If You Cut a Tree; You Cut Your Own Mother – Poems on Environment , Wildlife , Mother Nature , Global Warming by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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The entire earth metamorphosed into deplorable gloom;

as it nimbly disappeared behind the towering hills,


The forests in vicinity were profusely engulfed with

appalling pink light; as it sank down abysmally a few

hours after brilliant afternoon,


The birds started returning to their intricately cozy

nests; as it fluttered violently into vivacious shades

of dull crimson,


The sharks bobbing their heads in vicious exuberance

above the poignantly swirling waves; contentedly

rested on the sandy bed as it started to play hide and

seek even more vigorously with the unfurling minutes,


The spuriously pompous light of the electric bulb took

complete control; as its flamboyantly golden color

transited into one sedate pink,


The battalion of stray dogs started to pathetically

wail; as it gave way for the stars to take a wholesome

stranglehold and faintly shimmer,


The lanky hands of the grandfather clock showed signs

of inadvertent laziness; as it abruptly vanished

behind the cocoon of black clouds,


The majestic lion relinquished hunting for prey;

exhaustedly retired in his colossal den; as it

evaporated like specks of dirt from the periphery of

the silver horizon,


The disdainfully sordid cockroach slowly and ominously

crawled towards the stinking lavatory seat; as it

wholesomely left the boundless sky,


The horses galloping in boisterous unison on the

marshy slopes; walked in a silent row towards their

stables; as it seemed to be mournfully coalescing with

bland mud,


The astoundingly fat tortoise became more indolent

than ever retreating its stubby neck inside its

striped shell; as it fell like a frigid thread and

eloped away from the atmosphere,


The bones in the ebullient body started getting

profoundly dreary; beads of hopeless sweat dribbled

down the arms; as it seemed to be gobbled in entirety

by the sapphire blue sky,


The savage python slithered miserably through the

meandering bushes; as it started to develop shades of

ghastly brown on its persona,


The voluptuous green blanket of leaves drooped down in

meek submission; as its rays got more and more tender

and frigid with the unleashing second,


The redolent petals of the stupendously blossoming

lotus folded themselves invincibly in defense; as it

emancipated into the island of nothingness,


The overwhelmingly formidable King ordered his troops

to cease hostile war; as it cast perilously dark

shadows upon the soil of this planet,


The rosy and incessantly chattering tongue now fell a

trifle silent; as it winked in nervous euphoria;

sighed its last before being transiently erased into

thin oblivion,


The signs of all palpable life in this Universe seemed

to be feebly subsiding; as it displayed sure signs of

shrinking to the size of an infinitesimally small pea,


And as you all know; it left the earth every evening

to settle for a long rest before it thunderously

blazed again with immortal enthusiasm at dawn; with

people from all continents round the globe irrefutably

proclaiming it since centuries unprecedented; as the