Hide and Seek - Part 2 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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I struck my tender fist vociferously against the hard wall,

round globules of indignant anger welled up in my eyes,

mighty pounds of fresh air died a gruesome death in my lungs,

tapered outlines of my toe fingers took a vice like grip of the floor,

crimson blood traveled multiple times faster through my veins,

snow white pearls of my eyes acquired streaks of corrugated scarlet,

dozens of my teeth clenched themselves to form a formidable fortress,

infinite hair on my body stood up in hostile acrimony,

the tiny blob of Adams apple oscillated violently like a parasitic leech,

amber fumes emanated in quick successions from my nostril,

a volley of profound abuse escaped through the luscious envelope of my lips,

gallons of adrenalin flowed intermittently via my kidneys,

feeble muscles of my persona transited to taut balls of anguished fervor,

i gnawed my nails raw of rich calcium,

chewed my thumb for times immemorial,

staring unflinchingly at my adversary who had humiliated me a few hours ago,

had also evaporated traces of exorbitant felicity  that i was besieged with.


i couldn't bear it any longer,

my entire silhouette radiated with waves of demonic anger,

prompting me to punch stringently with my rock hard palms,

into the supple core of his solar plexus,

evacuating tons of air trapped in his flatulent belly,

annihilating forever the ostentation he displayed in ridiculing the youth of my age.