If You Cut a Tree; You Cut Your Own Mother – Poems on Environment , Wildlife , Mother Nature , Global Warming by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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The butter was still fresh; with adorable crusts of

cream oozing poignantly from its molten persona,


The rose was still blossoming; with its ravishing

redolence reinvigorating everything around in dull



The stream was still gushing at electric speeds; with

its gurgling waters diffusing into spell binding froth

after clashing against the chain of ecstatic rocks,


The peacock was still dancing; with its feathers

spread wildly wide to a completely full and exotically

animated plumage,


The grass blades were still awake; with glistening dew

drops now enigmatically caressing their intricate



The stars still twinkled in the sky; with the

magnificent white beams of light casting a majestic

spell on the body of pathetically scorched earth,


The leaves still vibrantly rustled with the wind;

inscrutably whispering their nostalgic tales of day;

their stupendously enamoring anecdotes of the past,


The lion still roared euphorically; puncturing the

sedate ambience with an uncanny thrill that was never

experienced before,


The nightingale still sang its melodious rhymes;

captivating every tangible and intangible entity with

the fascinating melody in its sound,


The clouds still collided in the sky; pelting droplets

of rejuvenating rain in tumultuous fury,


The ducks still floated in the serene pond; fomenting

blissful ripples to spread infectiously around;

profoundly enlightening the night with their flurry of

boisterous quacks,


The chameleon still fluttered its ominous tail;

tantalizingly changing color; splendidly blending with

the surrounding it went,


The mammoth stacks of green chili were still flaming;

violently embodying the area around with a distinctly

piquant odor; a scent that could bring life into the



The Moon still shone a tenacious white; with its

creamy rays filtering a path through the stringently

dolorous darkness,


The chill still lingered pertinently; perpetuating

infinite goose-bumps to inevitably creep up the body,


The horde of impeccable rabbits still frolicked in

their burrows; playing hide and seek with the drifting

clouds and shine,


The preposterously fat python still slithered through

the marshes; furtively awaiting to gobble its prey; in

the clandestine darkness concealing his belly,


The spider still spun its web; running at astounding

speeds from one end to the other; producing

marvelously shimmering silk with its slime,


C'mon let's enjoy ourselves to the fullest O! beloved;

bask in the aisles of uninhibited desire and romance;

for the night was still young; the darkness had set

blazing fire to our senses; the night was still alive.