its intentions

the aim of starving her into a submissive

hunger for him


“will my life ever have a taste of freedom”

she asked herself

majnuun could roam the sands in rebellion

“why not me”

the moment building within the inner shadows

until she could no longer bear the candles’ flames

she barged out of the tent

to confide somehow in the moonless sky


she just ran into the desert, a mad dash

chasing the endless ends of the sky

her body running until she could run no more

forced to rest in the silence

between her heaving breaths something stirred

yet her mind found a calm within the palpitations

until a kind of whisper was heard

beckoning her to a rivulet not too far away


perhaps there she could find a place

to hide from the agony suffocating her soul

she treaded lightly until she reached a

concealing grove

and entered quietly into its quietude

as she approached a point where

the walking path split

she saw a dimmed shadow

yet the figure of the man aroused no fear

her courage was rewarded to reveal

it was the old man


he had to be a messenger of the beloved

with some type of news to share

he stepped forward with a smile

as if he was expecting her


“speak to me, old friend

of the one for whom my love will never end”


“he awaits word from you

keeping vigil in the remote heights

yet even still his songs to you

paint the lands with your praise

have you a letter or word

for me to bring to him”


“i have suffered him long enough

no longer will i abide by the prison’s rules

take these earrings which i loose from my ears

as payment for you to bring him here

in this secret garden let me gaze into his eyes

for then i will know firsthand

whether the legend of his love for me

equals, supersedes, or is less than the truth


“one gaze to taste his sincerity

one gaze to experience the power of his longing

bring him here in the shade of night

then deliver a sign to my tent

and i will run to him

so we may have what we have long awaited”


the old man took the earrings of fine pearls

and rushed off into the night

he rode to that mountain slope

where majnuun had been keeping vigil

but there was no sight of him

and all trackings had been erased

so he began to wander the region’s terrain

asking about majnuun

but no one had any recent sight of him

yet the old man kept hope

until, by fate’s grace, majnuun was found

at the base of another mountain range


a sweet reunion it was

as majnuun’s excitement so excited his companions

he had to settle down the animals

as they calmed

the old man dismounted and kneeled

before majnuun

to deliver his message

“i come as an emissary

delivering a sacred message

layla has requested that you come to her”


“has her husband died”


“no, but she will no longer be ruled by customs

that bar you the right to visit her

without her his permission

the secret place is secured

where your eye can peer into hers direct

testimony of your well-being no longer sates

her curiosity

she has said in her own words

that she wants to see you herself

and i’m sure she will adore

any verses you might recite to her



it has already been many days

since she discharged me with this mission

let not these waking moments delay any longer

the living of the dream fate has so far denied”


* * *


the old man mounted his horse

with majnuun sitting behind him

off they rode into the night

with the animals trailing as their tail

as the sun set the next day

they arrived at a remote plain

where the animals were to wait

while majnuun visited with layla alone


the old man pulled out a fine silk attire

he dressed the desert rebel in wears fit

for a noble

and as the dark of night began to descend

kissed by the light of the waxing crescent moon

the old man escorted majnuun

into that secluded grove

and told him to wait there

that layla would arrive soon

after he delivered her the sign to come


so he waited

as layla completed her night prayers in her tent

so then poked her head outside

for any sign of that courier of love

there he was in the distance, as if on guard

holding a torch upon his horse

upon seeing this,

she rushed inside and grabbed a candle

and flashed it outside her tent


he rode away

she quickly retreated inside

she grabbed a dark colored cloak

to veil herself within the darkness

started to look into a mirror

but then cursed herself

for being concerned about appearances

before the eyes of her beloved

she then tore away into the night

leaving all caution to her trailing footsteps

she fled with great speed into the dark expanse

her heart beating faster than her steps

her breaths striving to keep pace

but she slowed as she neared the grove

an attempt to prepare

for what no preparation could bestow

until her steps suddenly stopped

because there he was


the old man stood guard,

stationed at his new post

with his eyes, he signaled

majnuun was within

crossing that threshold into seclusion

she grew faint and flustered

and clutched the forearm of the old man for support

the steadiness of his walk became her cane

his peaceful presence, her chaperone

she was flooded with the anxiety

of a dumbstruck bride

being led to the forefront of a solemn ceremony

a bend in the path and there he stood

dressed like a groom before an invisible altar

only ten steps away

those eyes, that face...

and yet those ten steps

became an uncrossable ocean

that wouldn’t even let her look

its force turning her face away

swooned, she struggled to not drown

in the ocean’s mist


“i cannot do it,” she uttered

her voice barely becoming a whisper

“my feet cannot move,

to breathe is too much

the distance of the sun allows its light

to not consume us

but to go any further

is to be annihilated


“be my voice

go to him and ask him to speak

maybe even a qasidah of his to stir my ears

and settle my heart

let him know i am here, listening

but am too overwhelmed to come closer

please, i beg you...”

her voice faded

her eyes shut


the old man obliged

as he helped the woozy layla lean upon a tree

but when he turned to approach majnuun

he wondered where he had gone

why would he flee...

oh no, he had fallen faint upon the ground

his body splayed in disarray


the courier rushed to the noble lover

not wanting this chance to escape

he quietly pleaded for majnuun to awake

and that he did

his dazed eyes opening in the direction

of the silhouetted layla,

her form distinct from the tree


in the spontaneity

of her image upon his eyes

magic spoke forth...

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