From The Bottom Of My Heart by Arghya Dey - HTML preview

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Democratic Autocrat


It is so boring

So uninteresting

To let people live

The way they want.


What is use

Of a nose if

It can’t be poked

In other men’s business?


So let it enlarge

Until it satisfies

To  be defined as

A property of



Even in the shell

Of so called democracy

Their autocratic mind

Thrives to rule men

To teach them lesson

By infesting every corner

With their spineless soldiers-


Every club

Every office

Every industry

Every institution

Defying shame

Defying humanity.


The modern imperialism

By modern imperialists

With medieval mentality

Is now an art

A big reality show

A bloodbath

A democracy

To favour the slaves

By letting them choose masters.


Let’s elect

Our next

Democratic Autocrat.


Don’t feel yourself lucky


Oh girl!


Don’t feel yourself lucky

If you are still alive

As you were not killed

In your mother’s womb

By crazy son-seekers-

Parents hiding their sin

Under veil of sophistication

Cloaking blood-stained hands.


Don’t feel yourself lucky

If you are untouched

By the acid-bulbs-

Gifts of unsuccessful love

That you had denied

Unlike thousands of others

Hiding their painful scars

Agonized by pathetic society.


Don’t feel yourself lucky

If you are safe on roads

Walking and working on your own

Far away from the beasts

Sharpening their nails to tear

Your body, your soul apart

In the name of male lust

Aroused by your ‘sexy’ lipsticks.


Don’t feel yourself lucky

If you are now able

To read these lines

As you have education

Unlike those millions others

Dissuaded to go to schools

By the freight of acid-attacks,

Bullets, assault & splinters…


Because your basic rights

Are not a sheer fortune.