Hide and Seek - part 5 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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She wanted to reach the summit of the mountain in a royal aircraft,

While I wished to walk on the scorching streets barefoot; basking in the full



She wanted to drape her demeanor with fabric of the richest quality flocculent


While I desired to camouflage my body in rags; and stare unrelentingly at the moon.


She wanted to use the most luxurious soap available; to scrub her dainty skin and face,

While I was quite contented washing my hands with natural mud; use twigs of the tree to brush my teeth.


She wanted a compact swimming pool to dip into; sedately swim; with an enclosure of crystal sequestering the same,

While I fantasized about plunging into stormy waves of the ocean; relishing the

scent of salty spray.


She wanted clinically processed milk in late hours of the morning; to be

served by her bedside with sizzling hot scones,

While I had an insatiable urge to garrulously devour large pints of milk directly from the rustic cow.


She wanted a striped umbrella to walk blending with her queenly gloves; irrespective of sunshine or rain,

While I ingratiatingly desired to drench my silhouette completely in

showers from the sky.


She wanted a grandiloquent watch wound tightly to her wrist; with its luminous

dial; radiating glow,

While I vehemently resisted contraptions on my hand; relying exorbitantly on the positioning of the Sun and stars.


She wanted to use a concoction of honey and rose to wash her cascading hair,

While I vigorously rubbed my hair with raw lime; annihilating remnant traces of abhorrent dandruff.


She wanted to play intricate games of billiards; chess and cards; within the plush interiors of her palace,

While I simply went berserk; bursting with waves of euphoria at executing swashbuckling strokes with my baseball bat.


She wanted a cavalcade of cars pursuing her wherever she went; a battalion of

cameras to snap her photograph,

While I wanted to be left solitary on the street; uttering a volley of expletives  when provoked.


She wanted the cool air of air-conditioner to incessantly pacify her heat,

While I was quite contented to feel the stringent summer breeze blow wildly across my face.


She wanted a fresh vase of flowers to embellish her room; throughout the

tenure of the acerbic day,

While I roamed about in the jungles; hunting large fish; caressing my lips to

the pungent aroma of blackberry shrub.


She wanted to be a glamorous model; with a plethora of people admiring her

ostentatious jewelry,

While I simply detested the high society; was supremely ecstatic when given a chance to mix with innocuous children.


She wanted to love me like a commodity; besieging my neck in a straps of leather;

While I had this overwhelming desire of guarding her against evil; wiping her tears when it mattered the most,

We were actually; excellent illustrations of conflicting personalities; God had ever created on this earth.