Diwan al-Layla wal-Majnuun: a poetic tale of love by nashid fareed-ma'at - HTML preview

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nothing that unfolds in life

is random or coincidental

everything has relevance

once viewed

through the comprehensive lense

of one’s whole life


we will realize that everything that happened

was perfect for the moment in which it occurred

yet for most,

this realization is only attained

after the body has exhaled its last breath

when the colored lenses

of desires and opinions

are shattered by death


the apparent beauty and fortune of layla’s life

was in open conflict with her experience of it

all her physical beauty

the pomp of wealth that surrounded her

the fame of her name as majnuun’s obsession

none of these did anything to ease

the deep sense of unfulfillment strangling

her life force

there was only ever increasing agony

and her patient forbearance

was becoming a cutting blade itself


happiness was seemingly slipping away

into an unseen abyss


yet we should not forget

that her husband, bakht ibn salaam

was also a victim of unrequited love

although he kept her as a hostage

his love for her was sincere and true

he yearned to have his love draw the grace

of her love

which is why he never sought to coerce

her affections

for there is no compulsion in love

yet no love so strong and unreciprocated

can be held long

without afflicting the lover


for some time he was able to keep at bay

the growing inner decay

the mirage of a happy marriage

did not stop the poison of disappointment

spilling forth within

his body stricken with invisible flames

a deadly fever was burning his vitality away

although he felt it, he kept it as a secret concealed

until the illness evoked its own exposure


we would be wise to remember

destiny has no concern for mortals

it will unfold as decreed

without regard for human whims

even dressing its manifestations

within the facade of worldly happenings


a doctor was called

assessed his body and prescribed a treatment

the prognosis was concerning yet with hope

for bakht was young and still strong enough

to will himself to victory if he wished

yet the doctor saw a deeper sickness in his soul

one that could undercut any physical treatment


when questioned,

the bed stricken man could not refrain

from confessing the secret pain

he kept hidden so long

“this marriage is a cruel farce

a failure on my part

her heart remains in the hands of that majnuun



she plays the role of a wife to a certain extent

but rejects all my heartfelt affections

and yearning devotion

i am but a king reduced to a pawn

yet i cannot slay my opponent

for her loss means only my own devastation

with victory denied

this draw is a defeat for me too

for how can i remain unbroken

when the one i love would rather die

than yield me her love


“to suffer this fate

with her being within hand’s reach...

all faith is in vain...”

his sobbing tears completed his confession


the doctor,

who was a measured philosopher of hope,

would not leave his patient

without an invitation to encouragement

“true love is never left empty-handed

although sometimes the way to the prize

is full of challenges we must persevere

who knows,

this bout of illness may arouse a sympathy

by which she lets you in,

to her heart


“but whatever is to be

the best condition to meet such

is within good health

so seize your recovery

the regimen prescribed is strict but proven to work

then with a mind resting in restored vigor

let this matter be reconsidered”


* * *


the doctor’s words proved an inspiration

as bakht abided by the physician’s regimen

although his health returned

the situation with layla remained unchanged

which spurred a greater pain

of greater disappointment

and deeper grief

so he abandoned the regimen

seeking his medicine in unhealthy foods and drinks

and like a spirit revived

the fever returned with greater fury


this time,

bakht was stricken beyond the reach

of full recovery

the physician was honest

at best,

bakht could only regain a portion

of his former health

how much,

only time could tell

if he adhered unswervingly

to an even stricter regimen


but bakht was a prideful man

the prospects of an incapacitated life

were completely uninviting

thus, his will to live departed

and so followed the progression to his last breaths

draped with indecipherable mutters

that seemed to be tainted with regret

a painful grinding toward that final halt

when the last gasp fled in the hollow of the night

a shallow echo

that quickly disappeared

into the passing silence


did it matter that his wish

for layla to stand by his deathbed

went unfulfilled

the memory of such would have been short lived

within the dementia the fever burned upon his mind

instead she kept a vigil of mourning within her tent

still refusing to cross any line

that might make him think

she, the prisoner,

was complying with being his wife


she was saddened by his death

yet also relieved

a glimmer of hope was now at hand

but the promise of freedom

was only partial for now

still a dream deferred


it would be two years

before she could discard the widow’s veil

or even receive another man as her guest

the customs of the time deemed

a period of two years of isolation and mourning

to honor her husband’s passing


another two years

before she could even see majnuun again

but at least now

she could cry and mourn openly for him

for no one would question if her tears

were cried for anyone but bakht

her present tears

were only a continuation of the many years

of hidden tears

for her beloved majnuun

tears she would continue to cry

openly and in private

until she was united with him


so the bridal tent

which refused to become a matrimonial tent

became her widow’s tent

and yet, no less of a prison

the only difference was that

the indefinite sentence

was now commuted to a fixed term

two more years would offer

the opportunity of release

if majnuun could survive it

she was determined to survive it


only two more years

and she could finally

be with majnuun

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