If You Cut a Tree; You Cut Your Own Mother – Poems on Environment , Wildlife , Mother Nature , Global Warming by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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If not for me; then atleast for the sake of all those

lugubriously famished leaves; which wailed in

unrelentingly incongruous unison; for those eternally

blissful droplets of water,


If not for me; then atleast for the sake of all those

fathomless mounds of fetidly acrid mud; which

inevitably wanted to be refreshingly washed; since

years immemorial,


If not for me; then atleast for the sake of all those

miserably asphyxiated deserts; whose tears had

cadaverously metamorphosed into treacherously

meaningless sands; vindictively stabbing countless in

the afternoon heat,


If not for me; then atleast for the sake of all those

innocuously pristine cattle and animals; who were

these days solely busy; in counting each other’s

haplessly shriveled cartilage of horrifically

emaciated bones,


If not for me; then atleast for the sake of all those

forlornly barren beds of the boundless ocean; which

had gruesomely died till the very last bone of their

non-existent spines,


If not for me; then atleast for the sake of all those

pricelessly new born infants; who embraced death by

the countless numbers; in the unsparingly diabolical

heat of the Sun,


If not for me; then atleast for the sake of all those

chunks of lividly impotent mud; from the periphery of

which there sprouted nothing else but an indescribably

fuming battalion of pugnaciously distorted cracks,


If not for me; then atleast for the sake of all those

impoverished villagers; whose inarticulately mud-caked

abodes pathetically melted; under the undying fury of

the heartlessly charring Sun,


If not for me; then atleast for the sake of all those

dolorously dried meadows of grass; which exuded into

unfathomable mortuaries of sadistic blood; rather than

a festoon of enchantingly golden dew-drops,


If not for me; then atleast for the sake of all those

dogmatically sweating scalps and skins; which could

suffer from any instant from a complete nervous

breakdown; without the tiniest droplet of water in

their taps,


If not for me; then atleast for the sake of all those

lecherously empty wells which fretted in the aisles of

decrepit oblivion; with their innumerable tumblers of

water now despondently replaced by impugning dust,


If not for me; then atleast for the sake of all those

unfinished lamenting desires of true lovers; which

could royally fructify only when two voluptuously wet

bodies; invincibly united into one sensuous breath,


If not for me; then atleast for the sake of all those

unlimited ingredients of the ruthlessly scorched

atmosphere; whose living ghost tirelessly haunted and

imperiled; even the most celestially bountiful of victory,


If not for me; then atleast for the sake of all those

vituperatively parched lips; which hurled an

unsurpassable volley of incoherent abuse; as whenever

they desperately opened; all they could taste was

sordidly tormented mud,


If not for me; then atleast for the sake of all those

resplendently inscrutable forests; which now resembled

robotically devastated factories of sacrilegiously

monotonous charcoal,


If not for me; then atleast for the sake of all those

unfortunately doomed nostrils; which had nothing else

but disdainfully belligerent bellows of venomous smoke

to quintessentially inhale,


If not for me; then atleast for the sake of all those

rustic  farmers with endless kilometers of land; but

from whose soil sprouted nothing else but the most

brutally lambasting curses of starvation,


If not for me; then atleast for the sake of all those

penuriously strangulated throats; from which emanated

only the most cursedly discordant wails of

preposterously imprisoning helplessness,


And If not for me; then atleast for the sake of all

those immortally passionate hearts; which had now

transformed into the epitomes of satanically

unforgivable infidelity; in absence of the most

unconquerable elixir required to sustain life,


Please open your vivaciously undefeated belly O!

Omnipotent Sky; please culminate into the most

thunderously voluptuous of clouds; and please

torrentially rain; rain; rain and unstoppably RAIN.