If You Cut a Tree; You Cut Your Own Mother – Poems on Environment , Wildlife , Mother Nature , Global Warming by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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NO smoking; NO offensively ghoulish odor lugubriously stabbing every

gorgeously impeccable and rhapsodic ingredient of the atmosphere,


NO smoking; NO horrendously inexplicable disease infiltrating into the

Body invidiously; treacherously asphyxiating you towards your veritable



NO smoking; NO disgustingly manipulative webs of bizarre lechery;

threateningly overwhelming even the most infinitesimal trace of

goodness in eternal mankind,


NO smoking; NO insidiously negative energies corrupting the fabric of

innocuous holistic humanity; satanically lambasting the Omnipotent

effervescence of unconquerable truth,


NO smoking; NO truculently diabolical tyranny to the ingratiating

jacket of lungs; not even the tiniest of abuse to the most wonderfully sculptured

and impeccably nimble body,


NO smoking; NO maliciously ghastly whirlpools of stinking white;

venomously permeating into the heavenly nostril; perfidiously obfuscating crystal

clear centers of enamoring sight,


NO smoking; NO bouts of insanely maniacal frustration ominously

creeping up the pious soul; relentlessly trying to mercilessly pulverize

ravishingly mesmerizing existence,


NO smoking; NO beads of drearily rotten sweat dribbling from the

innocent forehead; no preposterously pugnacious scent of the obsolete gutters

emanating from harmonious body perspiration,


NO smoking; NO irascibly murderous vacillations of the heart; not even

the most inconspicuous maelstroms of penalizing blood pressure and

victimizing adulteration,


NO smoking; NO indefatigably abhorrent series of pathetically whooping

cough; not even the most diminutive trace of gory infection in the

chords of the enchantingly sensuous throat,


NO smoking; NO coffins of horrifically crippling cancer rampantly

marauding the poignant bloodstreams; surreptitiously clambering up the body to

devilishly inflict the chapters of permanent death,


NO smoking; NO inhibitions whatsoever in melanging with the lap of

sacrosanct nature; and every panoramic fruit of God’s unsurpassably

bountiful creation; wholeheartedly welcoming your immaculately humanitarian



NO smoking; NO tense apprehensions of a miserably truncated life; not

even the most mercurial of fear at all of prematurely snapping the fangs of

existence; with your very own trembling hands,


NO smoking; NO  indiscriminately whipping malice; with every religion;

caste; creed; color; tribe on this planet; symbiotically blending in

the religion of priceless mankind,


NO smoking; NO recklessly sleepless nights; with licentiously bellicose

nightmares maiming you beyond the realms of sagacious recognition,


NO smoking; NO diffidently stumbling footsteps; not even the most

parsimonious trace of fear encapsulating your countenance,


NO smoking; NO salaciously coldblooded parasites loitering all over

your traumatically frazzled body; truculently evicting even the last ounce

of your exuberant energy,


NO smoking; NO aimlessly ominous wandering in the corridors of vengeful

neglect; not even the most invisible trace of vindictively forlorn and

malevolent obsession,


NO smoking; NO ignominious condemnation thrusted into your nimble face;

no opprobrious rebuke assassinating you on every step that you



NO smoking; NO blood stained tears rolling down your harmless cheeks;

not even the slightest trace of castigating anguish enshrouding the

blissful contours of your face,


NO smoking; NO wars of savagely destroying loneliness annihilating

every trace of your vivid exhilaration; with a sky of unfathomably unending

freshness miraculously coalescing with your stride,


NO smoking; NO witnessing your profusely decaying form in the mirror

every dawn; with the beats of everlasting sensuousness forever being the

profound embellishment of your innocent eyes,


NO smoking; NO regret for the celestially scintillating chapter of

life; not even the most diminutive curse of past lives; ever caressing you for

timeless times,


NO smoking; NO ruthlessly abrading your destiny lines with your own

breath; with every instant of life unfurling into a garden of bountifully

endowing beauty and graciousness,


NO smoking; NO demons pilfering into your visage as the Sun went behind

the sky; with the Omnipotent glow of righteousness forever being as your

only companion; your only and unbreakable pride,


NO smoking; NO ghosts perilously decimating you from all sides; with a

paradise of invincibly princely triumph irrevocably kissing you till

the very end of your time,


NO smoking; NO squeamishly threadbare dirt imprisoning every element of

your demeanor; with the mantra of synergistic existence being your only

fodder to spell bindingly survive,


NO smoking; NO noose tightening ghastily round your intricately

effusive neck; with every aspect of life suddenly illuminating with ebulliently

untamed gusto and aristocratic cheer,


NO smoking; NO savagely blood shot and torturously dry eyes; not even

the most infidel blemish of dolorously pale blackness on the contours of

your resplendently silken skin,


NO smoking; NO repentance for uselessly leading enamoring life; not

even the most fugitive feeling of massacring the heart of God’s gloriously

enchanting creation,


NO smoking; NO challenging the laws of pricelessly proliferating

existence; synergistically surrendering every iota of your visage to the

unprecedented treasurehouse of royal mankind,


NO smoking; NO painstakingly walking through stringently restricted

zones; with every organism on this Universe traversing shoulder to shoulder

through the zone of; ubiquitously Omnipotent mankind,


NO smoking; NO sporadic stuttering of vivaciously volatile breath; not

even the most tiniest of impediment in the passage of euphorically

everlasting air and existence,


NO smoking; NO thorns of acrimoniously criminal prejudice and bloody

crime; with the pathways of survival astoundingly radiating with the

profoundly vibrant elixir of friendship and irrefutably spell binding prosperity,


NO smoking; NO ghostly incarceration of the conscience in corpses of

remorseful stagnation; with the rainbow of sparklingly heavenly truth

reigning supreme for infinite more births yet to unveil,


And NO smoking; NO bidding adieu to the fabric of Omnisciently

ever-pervading life; with the entrenchment of sacrosanct existence

perpetually blending forever and ever and ever with the Creator Divine.