Hide and Seek - part 5 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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It was as ravishing; as the black bear trampling indiscreetly through the dense

foliage of the jungle,

Humming incoherent tunes in a poignantly husky; while in its quest for concealed prey.


It was as scintillating; as the crystal blue patches of the pellucid sky,

Which basked in overwhelming joy; when caressed by stringent rays of the magnificent Sun.


It was as fertile; as the lush green tendrils of spongy grass,

Which spread like wild fire in pelting showers of rain; danced vibrantly to tunes

of music and air.


It was as voluptuous; as the ornately embellished pink petals of lotus,

Blossoming perennially when their counterparts died; impregnating venomous

beetles in their womb.


It was as opulent; as the yellow biscuits of pure gold,

Which retained their color even at unfathomable depths beneath soil; could purchase all the tangible existing on earth.


It was as immaculate; as white pearls incarcerated in oyster shells,

Embedded since centuries immemorial in the sea; having the mystical prowess of producing a sparkle in the eye.


It was as invincible; as the colossal grey silhouette of the tropical elephant,

Decimating strong trees with its mighty trunk; pulverizing small bush and ant

with its iron feet.


It was as boisterous; as the flaming red Sun in the firmament of gargantuan sky,

Fumigating disease on earth with its acerbic rays; imparting reprieve from darkness to those in tribulation .


It was as flexible; as the euphoric wings of violet butterfly,

Perching handsomely on solitary corners in the night; flying as nimbly as an aircraft all day.


It had incorporated in itself; minuscule tinges of all existing color,

And It didn’t fade a bit with the unveiling of time; instead fortified to mammoth proportions as life progressed,

O! yes, the rainbow of love was the most mesmerizing thing to blend with; till the time we blissfully lived.