If You Cut a Tree; You Cut Your Own Mother – Poems on Environment , Wildlife , Mother Nature , Global Warming by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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You’re not just cutting the tree’s artistically

slender branches; but by doing so you’re infact

barbarously cutting the inimitably priceless hands of

triumphantly vivacious Mother Nature,


You’re not just plucking the tree’s gorgeously affable

leaves; but  by doing so you’re infact torturously

plucking the unparalleled divine sensitivity; of

spellbindingly undefeated Mother Nature,


You’re not just indenting the tree’s poignantly

gregarious trunk; but by doing so  you’re infact

sadistically indenting the unassailably jubilant

chastity of unbelievably proliferating Mother Nature,


You’re not just abusing the tree’s incongruously

uninhibited contours; but by doing so you’re infact

outrageously abusing the pricelessly unabashed swirl

of peerlessly undefeated Mother Nature,


You’re not just defecating on the tree’s innocuously

protruding and sprawled roots; but by doing so you’re

infact sacrilegiously defecating on the unshakably

redolent embodiments of wondrously enthralling Mother Nature,


You’re not just chopping the tree’s merrily swaying

tendrils; but by doing so you’re infact deliriously

chopping the perennially fructifying innocence of

gloriously Omnipotent Mother Nature,


You’re not just trimming the tree’s ecstatically

liberated outgrowths; but by doing so you’re infact

unnecessarily trimming the beautifully venerated womb

of victoriously blessing Mother Nature,


You’re not just kicking the tree’s bountifully

untainted stem; but by doing so you’re infact

ruthlessly kicking the sacredly spawning bosom of

brilliantly unfettered Mother Nature,


You’re not just peeling the tree’s rustically majestic

corrugations; but by doing so you’re infact

pervertedly peeling the invincibly silken skin of

effulgently burgeoning Mother Nature,


You’re not just burning the tree’s unflinchingly

valiant wood; but by doing so you’re infact insanely

burning the fearlessly formidable strength of

ebulliently cavorting Mother Nature,


You’re not just victimizing the tree’s indisputably

royal foliage; but by doing so you’re infact

truculently victimizing the insuperably unbridled

sensuality of ubiquitously ever-pervading Mother Nature,


You’re not just disorienting the tree’s ardently

boisterous nests; but by doing so you’re infact

hedonistically disorienting the eclectically

fascinating solar plexus of royally everlasting Mother Nature,


You’re not just ridiculing the tree’s endlessly

inscrutable labyrinth of hollows; but by doing so

you’re infact nefariously ridiculing the unfathomably

enigmatic belly of stupendously ameliorating Mother Nature,


You’re not just jailing the tree’s effervescently

nubile body with an unceasing jugglery of devilishly

stabbing electric wire; but by doing so you’re infact

unforgivably jailing the infallibly supreme identity

of impeccably Omnipresent Mother Nature,


You’re not just nailing the tree’s immortally fragrant

heart; but by doing so you’re infact diabolically

nailing the celestially undaunted fabric of

ecstatically frolicking Mother Nature,


You’re not just dumping the tree’s philanthropically

unimpeachable cradle with your fetid garbage can

trash; but by doing so you’re infact reproachfully

dumping the mellifluously humming mouth of exuberantly

evolving Mother Nature,


You’re not just bombarding the tree’s timelessly

gargantuan splendor; but by doing so you’re infact

baselessly bombarding the perennially beautiful

virility of unlimitedly stupefying Mother Nature,


You’re not just spitting upon the tree’s resplendently

beaming face; but by doing so you’re infact

unpardonably spitting on the impregnably spotless

heavenliness of vivaciously magical Mother Nature,


You’re not just uprooting the tree from its very

eternally compassionate soil; but by doing so you’re

infact sinfully uprooting the quintessentially blessed

existence of benevolently healing Mother Nature,


So always remember O! salaciously greedy man; that the

next time you  wretchedly pulverize; abuse; trade and

victimize Mother Nature; you’ll be infact demonically

asphyxiating your very own Omniscient mother to the

most ghastly death; as your’s and everyone else’s

mother was first and foremost born out of the womb of

Mother Nature; was first and foremost the child of

unconquerable Mother Nature Divine.