Diwan al-Layla wal-Majnuun: a poetic tale of love by nashid fareed-ma'at - HTML preview

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although he abandoned his body

his animal companions did not abandon him

they kept vigil around the grave

day and night

preventing view of his decaying corpse

surrounded but left untouched

for many months,

some say for over a year,

the animals remained

yet somehow they did not waste away

during the course of their fast


this is why none doubted

that majnuun was still alive

even if some thought it peculiar

he would keep such an extended pilgrimage

at layla’s grave


it was only when

the last bit of flesh

dropped as dust from his bones

that the animals began to depart

one by one,

group by group

back into the wild

that first gazelle was the last to leave

the clean white bones of majnuun

now in plain sight

they seemed to shine upon layla’s grave


when finally spied

a few brave men approached to see

the skeleton of majnuun

there it laid,

as if placed with perfect artistic precision,

for those who could see beauty

within death’s exposition

so they summoned the clan of amiir

to gather and wash the bones for burial

majnuun’s uncle was among those who came

although their tears were heavy

with solemnity

there was a sense of relief

that his long suffering

had finally come to an end


people scattered from layla’s clan came too

to show their respects

including layla’s mother

now that majnuun was gone

she vowed to take to her grave

the secrets layla left for him

although some of these secrets

were metaphorically revealed

by the lovers’ deaths


despite the past animosity

for the role in majnuun played in layla’s clan

being ravaged twice

they joined in petitioning

for what the people of arabia wished for

that majnuun’s bones

be buried beside layla’s grave

especially since his decomposed flesh

was already the soil upon it


and so it was on that day

members of the two clans gathered

in a spirit of peace

to facilitate these two virgin lovers

being united in death

it was not lost

that they both died

for this prize denied them while alive


the tears of both clans mixed

to anoint what became a belated wedding day

their tears the substitute

for the lovers’ tears of joy

and fall they did, so many tears

moistening the soil covering both graves

a testament of the truth of their love

a love eternally piercing

the reach of every single day

and beyond...

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