If You Cut a Tree; You Cut Your Own Mother – Poems on Environment , Wildlife , Mother Nature , Global Warming by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Every rose in the bountiful gardens profoundly bloomed

with it; blissfully assimilating its enchanting

goodness in each of its vivaciously redolent petals,


Every beam of the miraculously Omnipotent Sun

profusely blazed with it; triumphantly pronouncing its

unflinchingly spell binding impression upon the

colossal Universe,


Every droplet of the ravishingly mesmerizing waterfall

marvelously glimmered with it; casting an irrefutably

unconquerable spell of divine exoticism upon each

organism alive,


Every leaf of the mystically corrugated tree

exuberantly swirled with it; ebulliently leaping

towards celestial paradise; in the swirl of its

compassionately poignant caress,


Every seductively tantalizing nightingale timelessly

sung it; gorgeously portraying its astoundingly

unfathomable charisma; to the entire beleaguered

planet outside,


Every enamoring rainbow in the fathomless cosmos

danced euphorically to its tunes; culminating into an

incredulously amazing kaleidoscope of panoramic

beauty; and rejuvenating color,


Every blade of harmoniously nimble grass ecstatically

swayed to it; innocuously fulminating its sensuous

cascade of golden dewdrops; as vibrant dawn overtook

the complexion of the ghastly night,


Every ingratiatingly silken web insurmountably dazzled

with it; divinely dissipating its unassailably

Omnipotent glow; to all those miserably dithering

towards the aisles of treacherous nothingness,


Every exotically crimson cloud torrentially showered

it; engulfing bizarrely barren landscapes of malicious

prejudice; with incomprehensibly unending spurts of

holistic symbiosis,


Every amiably philandering meadow gregariously

harbored it; harnessing the tree of invincible

humanity; with its perennial tributaries of

uninhibited freedom,


Every wonderfully soaring bird affably encapsulated

it; flooding each element of the dolorously sultry

atmosphere around; with waves of unbelievably

Omniscient charisma,


Every mystically chanting cuckoo majestically

whispered it; ubiquitously disseminating its

relentless glory; to the most obscurely ethereal

regions of this limitless planet,


Every voluptuously scented root proudly possessed it;

unequivocally depicting to one and all alike; that it

was the most quintessential rudiment of every organism

to survive,


Every boisterously bubbling bee made it the honey of

its hive; ecumenically oozing its entrenchment of

perpetual sweetness; overtoppling the hideous devil

with its melody of; everlasting togetherness,


Every serenely pacifying dusk pricelessly encompassed

it; entirely metamorphosing every heinously barbaric

into an apostle of peace; with its impregnable

chapters of eternal contentment,


Every rhapsodically drifting wind intransigently

embraced it; basking in the unprecedented aura of its

timeless sensuousness; for centuries immemorial,


Every holistically truthful soul indefatigably lived

it; naturally letting its immaculately godly elements;

take wholesomely gratifying control for infinite more

births yet to unveil,


Every resplendently jubilant breath stupendously

relished it; insatiably suckling unsurpassable

fireballs of inspiration from its Omnipresent grace;

to forever emerge a philanthropic winner in the

chapter of vivid existence,


O! Yes love was profusely there in the air; Love was

profusely there in every synergistically beautiful

element of this gigantic earth; Love was profusely

there in every human poignantly existing,

And more exclusively than anything; Love had taken an

immortal bondage of their hearts tonight; with their

innocent spirits amalgamating as a singleton idol of

unconquerable timelessness; under the milky downpour

of the sacrosanct Moon.