Hide and Seek - part 5 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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When I stared unrelentingly into broken shards of irregular mirror,

The reflection that emanated was grotesquely distorted; with my nose appearing

to be broken at a myriad of places.


When I sighted my face in a thick sheet of mirror stained with a crimson slurry of blood,

I resembled the diabolical devil; with ghastly streaks of brutal red embellishing my forehead.


When I viewed my persona in a sea green mirror; hoisted towards blazing

light of the Sun,

Intricate features of my body appeared evidently blurred; and a bunch of hair on my scalp looked like blades of grass.


When I held a mirror painted with black; abreast twin pairs of my crystalline eyes,

I felt as if I had been divested of vision; with an ocean of perpetual darkness striking me at blinding speeds.


When I attempted to picture my silhouette; in the translucent mirror of the

emerald sea,

The image appeared preposterously hazy in the primordial stages; disappearing

at instants of boisterous waves transiting into frothy spray.


When I tried to spot my demeanor in the immaculate mirror of moon,

The reflection appeared overwhelmingly clear; but soon got obliterated by a cluster of black clouds.


When I audaciously attempted to view my outlines in the blistering mirror of the  flaming Sun,

I inevitably failed to do so; as the acrid beams of light decimated all

my capacity to see.


When I tried to distinguish my color in a mirror camouflaged in frosty milk,

I inexorably  looked like a clown; with my dexterously chiseled features transforming to fat smudges of white.


When I endeavored decoding my face in an absolutely Pellucid mirror,

I could sight it as it was sculptured at the reigning moment; without traces of emotion and empathy.


And eventually when I attempted to see my face in the mesmerizing mirror of my

beloved's eyes,

This time though the reflection which diffused was the clearest of all; and I sighted a blissful smile on my lips,

Which was a perennial signal that we loved each other; as much as we feared to die.