Copyright © 2023 by Beata Mołdoch
even the change in the weather began to frighten me
overwhelmed by pressure
and fear
i was losing ground
which was never stable anyway
they won't stay with you if they want to move on
you will not stop anyone by force nor with requests
sometimes even love is not enough for someone to stay
you shrug your shoulders just as the wind
moves the branches of the trees
was never literal
i tried to look for a chance in it yet
how wonderful it is to be able to call my body my home my refuge
my armor
my everything
my body is for me
always contains inaccuracies
that you put into every sentence you utter
that you find your inner self inside of another person
affinity of souls
is much stronger
than kinship of bodies
i learned to limit the word 'never'
and 'always'
no more going back to old bad habits no more going back to toxic relationships no more returning to emptiness and hunger
but nothing is a certainty
humbly hoping
that bad things will not return i don't know if i've matured enough to win against them again
you crush ice cubes you crush women's hearts
depression is like a waterfall you swim with the current of water you get used to the whirlpool of water that swamps you
suddenly you are falling down you notice where you are
all over again
i idealize the future i tire of the past
the past really torments me
i try to see the present
in colors other than those
that i have already come to know
you were born alive but do you feel alive - functioning
in this one moment
focus on your breathing
i find the pressure of society paralyzing
'to have as much as possible
to be more than'
let yourself to be yourself move along your route
the path you take in accordance with your heart and conscience will be the only suitable
and good for you
don't let yourself be stifled by someone who falsely thinks
what will be best for you
become what you want
but remain a good human
that i won't live up to the demands and expectations of someone
who is not even care of me
i move to the rhythm of the music that we used to listen to together i don't refuse myself to revisit old songs even though they tear my heart out every time
as soon as i hear the first notes
what my expectations are from you i don't know
just be beside me
i've been taught
to not expect too much
high expectations
are further disappointments
that fate has in store for me
i wrote hundreds of poems and letters for you
which you never received
we ran out of time
now i understand why you value nature so much
vegetation and all of that
all that has been created
without human intervention
you are looking for things
that are real and unaffected by human you are looking for peace
where peace grows together
with the crops
hundreds of books you have read will not protect you from suffering knowledge is no substitute
for human contact
knowledge is no substitute
for feelings and disappointments if not a human will inflict pain on you loneliness will take care of it
i don't know if i will be able to to bestow only friendship on you what if
i want more
what if
my body wants more
your whispers were the most pleasant sound
i will try not to break your heart the way as it was mine broken
when love was involved
your expectations of me were less than my expectations of myself i ran away
that this might change
and i wouldn't be able
to make you happy enough
to make you stay longer
what are you going to do
with my heart
that i give you on the palm of my hand
in the realm of nonsense i'm still looking for something real and decent
whether it's paranoia
or desperation
but are all those who say that love should not be sought because it will come by itself are they really right
maybe happiness should be helped since we conquer mountains and peaks we can conquer love too
your voice sounds better when you speak words
filled with warmth and goodness
i'll tell you all my crying stories if only
you ask for it properly
like roses equipped with thorns so your intentions are equipped with devastating words
directed in my direction
feeling of cold has become closer to me
than the feeling of security
that i wouldn't be able to fall in love with anyone
until you showed up
and you dispelled all doubts
without you
i'm back to square one
i shout very silently and you read all the signs
how incredible is the kinship of our souls as if we were
one body
one mind
one breath
in two chests
he was not a good listener was not a good answer
to all my questions
i idealized him every time
when i asked him
where he was in all those situations in which i needed anyone
your hands wrap around my body your words entwine my mind
speak to me
i will accept everything
that everything was going to be okay when at the same time he was planning that he was going to leave you
i would like to cry 'for' you not for you
there's a difference
i saw him smiling at the moment when he was talking about another woman
i really hope
that he is with someone
that he is happy with someone but i can't bear it
this sight tears my heart apart this sight is tearing me apart who else will touch my mind like him i know and i try to believe
that he didn't mean to hurt me or i'm just getting high on these his lies i didn't ask him to 'live' for me i didn't ask him to 'die' for me i just wanted him to be with me
he was a little older and he had more experience
he told me some stories
that i understood only when
when he was no longer around
all good things come to an end quickly and everything we care about
quickly flees
you make me start lying to create the appearance of perfection
perhaps i could have loved truly but only this one time
every next one won't be like this first
love comes and goes the whole love process
goes through various changes
love sometimes passes away
like the seasons
sometimes it stays and deals blows love is dangerous enough in itself
you don't see the difference between 'caring' and 'being curious'
and that's a big difference
even no longer being close to you i can still see
how instead of me
you treat others badly
it's not right
even 'friendship'
can be a rose with thorns
entangled in your constant promises lies and confidences
i don't know in the end
who you are anymore
i don't know who we are to each other
you can promise her the whole world without even giving a piece of the floor
his ignorance was a daily occurrence
are more memorable
than the good ones
therein lies the paradox
so how to focus on the positives when i carry all the past inside me
many times i thought that without you
there would be no part of me
i was wrong
i have never felt more relieved giving up your company
i still naively believe that since everything around you is maturing
you will eventually do it too
you don't see the problems even there you create them by yourself and your subsequent promises
cut my soul
like thorns cut skin
i already know by heart all your hopeless excuses
and explanations
that you put into sentences
more often than commas
your words are stuck in my memory the smell of that air
raindrops of one day
and the rays of the sun the next nothing will look and sound alike anymore
is it possible that with your departure also take away a part of me
that i can't function without
that you want to be with me now but at the same time
you hold the hand of another woman my sad expression on face
hidden under blood-red lipstick your heavy words
like bullets
passing through tissue and bone
when you saw my tears you weren't even sorry
you looked away
to hide your indifference
you never had much love in you that's why you couldn't give it to me at the moment
when you wanted to give it
also to another woman
lost my phone somehow the night before i don't know where i am
i'm bouncing off the walls
sober eyelids
tired head and body
you drive me to self-destruction every time whenever you appear
and quickly disappear
obliterating all traces of your presence
you took what you wanted and you ran away in the opposite direction
erasing yourself after you is not a way out
your DNA is not what defines you your background is not what defines you you are the whole universe
you create it and mean as much as it does
kills you
like a slowly moving knife
driven into your temple
i tried to get rid of myself too many times
how can i promise anyone
that i will never go back to that state again
the loudest voice in my head won't let me stop
to think about you
you don't want to spend five minutes with me
while i
wanted to almost give you
my whole life
i'm staring at unfamiliar faces it's lip-reading unfamiliar stories
i feel alive only when when i almost lose my life
this is the greatest addiction and adrenaline
to love and hate at the same time
how many times have you tried to look at the sun
without squinting your eyes
someday i'll tell you how over the last two decades i tried to live
and survive
ceases to matter
when it is uttered
without pure intentions
so how can i give you more when even 'everything'
is still not enough for you
there is no right and wrong
and there is only something in between
first he scratched my old wounds after which he sprinkled them with sea salt i didn't react
as if it was already familiar to me
you immerse your attention in black thoughts
you disturb your head in the wrong arms
you have already left me so many times how can i believe
that this time you will stay
you have abused my trust
you have also used up the limit of my patience
and hope
i can't accept you in my life yet again
i am constantly tearing up old pain as if i were looking for
anything good
in the past
that has already been written in one
unchanging scenario
is like dancing on the edge
i love and hate myself
I reach a point
where i stop feeling anything i just want a momentary peace i wish my eyelids were no longer so heavy and my hands don't shake
under the weight of thoughts
you're not just looking for another man you are looking for someone
in the likeness of 'that one' man who stayed in your thoughts
and created in his image
whom you will never find
and you are well aware of this but you still do not stop in your search
i don't answer your calls because i am overwhelmed by fear i don't want you to get close to my soul which until now
i have come to know
completely only by myself
i am afraid
that you won't understand my other world my other identity
that i possess
what more can i do since I've lost your attention i can't talk endlessly
since you have stopped listening and look in my direction
don't play with the emotions of the person who gives you affection
of any kind
respect everything
that the other person gives you everything you give
will come back to you sooner or later
i will wipe away your tears even if you
will be the cause of my
mint in your mouth should be tasted
only by one woman
what you don't understand in all this
don't ever tell me again that you will be there for me when i need it
too many times
you walked out the moment
the moment I reached out my hand towards you
i see you as if through a fog how can you assure me
that you are still close to me
in high school, i was more of a loner hiding behind a mask of companionship spending time with people
who didn't even know me
all for show
sway through my thoughts
like leaves in the wind
of all
as if i were torn between
what is right and pleasant
desire for freedom
you make promises to people who put their hope in you
and then you let them down
again and again
and they
forgive you
because you are only human
i would like to get as much understanding as much as you get
this year will go on like your old habits
that you don't want to change so as not to lose a part of yourself
i don't feel like i've lost any battles nor have i won any victories
maybe the very lessons i am experiencing are a lesson and a reward for me at the same time
in which so many things are fragile please
that subsequent situations
don't take away my will to continue fighting
and maybe justice
is not waiting around the corner for everyone
maybe karma doesn't exist
and it's just a series of coincidences or strangely good and bad coincidences what we later call atonement
for wrong or good deeds
i want to believe
that just judgments exist
and that everything that happens does not happen without a greater cause in itself
my salty tears didn't interest you as much
as you firmly assured me
it is not easy to be a good friend it's a full-time job
is a test of loyalty
and everything
what you haven't even thought of
that pressure you carry on your back makes
makes your knees buckle
and your eyes fill with salty liquid how big a price you are paying for where you are now
whether you are able to trust again
to those blue eyes
even snow is associated with pure white while it is dirty
you have inflicted more pain on me than the thorns of red-hot roses which were digging into my delicate hands and if i were to undo everything what you said
i would rather not touch you at all i wish you would ever know
how much of a poison you were to me even if from the outside
you looked like a wonderful cure
i see you even when when i lower my eyelids
and it's hard to fool my mind but it's so easy to fool my eyesight
and once again you allowed yourself to be drawn into tender promises
and assurances that it is real and unique in itself
take a breath
because life goes on
and he, will not return
even though you beg for his return the whole universe
in your words you included something
which turned out to be a lie
you burned out of your emotions faster than any of my candles
if he leaves you don't let yourself be torn apart into thousands of pieces
let this pain
break you into two parts
which are easier
to glue into the original whole
and the sixth day of the week has become my anticipated
of all the other days
only then you had time for me how 'blind'
'in love'
and unhappy i was
you hold her tightly in your arms
but you need someone
who will hold your arms too
you look into my eyes but you don't see all the depth that i unsuccessfully try to convey to you since even words are helpless what of my gaze
which is just a look to you
without depth or words
warm-July evening or blood-chilling-February
morning or twilight
sweet or salty
it all doesn't even matter anymore at the moment when all i feel is sorrow for someone
who doesn't even care about me at all
don't wait for him at the door don't wait for his call
hoping that this time - it's him and i know it hurts you
but you have to move on
even if it's hard to lift your crying body from the floor wet with tears
passing more stations lamp posts
and saddened faces on the streets i was just waiting for the moment in which i will see you again even if
already the last time
it's nothing if the flowers from him wither worse if it happens to his feelings
if i could only take away your worries would you stay longer then?
or maybe that will be
still not enough for you
and you
punished me with silence
what a great blessing and curse at the same time
the power of the heart
which sometimes even naively believes that 'this time'
will not be broken
and trusts again
truly loves
after which it dies again
the universe has placed the blue of the sky in your eyes
you are indifferent to heaven or hell while every day
you experience the storm
you sink and float to the surface weakened and bored
with permanent sadness
which has nested in your soul and does not leave it
as if it was already written for her
don't run away from love it finds you
and will blind you
so that you feel a piece of paradise before it is turned into hell
i heard this tune on the radio and i really wanted
for you to listen for at least a moment as i try to hum it
but you were already in another place busy listening to the sounds
coming out of other mouths
i reject from myself all other hands that don't belong to you
even if they wouldn't hurt me like yours
i don't want them
why do i still desire only you the moment you threw me into the abyss i climb the sloping wall of rock knowing that you did it deliberately
i am constantly trying i trust new hands
i give my heart
open like a lotus flower
after which i choke with tears love scares me
and at the same time i want it with all my body and all my soul how long will i continue to fall asleep -
before someone
this time truly
will love me
the fear i face falls silent whenever you are around you extinguish the fire of fears in me and at the same time
you ignite my soul and body
no one can compare to you only your mind and your body
wakes me up and puts me to sleep at the same time
i'm not sure
whether i will stay alive
when one day
you just disappear
when everyone around deprived me of the sun
you became the brightest star in my solar system
i was not too young to love you i was too young to be so hurt
like i was on top of a mountain now
you are silent, you disappear and i
fall into a dark abyss
without an answer
abandoned by your body and mind
another love disappointment and another loneliness
doesn't hurt less at all
familiar with this kind of pain and emptiness
i don't cope better at all
everything tastes bitter and similar but has a different source
don't make my heart break again i already know the feeling
go away
if you only want me for a while my heart is not a place to rent
i put red on my lips to attract the gazes
that in the face of yours
cease to have any meaning
that i will miss you forever
you moved my heart and mind
at the same time
you stirred up the embers of fire in me and then you left
without even putting it out
i can't do it alone
you are like a lighter
that ignites everything around you
you turned white into black not even knowing
that it would obscure my entire life
hope, which is still in me becomes a source of danger
every time i forgive
i feel that i lose myself to someone who doesn't deserve it
we are all mortal and we are only exist for a moment as long as you experience life love strongly, truly
and with your whole body
suffering is unavoidable
but let this
not stop you from loving
all of it
will make you even more alive
you put your hands on my body you put your chest against mine a few days after
my heart is breaking
and every other part of me too that you managed to touch
before you decided to leave me
i dream about you while you go away
in the opposite direction
i will probably follow you with my eyes until i fall from my strength until i lose all my senses
that have gone crazy
since you've been gone
i would give my life for you
if I could - i would do anything in exchange for filling the void in my heart
your silence are grains of salt
falling on my open wounds
i can't forget but i can forgive
and harder than that
is only to forgive again someone who has already failed many times it's like savoring poison
that one day
it will stop being poisonous
if you have to lie to me do it without details
the thorns will still dig into my skin but there will be fewer of them
just for a while he was the sunshine in my life only to quickly turn into rain and leave me
all soaked
i plunged back into chronic sadness
don't look for love in places where you don't even receive respect don't pour salt into a glass of water pretending to yourself
that it is sugar
you put gold on your neck but you don't wear gold in your heart you are so faded to me
you are tearing my old wounds hoping that they will continue to bleed they will
but i have already learned
how to stop the bleeding
so as to cut you off
from feeling that satisfaction caused by my pain
are you crying more often or maybe laughing?
you yourself no longer know
what source the tears run down on your porcelain face
every evening
every night
and even in the morning
when waking up, you still don't remember what you cried for all last night
even if you will never be mine again i think i still belong to you and i don't want
to belong to anyone
who won't be you
on hot summer days i still carry within me a longing and the coldness in my heart
which you froze
the grief i carry inside me grows with time
and at the same time also becomes silent as if i reconciled to this anguish falling from strength
on colder days i don't want to put on clothes i just want
cover myself with your body
you will no longer ask how i feel
you are no longer interested in what is under the surface of the water in which you have been swimming every day
stay with me
like tattoos
that adorn the body
into a silent scream
and my face - wet with tears
takes on the colors of gray
i no longer hide my true face under the cover of my hands
even now you don't notice
how sunken
the corners of my mouth are sometimes and my eyes
simultaneously moist
and dry
adorn my face
you stand firmly on the ground but why
you did the same to my heart
which is softer
than grains of sand
under your feet
why do you consider me as someone inferior to you
when the same color of blood flows in us you turn away after inflicting pain as if it would erase your evil deed
in order not to lose you from my sight i try to blink as fast
as fast the seconds hands
of the clock move
you appeared suddenly and you quickly disappear
let me put all the pain you caused on a piece of this paper
that everyone can reach for
you leave me no other choice
at the moment
when my heart is disappointed
i will leave traces of red lipstick on your face and your sheets
just as you leave traces of disappointment in my heart
don't start more fire than you can put out by yourself
the silence you bestow on me is the worst silent sound
i have ever heard
i don't even know with what i could heal my heart that you broke without any qualms or i'm just wondering
whether i would even be able
to pull myself together after you into any kind of whole
or at least half
the floor on which i lay and choked with tears
for a long time
was a much safer place for me than any other arms
if you ever come back to me with your thoughts
i will already be in another place that won't be wet with my tears and my heart torn by you
will no longer bleed as much as it once did
how to believe again and trust
any other eyes
when the most honest and blue ones have dealt me the most painful blows straight to the heart
that trusted boundlessly and blindly
and the saddest thing is that this time
i would rather be really dead instead of over again
try heal a broken heart
that's the kind of suffering
that weakens more than strengthens the heart is not just a muscle the heart is porcelain
which it is amazing to possess or to give to someone
on the palm of your hand
but some people
let the porcelain out of their hands as if it had no value for them then it shatters into thousands of pieces just like a broken heart
when you leave me along with the storm you have caused in my sky
a rainbow will appear
that will hold my hand
since you are pushing me away because i am too good
so who do you really want?
and who are you really yourself?
to throw myself
to the bottom of the ocean for you while you
were not even able to
to plunge for me in a small stream of water
thank you for another tragedy in my life that i didn't need at all
the next woman you find
take care of her at least a little better than you took care of me
none good woman deserved
to be left in a single text message to be so hurt and humiliated
and the exploitation itself
has many faces
all that happened to us you made of it just a 'meaningless'
segment of time
as if nothing had happened
and in my heart
once again
will remain a scar
many more women after me will trust you
because, after all
you deceive so beautifully and effectively and you commit yourself
only for a few moments or weeks even the most intelligent and careful eyes will not notice it in time
no one will ever be able to to make me trust so boundlessly again thanks to you
i don't even believe in good endings anymore
you showed me
that romantic feeling is a ticking clock
the heart of human even if naive and blind
it craves love
wants to love and be loved in return plunge a knife sharp as fangs into the heart
and it will still want to love and once it is knitted together and healed the mind still powerless
in the face of feelings will remain
you prepared me for the most beautiful moments of our lives
but you didn't mention at all that in a few days
you will leave me alone
as if i were just entertainment making your worse days more pleasant
i really wanted to belong only to you even if
it sounds very materialistic
i don't want to belong to anyone anymore who won't be you
just look at what you did to me
i'm not afraid of yours
after all you've done
you can't even afford the truth that you so often valued
how can i enjoy the day when you
have taken all the sunshine with you?
and i don't know what hurt my soul more
your silence
or the words of farewell
that you put in one insolent
short message
that come out of your mouth
can be sacred to someone
so be careful in the face of every heart that opens up to you
the wounds you inflict
may not always be the ones
that will grow together in someone's heart
i was just 'another new woman' to you i'm able to heal from what you did to me and i thank you
that you didn't hurt me more
than you could
i wanted to be the sun for you but you made me
me to become rain
for myself
you wear black under the blue of your eyes
before you came along everything was darker in me
and now
when you leave
you take all that brightness with you you leave me in an even darker abyss i've ever been in
one day
will stop echoing
from the walls of my bedroom
you may break me, but i will still be reborn
for my place you will surely find another woman or a girl
but in none of them
you won't find 'me'
i will take one step at a time i will live day by day
and finally
i will heal from you
you will pass like a headache
his pearly hair was more beautiful
than any part of my jewelry
you follow others but who really goes along with you
wherever you are, i believe you will get through whatever agonizes and hurts you.
i send you my strength and i wish you peace.
- from the author
Honeymoon is a collection of poems that deal with themes of sadness, disappointment and romantic feelings that turned out to be painful. The title
'honeymoon' is a reference to the short duration of a relationship that was supposed to last a lifetime. The honeymoon can also mean the short-lived nature of the good moments in life, which pass as well as the painful moments.