Ehab Shawky Profile

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14th February 1980

Greetings dear reader. My name is Ehab Shawky. I am an author and self-publisher. I live in Cairo, Egypt. I have two Bachelor's degrees; the first is B.Sc. in Mechanical Power Engineering, received from Cairo University, class 2002. The second is a BA in Islamic Studies, received from the Higher Institute for Islamic Studies, class 2016. Getting the chance to spend a lifetime learning about science and religion had an impact on my thoughts and perceptions. Although I worked in the engineering field for over a decade, and my peers and mentors have well recognized my achievements, I have always had a desire in my heart to dedicate most of my time to writing. Becoming a writer has always been my dream. I started writing very early at the age of ten; that was when I had my first article published on my school’s billboard. Ever since that day, I never stopped writing. On my blogs, you can read poetry, prose, intellectual articles, historical narratives, spiritual and religious commentary, etc. I have written and self-published three books. The first was an academic book titled ‘Islamic Methodologies Made Easy.’ It came among the best sellers in the non-fiction genre back in 2015 and 2016. The second is a fiction novel titled, ‘The Lost Way to Misrost,’ published in 2018. The third is a poetry and rhymed prose book. If you have any questions related to my books and writings, you can contact me at Best of luck.

Teaching, Reading, Writing, Reciting the Qur'an, Listening to music, Crossfit training, Design and applied engineering, Sudoku, Gardening, Bird and Farm-animals watching, Environment, Development, Education, and Chatting.

Books I've written

  • Lost Generation
    Lost Generation Poetry by Ehab Shawky
    Lost Generation
    Lost Generation



    Sep 2024

    This book is a compilation of selected poems, prose, and rhymed stories by Ehab Shawky. It reflects forty years of his Middle Eastern generation’s dreams, asp...

    Formats: PDF, Epub, Kindle, TXT

  • The Lost Way To Misrost
    The Lost Way To Misrost Fiction by Ehab Shawky
    The Lost Way To Misrost
    The Lost Way To Misrost



    Sep 2024

    “The Lost Way to Misrost” is a medieval trilogy revolving around the strife of ‘Al-Misrosty’ Family throughout three generations. Part one, “The Legacy,” is a...

    Formats: PDF, Epub, Kindle, TXT

  • Islamic Methodologies Made Easy
    Islamic Methodologies Made Easy Religious by Ehab Shawky
    Islamic Methodologies Made Easy
    Islamic Methodologies Made Easy



    Sep 2024

    Islamic Methodologies Made Easy” by Ehab Shawky is a book that aims to simplify the understanding of Islamic methodologies for the average reader. It covers v...

    Formats: PDF, Epub, Kindle, TXT