If You Cut a Tree; You Cut Your Own Mother – Poems on Environment , Wildlife , Mother Nature , Global Warming by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Normally when I started back for home; I commenced my

journey languidly eating pop-corn; aimlessly kicking

small stones that came in my way,

While today I tripped each time I raised my foot;

relinquished all capacity to sight objects even a foot



Normally when I started back for home; I hummed

melodious tunes; smiling flirtatiously at every girl I

encountered on the way,

While today I looked at my watch a million times;

grunted in exasperation as I couldn’t bear to see the

disdainful blotches of slush adhering all across my

immaculate shirt.


Normally when I started back for home; I winked

mischievously at the sun; took marathon minutes in

idling my scooter to full gear,

While today I trembled in the icy winds; felt utterly

miserable as my feather weight shoes; felt as heavy as

heavy ships floating on the sea.


Normally when I started back for home; I waved goodbye

to all my colleagues; wishing them a blissful and

tranquil sleep,

While today as I stepped out in the ominous dark; I

closed my ears in alarm; to shun the chaotic

pandemonium of horns and blaring traffic.


Normally when I started back for home; I phoned my

wife on the mobile; romancing dreamily for long

minutes about our experiences of the past;

While today I emptied my pants of all contraptions and

my wallet; scampered for safety like a rabbit for

under gigantic branches of the tree.


Normally when I started for home; my mind wandered

rampantly; envisaging all the delectable delicacies

which I would consume for supper in the night,

While today the food in my stomach churned in nervous

energy; almost strangulating my senses as it tried to

puke out from my mouth.


Normally when I started for home; I always made it a

rule to halt my vehicle at signals; thereby letting

others pass peacefully before I proceeded further,

While today my foot refrained to leave the

accelerator; as I sky rocketed cursing the skies; at

electric speeds towards my dwelling.


Normally when I started for home; I stopped

frequently in the way to munch sandwiches; smoked a

cigarette or two in the crowded shopping square,

While today my sole focus was to wade myself

dexterously through the rivers overflowing; protecting

my cherished checkbook from getting soiled.


Normally when I started for home; I spent good amount

of time choosing my favorite pen; for signing the

company guestbook,

While today I virtually dropped all what I was

carrying; dragged my weight outside like a charged

volcano; running at full speed and at the same time

yelling at the top of my breath.


And Normally when I started for home; the skies were

crystal clear; with the Sun god about to set

splendidly into the horizon; the birds chirping

boisterously to announce the onset of cool night,

While today the reason for my behaving insane; was

that there were streaks of white lightening in the

sky; with thunderbolts of rain pelting in uncouth fury

all over.