Diwan al-Layla wal-Majnuun: a poetic tale of love by nashid fareed-ma'at - HTML preview

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“hath the intimacy of our distance been erased

to bestow the glory of thine eyes looking into mine

the world is parting yet in thy love i am consumed

no separation can even approach mine heart,

which beats devoted only to you

how shall i sleep when thou art the only dream

that closes mine eyes

wakefulness without the thought of thee

is non-existence

of what worth is eternity if i only have

these passing seconds with thee

let these present breaths be the whole of my life

and happily fulfilled is my destiny


“oh layla,

words fail now that i am in thy presence

why imitate the quintessence of thy beauty

with words

when i am fallen before thee

ahh, the nectar of paradise i am served

just by raising the cup,

i have become intoxicated with thee...”


and thus,

the torrent so overflowed, it stopped

a silence emerged that seemed to still

the whole universe

in the shadows of that shady path

their gaze became more than one

as if layla and majnuun ceased to exist

there was only the light of love

reflecting upon the space

between and within their eyes


majnuun descended into a vision

in which he stood and approached her

each step shifting the momentum of all time

he stood before her

their breaths dancing between each other’s lips

ready to kiss

the pull of ecstatic temptation

aroused anticipation


as he extended his hand to touch her

he awoke

and there was distance


and separation


the intimacy of just being

ten steps away from her

felt cosmically enormous


it all became too much to bear

to be so near and yet so far

to be within reach yet forbidden to her touch

a convoluting tension

she too was entranced within it

looking away from his adulterous gaze

even as she savored his stare

she grasped intensely at the memory

of this experience

even as it was occurring

ambitiously clutching at vapors

she was determined to not forget any

unfolding detail

as if she could prevent the eventual decay

of its remembrance

but all memories fade somewhat

including the most cherished ones


but for him

it was way-way-way too much

such that he jumped up and ran away

a haunt to his own ecstasy

which would not be left behind

by his fleeing


to stand before her

would not have been enough

a touch of the hand would have surely ensued

and a touch of the hand

would not have been enough

a kiss would have surely ensued

and a kiss

would not have been enough

a fall into adulterous pleasure would have been


and once thus scarred, how could his love,

their love

remain pure

for the sake of keeping their love unsullied

distance and departure were best

and somehow somewhere within

he knew this

even while being strangled by desire

it was better to not place an obstacle

to piety’s eventual triumph

which would inevitably bestow their union

if not in this world,

surely in the sweetness of paradise


but these were majnuun’s thoughts

for layla,

thoughts were an afterthought

to the silent swooning of her mind

although she couldn’t really see his departure

she felt when his presence was gone

and with his absence

there was no longer a reason to continue

her struggle to remain conscious


she collapsed to the ground

ravaged in ecstatic despair


how could such happiness

feel so tormenting

and such sadness feel


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