From The Bottom Of My Heart by Arghya Dey - HTML preview

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I Fear You


I fear your voice

In my dreams,

Able to remain in heart

Like those prickles

Reminding me of the scent

From the immaculate rose

Out of my reach


I fear your glance,

So mysterious as quicksand

But able to unearth

My every privy thought,

Every untold word

Out of my eyes,


Wanting to fall for you


I fear those faces

Myriad newfangled,

Whose every expression

Tries to make me wanton

Resembling yours…..

I fear the rain cleaving clouds

Setting fire to my chimera

About that deadly scythe

Piercing my heart apart…..

I fear the flowers

Blooming in the dawn

Like those celestial blushes

On your shimmering cheeks…..

I fear the vast sky

With unfathomable height

Resembling the deep ocean

Of our sprightly love…..

May be I fear everything,

Including you.