Diwan al-Layla wal-Majnuun: a poetic tale of love by nashid fareed-ma'at - HTML preview

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so ends the tale of layla and majnuun

but does any story of true love

really have an end


the confines of earth shatter

to become less than dust

when exposed to the light of eternity

which paints the breath of paradise

and that is where some of the legends say

they lived their union

complete oneness in peace


but who has the language

to describe such a scene

and all the blissful affairs that unfold there

this student of nizami

certainly has not the words

nor the wish

to approach such a task



is for the genuine

but how many of us live genuine lives

or should i say, how few of us

we scar the possibilities of being real

with the entrappings of the ego’s whims

and what is scarred cannot be authentic

nor can a vessel not whole

contain the flowing of love

the one who pours the nectar

will not tip the pitcher

for it to be spilled

or sullied in what is dirty



cannot be imitated

only those who sacrifice their self

to be love’s vessel

will have the truth of love pour through them

shed the self so you may realize

who you truly are

and love will reveal itself

to who you truly are

“i” cannot love

but that which is beyond the “i”

is none but love

there is no separation in oneness

be that

even if the worldly displays of oneness

play out as suffering, separation,

or even madness

much of what humanity thinks to be true

will be shown to be complete madness

and some of what is deemed madness

by humanity

will be shown to be the pith of wisdom


the prophet muhummad,

sallallaahu alayhi wa salaam,

when asked about

what lays beyond the final hour

he said,

“you will be those whom you love”

this is more than a comforting assurance

what this world, in its ignorance, denies

will not be forever barred

or persecuted

perhaps this world is not pure enough

to bear the presence of the union of true love

or perhaps,

it is us humans who lack such purity

whatever the case

true lovers will abide in oneness

the blessings of such destiny will prevail

so be not troubled

if this finite world foolishly opposes

what eternity will grant


but enough with these ramblings

let what has been said be enough

to give a sense of layla and majnuun’s fate

beyond this world

love’s eventual promise will flourish

for those who give all

to love

not “love” as we would have ourselves “love”

rather love as love would have us love


there is no other way than genuine surrender

even if such entails suffering in this world

or a descent into the mind losing its grip

of a perceived reality

that the skewed judgments of humanity

deem to be



there is no greater honor upon this earth

than to live and die as a vessel of love...

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