Diwan al-Layla wal-Majnuun: a poetic tale of love by nashid fareed-ma'at - HTML preview

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what unfolded on

that crescent moonlit night

in that secluded grove

hidden from the world to see

did not impede

the continuing sowing

of majnuun’s words

to foreign lands


thus, the legend of his poems and burning love

reached ears in the streets of baghdaad

among them there was a youth named


who found comfort in those verses

he too was stricken by love’s torture

an unfulfilled melancholy for which

majnuun’s testimony proved to be the only salve


“this man is a genius,

the greatest poet alive”

thought the astonished salaam

“a soul like his

might only walk the earth

every thousand years

i should go and study

under this rare pristine being

and not let this grace of destiny

pass to become unpursued regrets”


and so

the ambitious salaam packed his belongings

enough to support an extended apprenticeship

and left the familiar terrain of baghdaad

for the remote sands of that distant desert

majnuun was known to roam within


the quest to find that moving, discreet treasure

occupied many months

but the accounts of majnuun’s new poems

sustained salaam’s determination


it was not by skill

rather the fortune of fate

that his weary camel turned a bend

to see that famous caravan of animals

as he approached, the wolves charged forth

encircling the camel and lunging to bite at his legs

a loud clapping of hands

set them to sit with snarling teeth

as a naked man stepped forward


“you must be from some far off land

none of the people of this region dress as you do”



but my destination is reached

if you are that famous majnuun”


the naked man gave no reply

only a blank stare


“from the great distance of baghdaad i have come

and for many months have i searched to find

the one who stitched my wounded heart

with such sweet verses of love:

the magnificent majnuun


“i left all i had

in hope that i may trail the dust of your feet

let me learn from you

not only what inspires your words

but also the life from which they spring


“whatever you write or recite

i will paint upon my memory

to study it all

and be molded by your living genius

i humble myself to be your apprentice

oh, great master majnuun

for the pains of love’s afflictions

have shattered my heart to pieces too”

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