Hide and Seek - Part 2 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Man had the ability to walk on articulately carved feet,

man had an uncanny knack of tackling problems.


man had large palms which could be curled into a fist,

man had sharp beads of visual apparatus distinguishing between good and evil.


man had lips which turned scarlet when he chewed green leaves of betel,

man had eardrums detecting the minutest of sound.


man had the capacity to perspire in the flaming Sun,

man had twin pair of nostrils which excreted snores at night.


man had a mass of shiny hair projecting from shaven scalp,

man had finger nails blended with several coats of white calcium.


man had bulging arm muscle raising cotton fabric of his shirt,

man had a bunch of well chiseled teeth biting through the hardest of sugarcane stick.


man had built palaces with silver granite and volumes of red brick,

man had bathed for centuries in water extracted from earths crust.


man had the prowess of memorizing long stanzas of numeric verse,

man had a body which had evolved from the primitive ape.


man had a voice that could be synthesized into melodious notes of music,

man had acquired occult powers by incessant worship of the divine Creator.


man had the infinite power of bringing stars to the earth,

man had ruled over all living and created for centuries since he was born.