Diwan al-Layla wal-Majnuun: a poetic tale of love by nashid fareed-ma'at - HTML preview

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the weight of lifelong mourning

cannot be overcome

by a sudden flash

of unexpected hope

sadness bore too long

can eat away a hole in one’s soul

which eventually steals away the body too

and do so with a secrecy

that is only exposed

once it’s too late


who would have guessed

the promised boon of two years

would dissipate within a matter of months

that when viewed in retrospect

the death of bakht

was a waning escort,

paving the way for her coming demise


with the slip of the leaves from the trees

and the petals’ drop from the flower stems

the night of layla

began to fade into an unseen dawn

she tried to masquerade her growing weakness

with the facade of a widow’s mourning

allowing her eyes of insomnia to be perceived as

eyes stained by the overflow of tears

for a husband lost

her loss of appetite became canvassed as

the penance of constant fasting

to brace her lamentations

her growing physical weakness was justified

as a rhythm slowed by a widow’s season of despair

but in her mind she could not hide

that her more measured breaths

and weakening heartbeat

weren’t the fruits of bearing bakht’s death

this was something different and more profound

stained with a touch of finality


this became confirmed

when the angel of death

began to visit her daily

each stay becoming longer

and a little too familiar

until death was no longer a stranger

one could even say

death became her acquaintance,

almost a friend

such that the sun’s light

now seemed more reminiscent to her

and the far reaches of the sky’s depth

now felt no more distant

than the extended reach of her arm

her words began to yield more often to silence

because there were things that needed to be

left unsaid

since the only person who would fully

understand them

was someone she now felt she would never

see again

at least not in this world


so she summoned her mother to her bedside

to confess the secret so many knew

some of whispers among the gossip

had to be validated as true

she owed at least that much to majnuun

even if it sullied the honor

of how she would be remembered


“oh mother dearest,

bear testimony of my frail passing breaths

for too long has a canker bled the depths

of my heart

my soul diseased, my body now ebbing away

these words i must leave as my witness

before the glass holding my spirit shatters


“i loved no man in the whole of my life

other than qays,

my precious majnuun

it was for him alone that all my tears were shed

and for him alone that i held to this life

with any hope

it was for him alone that i have lived this life

full of despair

and it is for him alone that i now die

i am his alone,

always have been,

always will be


“when the air of my breath moves no more

you must see to it that i am dressed as a bride

let my corpse be prepared for a celebration

not the melancholic blandness of the grave

let my hair be combed, my skin oiled

the fragrance of the rose rubbed upon my neck

drape my face with an elegant bridal veil

instead of a shroud of death

and dress me in red

to show how i passionately lose my life

for a cause not yet fulfilled

be sure to make my appearance beautiful

for the one i know who will come


“after i am buried in the earth

let there be an unimpeded path

from the desert to my grave

a path unguarded

and no one is to bar him

or impede upon his right

to have private audience with me there

you must see that no one approaches him

or even says to him a word

let us have at my grave

the night of the honeymoon

denied our living breaths”


there was silence

as the daughter and mother shared one last cry

yet as she began to settle

into the dusk of becoming a corpse

her life force revived once more

to proclaim the wishes of one last desperate breath


“oh mother

you must tell him for me

that as i died i raged into death

thinking only of him

that his madness for me has always been

my insanity for him

and yet that has been

the only peace for me

in this cruel world


“tell him i have taken the insanity with me

beyond this world

so he can now be free with the peace that remains

and live!

my soul now has no other purpose

than to watch over him with love

wherever you are

wherever you will be, my beloved

know that layla is there”


and with that,

her own breath seized itself within her

her body shook

her eyes flashed in a panic turned inward

her mother grabbed her

trying to hold her soul within her body

but that only caused her lifeless body to emit

“oh qays...

oh majnuun...”


then the collapse was final

her eyes closing to never open again

her lips parched as the last of her warmth

slowly exhaled to a cooling numbness

such that when the sun had set

leaving a darkness waxing underneath the full moon

the angel of death came to kiss her lips shut

and imprint the seal of stillness

upon her once beating heart

the angel then banished all remaining air from

her body

and wove away the limberness of life

to leave a stiffening, inanimate frame

from which all traces of the living layla

would slowly fade away


the body of layla was now dead

irreversibly treading its decay

to dust


it is said

she died wearing a smile within her sadness

a last relief within her drowning melancholy

that is what is said

but i have no way of knowing

if this is true

or part of the fabricated legend spun

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