Hide and Seek - part 5 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Life without a purpose; is like a luxury liner maneuvering wildly through the ocean without a rudder,

Life without a purpose; is like a creeper growing up tall without a brick wall for support,

Life without a purpose; is like a aircraft flying high in the sky without a skilled captain,

Life without a purpose; is like an unruly classroom without a learned teacher,

Life without a purpose; is like a drunkard man traversing through the streets hurling

a volley of expletives,

Life without a purpose; is like a river flowing berserk without side embankments,

Life without a purpose; is like a intricate necklace of beads without a finely chiseled supporting wire,

Life without a purpose; is like a submissive population reeling under the tyranny of dictatorship,

Life without a purpose; is like a crackling fire blazing without enclosures to prevent it spreading,

Life without a purpose; is like a flamboyant car without a steering wheel,

Life without a purpose; is like a stealthy spider swirling around wildly in its web,

Life without a purpose; is like a stray dog growling for food; mercilessly snatching the same from others of its kind,

Life without a purpose; is like mesmerizing rose growing on bountiful

meadows; bereft of fragrance,

Life without a purpose; is like lovers courting each other without tying sacrosanct threads of matrimony,

Life without a purpose; is like a lion gulping his food without scrupulously chewing,

Life without a purpose; is like the moon in the sky without scintillating shine,

Life without a purpose; is like road of raw concrete without obstreperous traffic,

Life without a purpose; is like the most voluptuous of face without a frivolous smile,

Life without a purpose; is like an intricately chiseled brain without an ocean of thoughts,

Life without a purpose; is like eating sumptuous food; without relishing the same,

Life without a purpose; is like an inherited rich man; without having the cognizance to spend his affluence,

Life without a purpose; is like breath inhaled in the body; without being sensitively felt,

Life without a purpose; is like palpable heart impregnated in the chest; without having the capacity to throb,

O! yes life without a purpose; is like living life listlessly; although being

actually dead.